Ivanka, who has been a model, can also be regarded as a person in the fashion circle, and Simon, as a person in the entertainment circle, of course, has some common topics, and the two are of similar age, so they sat on the sofa and chatted together.

"This is the first time to participate in this kind of chamber of commerce?" Ivanka asked with a characteristic nature.

Simon nodded, looked at Nancy Davis on the other side, and said with a smile, "Nancy hopes that I can attend this kind of business reception more often, and there will be no less dealings in the future."

"Yes, bankers, entrepreneurs, investors, brokers, they all need to be taken care of anyway," Ivanka said, not surprised by this kind of activity.

At this point, Jared Kushner walked up to Ivanka, "Ivanka, it's nice to see you again!"

"Hello, Jared," Ivanka responded generously, and then said again, "I'll introduce you, this is..."

"Oh, Simon Parker, not only on the cover of financial magazines, our "New York Observer" also made his album, the young boss of Xinghai Pictures," Jared Kushner smiled and shook hands with Simon.

Simon also responded, Jared Kushner and Ivanka, these two!

"Jared and I met at a real estate party before, and Simon and I met at a charity party over there in Miami," Ivanka said with a smile.

Simon smiled, thinking that the two had already begun to fall in love, but it turned out that they had only met once, and he planned to walk away and leave time for them!

"By the way, congratulations on this property becoming the property of the Kushner Group," Simon pointed to the floor and smiled.

"Thank you, I'm just optimistic about the real estate market. We do real estate, but you can't make movies without Simon," Jared Kushner said.

Simon shook his head and said: "How can it be the same, the risk of movies is much more than real estate investment!"

"Simon, do you have any interest in real estate? The Kushner Group can give you a good recommendation!" Jared Kushner used the Jewish business experience, and business is everywhere.

"Oh, Simon is interested in some private equity funds, especially venture capital funds," Ivanka laughed.

"Right, Simon?"

"It's okay, if there is extra money, it will enter the real estate industry. We Hollywood is a big real estate owner!" Simon said with a smile, when it comes to buying a house, stars have never lost anyone.

"By the way, Simon, what do you think of the traditional media industry now, the sales of print newspapers are declining, and online news seems to be hit hard," Jared Kushner said.

Well, this guy still wants to run the "New York Observer" well? A weekly newspaper with a circulation of less than 50,000 copies.

"There must be an impact. Now young people are more interested in reading on the Internet. Of course, the print media will not disappear. There will definitely be an impact. It depends on how to transform. Traditional journalists also need to keep pace with the times. News Corporation is now What about buying the Dow Jones Group, which owns The Wall Street Journal, some long-established newspapers still have a lot of loyal readers,” Simon himself likes online news.

"Indeed, I also ask The New York Observer to start a transformation!"

Simon smiled. This transformation is to fire a group of editors who are not suitable for Internet news. Jews have always been merciless in this regard.

"Okay, Simon, why don't you talk about Hollywood, I'm a little interested!" Ivanka suddenly interrupted.

"Well," Simon glanced at her, Ivanka seemed to have had a boyfriend with a Hollywood producer before.

"By the way, Simon, do you know what happened to Hollywood actor Mel Gibson now?" Jared Kushner also suddenly asked.

"Mel Gibson, I don't have much cooperation with him, I don't know very well," Simon murmured inwardly. Mel Gibson was killed by all of you Jews. The media and financial circles targeted him. Last year, he directed the movie "Apocalypse". " was released at the end of the year, and he did not participate.

"He really shouldn't have said that about us Jews," Jared Kushner, a traditional Jewish family, spared no effort to boycott Mel Gibson.

Simon can't deny that the Jews are so powerful!

"By the way, Simon, I am very familiar with New York. How about I take you for a walk in the evening?" Ivanka suggested.

"I'm fine, Simon, are you okay?" Jared Kushner said.

Simon said helplessly: "No, I still have something to do at night, you can go!" Simon has to talk to Nancy Davis about things well, how can there be leisure time to spend time with these rich second generation.

"That's a pity, I hope I'll date you next time!" Ivanka said and shrugged, as if she was very sorry.

Watching the two leave, Simon smiled. This guy is obviously pursuing Ivanka. If there is no accident, he will get married in two years. Will there be an accident?

"Hi, Simon!" Wall Street investment tycoon Carl Icahn came over.

"Mr. Icahn, good afternoon!" Simon shook hands with him. Carl Icahn's sniping at Time Warner last year really made him a lot.

"Simon, you seem to be very optimistic about the Marvel company. You spun off ToyBiz and privatized Marvel. Your loss is not small." Carl Icahn has a kind face, but a wolf heart.

"In this way, the company can run according to my plan, otherwise I will spend time arguing with the board of directors," Simon smiled, he is not a speculator, but he has to run the company well.

"Xinghai Entertainment never thought about

Continue to expand, with Simon at the helm, I believe there will be a good rate of return," Carl Icahn laughed.

"Why, Mr. Icahn is also interested in this small company of mine?" Simon smiled and took a sip of a glass of wine.

"As long as it's a profitable investment, I'm interested. Other investors like to develop film funds, but I like to invest in film companies directly, which can be considered an investment in people. How about it, Simon?" Carl Icahn said to Xinghai Entertainment's film development capabilities are very confident, but the scale is too small, and it does not have its own distribution capabilities.

"If Mr. Icahn's fund is really interested, it can develop a platter investment project, and Xinghai Pictures can directly expand the scale of the project," Simon responded, then come to invest in movies, and then there will be a distribution network After that, the movie also needs to be fleshed out.

"Hahaha, platter investment, Simon, you are too slick, you don't even have a distribution network, you want external funds to improve your own distribution system for you in the future!"

"Hey!" Simon also laughed.

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