Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 12 Journey to Diagon Alley

"Welcome to Diagon Alley, where you can buy everything you need for school. But before that, you need to go to Gringotts to exchange some money." Professor McGonagall said to them with a smile, "Okay, okay. , we have to hurry up."

After Professor McGonagall finished speaking, she led them forward.

"There are three types of coins in the magic world: gold Galleons, silver Sickles, and copper Nats. Their exchange ratio is one Galleons is equal to seventeen Sickles, and one Sickle is equal to twenty-nine Nats. How about, It’s easy to remember.”

Professor McGonagall taught them science as they walked.

Mr. Granger was still observing the strange shops on both sides of the street. After hearing Professor McGonagall's words, he couldn't help but said: "Professor, I don't mean to offend, but don't you think this conversion ratio is very strange?"

"Mr. Granger, I know that your Muggles use ten or multiples of ten to convert. In fact, we don't find this conversion troublesome. Instead, we find Muggles' conversion to be very convoluted."

"Uh, okay, sorry, Professor." Mr. Granger thought for a moment and thought that this was caused by cultural differences, so he quickly apologized.

Professor McGonagall smiled and nodded, then continued walking forward.

"Gringotts is controlled by the goblins, which is equivalent to a bank for Muggles. These goblins were defeated in the previous war, but in order to appease them, they were asked to mint gold coins for the wizards." Professor McGonagall said leisurely Nothing happened, so he continued.

"Aren't you afraid that one day the goblins will rebel again? After all, they control the economic lifeline." Mr. Granger whispered again.

However, Professor McGonagall was very powerful and still heard it.

"Mr. Granger, goblins don't rebel."

"That's impossible to say."

"Dad!" "Husband!" Hermione and Mrs. Granger expressed their dissatisfaction with Mr. Granger at the same time.

"I really hope that the goblins will rebel." Rean added nonchalantly.

Mr. Granger was surprised. He and Professor McGonagall looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"My family still lacks a few loyal house elves. Maybe they are a good choice. This is also the sentiment of many wizards."

Lean knew very well what the last goblin rebellion was about. There were not only magic books in the Death Eater stronghold, but also many secrets.

The last goblin rebellion was more of a bloody feast than a goblin rebellion.

In order to replenish the number of house elves in their family, the upper class wizards pushed for the outbreak of the war. Countless elves were plundered during the war.

Eventually, the goblins realized something was wrong. In order to cover up the real reason for the outbreak of the war and appease the goblins, the upper-level wizards gave the power of minting to the goblins.

"What is a house elf?" Hermione asked curiously.

"You will know later, let's go to Gringotts now." Professor McGonagall knew that it was impossible for a young wizard from Muggles to accept the existence of this kind of slavery, so he changed the subject.

Naturally, Ryan would not look down on Professor McGonagall and followed Professor McGonagall with a smile.

The Grangers looked at each other and followed Professor McGonagall.

But Mr. Granger's joyful mood when he first entered the magical world quickly cooled down. He realized that the magical world was not a fairy tale world.

He began to wonder if sending his daughter into this unknown world was the right thing to do.

However, this kid seems to know a lot of things and may be able to tell some stories. Mr. Granger couldn't help but look at Lean's back.

It didn't matter. He suddenly discovered that the suit on Li En's body was also handmade and was quite valuable. But Mr. Granger did not see in him any trace of an aristocratic education.

It's really strange. Whose child is this? Could it be the illegitimate child of someone else? Mr. Granger couldn't help but think.

Little did Lean know that Mr. Granger was becoming curious about his identity, and he was now being attacked by Hermione's chatterbox.

"How do you know about house elves? Is anyone in your family a wizard?"

"Can you do magic? I mean...my parents are ordinary people who don't know magic."

"By the way, where are your parents? Why aren't they here today?"

Hearing this, Professor McGonagall felt a sudden change in her heart. She said how she always felt like she had forgotten something, and it turned out to be this.

Hogwarts will provide a scholarship fund for poor families or orphans to complete their studies, but Professor McGonagall has not informed Rean about this money at this time.

In other words, she would have to mention it in front of the Grangers later.

Will this child have a sense of inferiority? Merlin, how could I make such a mistake? Professor McGonagall kept blaming herself and thinking about solutions.

"Died, four years ago."

"What?" Hermione asked in disbelief, her eyes widening.

"My parents died four years ago, killed in a gang fight." Lean said calmly.

But it was this calm tone that shocked everyone, including Professor McGonagall, who turned to look at him.

"Hug...I'm sorry, I...I'm not...I'm sorry..." Hermione reacted first. She blushed and apologized continuously, and even some tears appeared in the corners of her eyes.

The little girl burst into tears.

"Don't worry so much. Maybe you don't know that there is a resurrection stone in the magic world." Rean once again dropped a big bomb in a calm tone.

Hermione opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

The Grangers were also shocked. After all, it was a resurrection stone. As soon as they heard the name, they knew it could resurrect people.

"Mr. Zell, I have to remind you that the Resurrection Stone is just a legend in the magical world." Professor McGonagall turned around and said.

Rean smiled and nodded to show that he understood.

"Okay, we're here. This is Gringotts." Professor McGonagall led everyone to a stop in front of a tall white house.

The short and ugly goblin standing at the door ran over with short legs and said in his high-pitched voice: "Dear Professor McGonagall, Gringotts welcomes you. Of course, and you, if you If you bring gold instead of Muggle currency."

Mr. Granger couldn't help but frown. He could feel the malice coming from the wizarding world more and more now.

Mrs. Granger also squeezed her husband's arm, and Mr. Granger patted her hand on his arm, indicating that he would take care of it.

"That's enough, this is the newly admitted little wizard, please get out of the way." Professor McGonagall couldn't help but become a little more stern, and the majesty accumulated through years of teaching was instantly revealed.

"Okay, okay, please come in." The goblin trembled and moved away, making a gesture to invite in.

Professor McGonagall snorted coldly and walked in first.

Lean followed, followed by the Grangers.

"Excuse me, we need to exchange currency here." Professor McGonagall walked to the innermost counter and knocked on the table.

The goblin raised his wrinkled face, looked at Lean and Hermione, and said slowly: "Oh, okay, it's time for the little wizard to enter school again."

As he spoke, he took out one of the account books from the pile next to him and said while flipping through it: "The current exchange rate is five pounds to one galleons. Each little wizard can only exchange for a maximum of 200 coins a year."

After turning it to the correct position, the goblin picked up the quill and dipped it in the ink bottle, and said, "Who comes first? By the way, you also need to bring your admission notice to me."

Hermione looked at Lean, who took a half step back, meaning you should go first.

"This is my admission notice." Hermione took out a neatly folded piece of letter paper from her pocket, unfolded it and placed it on the counter.

The goblin pinched it with his long and thick fingers, looked at it, and put it down again.

"Miss Granger, how much do you want to exchange?" the goblin asked.

"Two hundred Galleons," Mr. Granger said, then took out ten one-hundred-pound coins from his wallet and placed them on the counter.

"Okay, okay, two hundred galleons." The goblin pointed out two hundred galleons and weighed it on the scale. After the number was good, he casually threw the pound into the box behind him.

"Please be careful, I will not be responsible for leaving the cabinet." The goblin put two hundred Galleons into a pocket and handed it to Mr. Granger.

"What about you? Little sir." After completing Hermione's formalities, the goblin turned to ask Lien again.

"This child needs to take care of his student loan. This is Hogwarts' instructions."

With that said, Professor McGonagall took out a piece of paper and was about to put it on the counter, but was stopped by Ryan.

"Zel, this is not the time to be strong, and this is not given to you, but will need to be repaid in the future." Professor McGonagall said, thinking that Rean did not accept the funds out of his own pride.

"Professor McGonagall, I have my own money." As he said that, he threw the seamless stretch bag on his waist on the counter.

"Mr. Goblin, is there an exchange limit for gold and gems?" Rean always had a smile on his face.

"Of course not!" After hearing Lien's words, the goblin became slightly interested.

He picked up the bag on the counter, weighed it, then turned the bag over to pour out the contents.

This pocket is not big, and the goblin did not consider the factor of the seamless stretch bag, because just now Professor McGonagall wanted to apply for a student loan for the little wizard.

But the reality was beyond everyone's expectation. A lot of gold and gems fell out of his pocket, covering the entire counter.

Fortunately, the goblin reacted quickly, otherwise some of it would have fallen to the ground.

"Oh, look at this little cutie." The goblin picked up a golden bead and said, "By the way, my name is Kebi. Hello, what is your name?"

Kebi immediately changed his face after seeing Lien's money.

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