Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 10 Admission Notice and Conversation

On July 15, Lean came to the mailbox again to check. Fortunately, this time a letter appeared in the mailbox.

Lien smiled, he had the qualifications to enter the magic world of this world.

Although he knew the location of the Leaky Cauldron, in order to avoid being discovered, Lean had never contacted the magical world. Now he had a perfect excuse.

Lean picked up the letter and it read on the cover:

"In the woods off Clear Street

Death Eater's Stronghold

Mr. Ryan Zell"

Li En's pupils shrank and he was horrified. He didn't expect that his residence would be discovered so easily.


An owl that was brown in color and slightly spotted landed on Lean's mailbox and looked at Lean with his head tilted.

Lean didn't see the owl at all. He was still immersed in the shock of the admission notice.

However, Lien quickly adjusted his mentality. He is confident in his current strength. Even if you can't beat it, there's still no problem if you want to leave.

And his home is no longer the simple Death Eater stronghold before, but has become a real fortress.

The owl got a little impatient and scratched the letter in Lien's hand with its sharp claws.

Reen noticed the movement and raised his head to look at it.

"Are you waiting for my reply?" Lien asked uncertainly.

The owl nodded.

"But I haven't opened it yet, why don't you wait first?"

This time the owl hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded.

After all, there is nothing I can do about it. It was the little wizard who asked me to wait. I can't just leave the little wizard alone. Everything is for work.

The owl comforted himself like this, and then followed Lien into the room.

Rean put the owl on the shelf where he usually hangs clothes, and then poured some nuts on the small stool nearby - which he usually used for entertainment.

After Lien poured some water for the owl, he took the letter to the study.

After sitting at the desk, Lean opened the letter. There were two pieces of paper inside. The first piece of paper said:

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(President of the International Federation of Magic, President of the Wizards Association, and first-level magician of the Order of Merlin)

Dear Mr. Zell:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Attached is a list of required books and equipment.

The semester is scheduled to begin on September 1st. We will be waiting for your owl to bring your reply before July 31st.

In addition, since you are a Muggle-born wizard, we will send a professor to explain the situation and lead you into the wizarding world.

Vice Principal (Female)

Sincerely, Minerva McGonagall"

The second piece of paper is a list of books and equipment needed for school.

Lean moved his eyes to the admission notice, and he noticed that it had one more line of text than the one he remembered.

But this should be the case. It is simply impossible for parents to send their children to a magic school that they have never heard of just based on an unknown admission notice.

If any parents really did this, then they would probably have given up on this child.

Taking out a pen and paper from the drawer next to the desk, Rean wrote a letter with extremely beautiful cursive handwriting and handed it to the owl.

In addition to learning magic, Lien was also interested in all other knowledge. And because of his gift of photographic memory, Lien learned knowledge very quickly, and of course, he mastered it very quickly.

After the owl received the letter, it spread its wings and flew away.

Lean quickly stopped it.

The current ban on Lien's cabin is fully open. If he really flew out so carelessly, he would probably turn into a pile of coke before he got outside.

The owl was a little dissatisfied with Lean stopping him, and kept calling "Cuckoo".

Lean glanced at it, and it glanced at Lean.

Seeing that the owl didn't believe him, Lien took a pine wood for the fireplace and threw it out. In an instant, the pine wood was flooded, roasted by fire, struck by lightning, blown by wind, illuminated, torn, smashed, and destroyed. It became nothingness.

The owl watched all this happening with wide eyes, and the letter in its mouth fell to the ground because it was too surprised.

"Mr. Owl, I think a good postman will not lose his letters, right?" Lean picked up the letter with a smile, returned it to the owl, and then said slowly.

The owl quickly took the letter from Lien's hand, and then nodded crazily like pounding garlic.

As soon as Lean brought it outside the tree hole, it couldn't wait to fly away.

This place is too dangerous for a little owl. The owl who delivered the message thought so.

Lean watched as its back slowly turned into a small black dot until it was no longer visible.

"A magical creature with great intelligence and a keen intuition about poisons."

One-third of the nuts that Lean poured to the owl just now were spiked with something.

Although not fatal, it can make the owl's life miserable for a while.

However, the result was beyond Lean's expectation. The owl ate only one third of the nuts, which happened to be the poisonous third.

"This is really interesting." Rean muttered, turned and returned to his room.

Because of the interruption from the admission notice, he needed to hurry up to complete today's plan.

The next day, July 16, Lean once again found a reply letter from Hogwarts in his mailbox.

"Dear Mr. Zell:

Welcome to join the Hogwarts family. This is a very wise choice. I will visit at 9 am on the 17th.

Sincerely, Minerva McGonagall"

After Lien read the letter, he ignored it and continued his daily life.

At the same time, the headmaster of Hogwarts was in the room.

"Albus, why do you want me to pay attention to that new little wizard? To be honest, I don't think a new little wizard can have much ability."

Professor McGonagall was wearing green robes and sitting opposite Dumbledore.

"Minerva, address, did you notice the address?" Dumbledore raised his head, his half-moon eyes reflected light, making his eyes unclear.

"What address? Is there anything wrong with the address? The owl delivered the letter and came back with a reply."

"Minerva, I know it's wrong to ask you to work overtime during the summer vacation, but you should at least pay more attention to the new little wizards..."

"For example, where do they live?" Before Dumbledore could finish speaking, Professor McGonagall answered the question directly.

"Yes, you can take a look at this." Dumbledore took out a letter from the table and handed it to Professor McGonagall.

"An admission notice? I remember that all the admission notices for this year have been sent out, oh, by the way, except for that one."

"Yes, yes, but please let us focus on what is at hand. This is an acceptance letter that I re-made using the registration book. You can look at its envelope."

Professor McGonagall's face was full of doubts, but she still lowered her head and read out in a low voice: "In the forest outside Clear Street, the Death Eater stronghold is under the control of Mr. Ryan Zell. It seems to be nothing..."

"Wait! The Death Eater's stronghold?" Professor McGonagall's voice suddenly became louder.

The portraits behind Dumbledore were awakened, but instead of cursing, they began to discuss the explosive news.

"But...but weren't all the Death Eaters captured ten years ago?" Professor McGonagall was obviously unwilling to believe that a newly enrolled young wizard was an evil Death Eater.

"Minerva, you and I both know that the mysterious man is not dead. But this child should not be a Death Eater. It's simple. His parents are both Muggles."

The reason is simple and ridiculous, but it is definitely the most convincing.

"Yes, this child is not a Death Eater, but how could he..."

"Maybe it's an accident, maybe it's inevitable, this is fate. Minerva, pay more attention to that child tomorrow. We can't let the second Voldemort appear again."

"I understand, Albus. By the way, what do you think about Harry's enrollment?" Professor McGonagall took Rean's matter to heart, and then became concerned about the Savior's enrollment again.

"Albus, do you know how hateful those two Muggles are? They locked Harry in the stairwell and kept bullying and insulting him. He is the hero of the entire wizarding world and shouldn't be like this!" Professor Ge became excited as he spoke.

"Calm down, Minerva. This thing is my fault. I didn't expect it to be like this. By the way, would you like some cockroaches? It smells very good."

As he spoke, Dumbledore took out a glass jar filled with cockroaches from the drawer, opened it, took out a few from inside and handed them to Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall glanced at him with disgust and said, "Thank you, I'm not interested in this. Now I really want to know if these two Muggles keep delaying, Harry will miss the enrollment date."

"The pile of cockroaches is a great delicacy. It's a pity that Minerva you missed this opportunity to taste the delicious food. If those two Muggles dare to interfere with Harry, I will ask Hagrid to go there."

There was a hint of darkness in the blue eyes, but it was well hidden and Professor McGonagall didn't notice it.

After sitting for a while, Professor McGonagall stood up and left.

Dumbledore sat behind the desk, not knowing what he was thinking, and murmured: "Petunia Dursley, Vernon Dursley, Dudley Dursley, can family love really be so twisted? ?Ariana, Ariana...”

The principal's portraits seemed to have noticed something was wrong with Dumbledore, and they all lowered their voices and began to whisper.

Fox seemed to realize that his master was wrong, and he quickly sang a song.

The song of the phoenix quickly brought Dumbledore out of his memories. He wiped the tears from his eyes and said to Fawkes, "Thank you, Fawkes, I will bring you your favorite candy next time."

Fox shouted twice happily.

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