Hogwarts Melon Eater

Chapter 84: castle, hat, sorting ceremony

The boat sailed past the ivy vine curtain and slowly moved along a waterway leading to the castle. There were torches hanging on both sides of the stone walls in the waterway. The air was filled with dampness, and a long-standing underground port could be vaguely seen not far away. , and several empty ships floating around.

When they got to the shore, the little wizards got off the boat one after another and surrounded Hagrid. Fred nudged George with his elbow and pointed to a boulder, "I think there's an elevator hidden behind that boulder."

George looked at the stone and stood on the edge of the stone ladder very commonly, "It's possible, we won't let us climb the ladder hungry, right?"

"Cough," Anna coughed twice, "how do I remember that all the electronic devices around Hogwarts would fail?"

"Then..." George still had a fluke, "Maybe it will let us fly straight up! Climbing a ladder is too unmagic, right?"

Hagrid had a strange look on his face after inspecting the ship. He obviously found the unusual ship, but he quickly put it behind him, "Little wizards, come this way!"

Seeing him stepping up the stairs, everyone could only hurriedly follow.

"Huh... Anna, do you think there will be... gym class at Hogwarts?" Fred felt that he hadn't exercised for too long.

"Probably not... but I think... huh... You can make suggestions with the principal..." Anna put her arms on her hips and struggled to follow Haig's footsteps. He was relaxed, and he walked over the stairs with his long legs.

"Li, you seem... quite capable... Huh..." George tugged at Lee Jordan's shoulder, "Do you exercise regularly?"

"Oh, I've always been helping in my aunt's store," Lee Jordan patted his arm, "helping with moving boxes or something."

"Finally—" Fred let out a sigh of relief, stepped on the damp grass, and looked around, "This place looks familiar..."

The huge oak gate stood in front of the little wizards. They were exhausted by now. After counting the number of people, Hagrid nodded in satisfaction.

He walked to the door and knocked on the wooden door with a fist as big as the lid of the trash can, "Dong dong dong!"

"Squeak--" The wooden door opened as quickly as the thunder could hide, making a close contact with Hagrid's nose, "Whoops!" Hagrid called.

A tall female wizard stood in the doorway, wearing a dark green robe decorated with strange patterns, looking extremely serious, her hair was neatly combed, and every black hair seemed to exude \'I'm not easy to mess with\'. breath.

"It's...Professor Naige..." Hagrid covered his nose and spoke loudly, "The first-year freshmen...we're all here!"

"Hagrid..." Professor McGonagall took out her wand and tapped Hagrid's nose, a little helpless, "I remember reminding you to stay away from the door after knocking. The door opens outwards."

"Oh thank you!" Hagrid found that his nose had returned to normal, and he quickly stepped aside to avoid being hurt by the door again.

Professor McGonagall pushed the door completely open, "I'll take them in next, thank you Hagrid."

"Come here, little wizards," Professor McGonagall gestured for the children to follow in her footsteps, "I have to explain some things clearly."

"Okay, Professor Nagge," the twins replied, imitating Hagrid's voice.

"It's Professor McGonagall," Professor McGonagall raised her eyelids and corrected her in a good-natured manner. She paused for a while, and suddenly realized that the two of them were so familiar, and then glanced at Anna standing beside the twins without a trace.

\'Terrorist\' Anna was looking at the auditorium on the side of the main hall with great interest at this time. It was as noisy as hundreds of sparrows were having a meeting.

Professor McGonagall led the little wizards to a small empty room, "Cough," she coughed and looked at Anna again, but quickly looked away, "Quiet—"

The nervous little wizards were too quiet to breathe.

"First of all, welcome everyone to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

Professor McGonagall raised her voice, "The opening dinner is about to start, but before that, you will be assigned to your respective colleges..."

"Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin, each has its own unique characteristics, and has cultivated powerful wizards..."

"I think you should have noticed the hourglass by the door - during Hogwarts, good performance will give you points for the house, otherwise you will lose points... The points will be reflected in the number of gems in the hourglass," Professor McGonagall paused, "At the end of the year, the college with the highest score will win the College Cup..."

"It's a very meaningful honor, and I hope you can all win glory for your academy."

"Then next..." Professor McGonagall took a look at everyone's attire. Yes, this year's little wizards managed to keep themselves well-organized, "Come with me - line up!"

Lee Jordan swallowed hard. He walked behind the twins and quietly pulled Fred's robe, "Seriously, we have to remember teamwork..."

Professor McGonagall just heard it and glanced at him curiously. What kind of teamwork does it take to wear a hat?

A group of people came to the auditorium. The moment they entered the door, they were greeted by thousands of candles floating in the air. It looked magnificent and atmospheric. Four long tables filled the auditorium.

On the far left is the Gryffindor table, and they were watching the group of freshmen curiously.

Hufflepuff's table was next to Gryffindor, and Anna could see Nymphadora and Shirley greeting them.

Ravenclaw's table is a dark blue patterned tablecloth, and several old students tried to heat the tableware on the table with candles, and were then startled by the scurrying ghosts.

On the far right is the Slytherin table, which is the farthest away from Gryffindor. From the position, you can vaguely feel the tension between the two academies.

Slantlin's long table has a black bottom and green snake-like decorations. The little snakes are sitting in groups of three and two, watching the new students silently.

The four long tables closest to the edge of the table were all vacant, and it seemed that they were reserved for freshmen. On the stage was another long table, Dumbledore sat in the middle, and the teachers sat on both sides of him.

The white-bearded old man had a kind smile on his face.

Professor McGonagall led the little wizards to the front of the stage, and only then did Anna see clearly that in the center of the stage stood a small chair with beast feet with a 'not so clean' hat on it.

"What's this for? Let's sit there for half an hour and get this hat clean?" George guessed that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ half an hour would be quite hanging," Fred touched his chin, "the stain on it. It looks old, maybe older than you. "

Maybe these two brothers were the only ones who still took the time to observe the old grime on the Sorting Hat. Anna glanced at Lee Jordan, the young man was so nervous that he was speechless under the eager gaze of the old man.

Everyone's attention was focused on the Sorting Hat. This 'unpretentious' pointed hat twisted and opened a hole happily.

Anna could even see the thread ends and the rags exposed at the opening.

"Through the forest, across the black lake, you walk lightly, you stagger forward..."

The Sorting Hat sang in the hat's own voice, "...you come here...maybe you don't think I'm beautiful, that's because I have to hide myself, and when you know what I have, don't tell me Obsessed with…”

"I can see the real you..."

"Gryffindor, never lacking courage, clever and clever... Hufflepuffs, upright and brilliant, kindness that fills their actions with love... Ravenclaw, learning above all, always full of exploratory spirit Angry... Slytherin, everyone there is talented and speaks nicely..."

"Put me on your head, don't be frightened or frightened!" The Sorting Hat bowed to the crowd, and soon remained motionless, like an ordinary old hat.

There were eager cheers from the audience, and there was even the sound of a rogue whistle from the table on the far left.

"By the way, please don't think about being too rude," the Sorting Hat added, "especially \'this hat is so dirty\' - I'd be very sad then!"

Anna touched her hair that she washed last night, and her mind was full of \'this hat is really not clean\'.

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