He is the Holy Son of the Holy See, but a master of black magic.

Chapter 95 Ignore the heartbeat and enter the venue

Indeed, the bandage man Lawson Hall had already retreated after not being excited for long.

It's not that the aura of the treasure isn't charming, or that he doesn't have greed in his heart.

But after calming down from the excitement, he suddenly realized something.

The Dark Forest belongs to St. Marian College.

Even if you find that treasure and dig it out, it doesn't belong to you.

Of course, as a senior explorer, he has done similar things in the past, digging for wealth in places that do not belong to him.

But others can dig it secretly. He, who has a family and has already appeared in the academy, is not qualified.

Unless he takes his family and pretends to evacuate the academy now, and then runs back in private.

But in this case, it would be impossible to "support Andy"...

On the one hand, they are secretly digging for treasures, but they don’t know how much they can dig out and how much they can take away. They are not even sure what the treasure is about and whether it is dangerous.

On the other side, they are safe and sound, following the original plan to maintain the non-existent family ties.

I struggled all night.

Early the next morning, Mr. Hall, who had gotten rid of the ridiculous bandage, said to his wife:

"After the teacher came, I pulled him to show off to the dean and support Andy, and then we went home."

"Aren't you going to dig for treasure anymore?"

The wife was surprised by this, "Weren't you very excited yesterday?"

"We'll think about it after this is done."

Mr. Hall said: "It is safer to go with the teacher."

This is unlikely.

Because according to his prediction, after the treasure appears, there will not be much time left for private explorers like him to dig for it.

When the academy and even the church react, they will definitely seal off the dark forest and prevent outsiders from approaching.

Therefore, if you miss this opportunity, you will miss it.

"It doesn't matter. I think this matter is very problematic. Even if the teacher comes, he may not be admitted."

Saying this, Mr. Hall felt very sour inside.

The explorer's ability allows him to identify what's in the treasure.

That's a lot of stuff worth hundreds of times his family's wealth...

The opportunity to get rich is just around the corner. Even if it feels wrong, who would resist trying to dig into it?

If you can't dig it out, you will naturally feel regretful.

However, what happened in the next few days made Mr. Hall's emotions dissipate.

Because the news of the treasure spreads quickly under the control of thoughtful people, more and more people come to dig for the treasure!

The origins of these people are varied.

Some are ordinary residents nearby, while others are the personnel of some secret extraordinary forces.

Official agencies couldn't help but dispatch teams, and members of the Evangelical Church gathered from all directions.

Because compared to other people, church people are more legalistic about the possession of treasures in the forest, and they feel that they cannot be snatched away by others.

Although the Pope himself was not tempted, he even restrained his direct family members from participating in the matter.

But he didn't stop others in the church from rushing over.

The main thing is to wait and see what happens.

However, the situation changes quickly.

As time goes by, as the number of people pouring in continues to increase, more and more treasures are "discovered" and the locations of the treasures are explored.

Those direct descendants who were restrained by the Pope could not sit still.

On the surface, they did not dare to oppose the Pope's orders.

But in private, it is difficult to stop sending "private soldiers" into the forest to explore...

At the same time, as the true master of the forest, St. Marian College did not stop this.

On the one hand, because the news spread so quickly and so many people came, the college was caught off guard and could not stop it at all.

The academy, on the other hand, considers itself the master of the forest.

Those people can explore now, but when the treasure is actually dug out, they will not be able to cross the academy and steal it privately.

So, on the one hand, they were deliberately tempting, on the other hand, they could only indulge. There was a mixture of fish and dragons in the dark forest, and the situation became increasingly chaotic.

Although no one has actually fished out any treasures yet.

But in the face of those treasures buried deep underground and very tightly guarded, no one would think that there would be anything false in them.

Moreover, even the use of various extraordinary means to divine and predict did not reveal any trace of forgery.

So disputes inevitably occurred.

Fighting, killing, taking advantage of each other...

The place where the treasure was buried was dug out, but the protection of the treasure could not be immediately broken open. The stalemate naturally gave others the opportunity to fight for it.

And because in this forest, it is strangely impossible to use extraordinary power.

These conflicts became very bloody and violent.

Within a week, the number of dead had already reached thousands, and countless others were injured.

As time goes by, the number of casualties continues to rise rapidly.

Blood seeped into the land of the forest, and lives that should have been extremely prosperous died one after another in this dark land, including some famous treasure hunters.

Even in the local newspapers, there are more and more reports about the treasures in the dark forest.

"It's very unusual for the news to spread so quickly."

In St. Marian College, Mr. Hall, who was the first to discover the smell of treasure, was actually feeling lucky at this time.

"There must be someone behind the scenes to manipulate the treasure."

"Although I'm not sure of the purpose, I definitely have bad intentions."

As he spoke, he glanced out of the corner of his eye at Andy, who was frowning and reading a religious history book not far away.

As if to show off his foresight, he also spoke loudly on purpose.

"I was the first to discover this incident and reported it to the dean. I also specifically reminded me to be cautious when dealing with this matter."

"Now it seems that the situation is indeed..."

This place is not a private environment, but a rest room in the college. Sofas, tables and chairs are densely furnished, just like a restaurant.

What happened outside the forest has long become the hottest topic at St. Marian College.

Mr. Hall's words attracted the attention of the surrounding students, and all of them seemed very interested.

Unfortunately, as the person he most wanted to pay attention to, Andy never responded to it.

This made Mr. Hall a little discouraged.

His previous plan was to wait for his teacher to come and support Andy before leaving here.

But seeing that the church did not launch a blockade, his world-famous explorer teacher couldn't wait to rush into the forest, not even bothering to pay attention to such a trivial matter...

So after coming for several days, Mr. Hall, who had accomplished nothing except getting Andy's promise to help, could only stay here temporarily.

"The teacher didn't know what was going on. He knew something was wrong, but he didn't hesitate to get in..."

He sighed secretly, "Blinded by greed? He was not such a person before..."

When thinking this way, Mr. Hall didn't know that not to mention his teacher, even the Pope himself couldn't help but feel greedy at this time.

The pope had actually forgotten about the matter before.

But he couldn't stand the constant nagging in his ears.

The more that treasure is discovered, the more nagging people there will be.

So he couldn't help but pay attention to the situation in the dark forest.

And this attention made the Pope discover that things seemed... nothing more than that?

"There must be something inside here."

"I even smell greed."

When he made a decision in his mind, he said to his confidants: "But it doesn't matter. In the face of absolute power, conspiracy and tricks will only look ridiculous."

That's just the way it is.

Apart from the core secret that the treasure itself is false, everything on the surface will not have any impact on the Pope at all.

Even if the treasure is lost in the end, it will be in vain at best.

In this case, what is there to hesitate about?

So the situation changed in these few words.

With the entry of the Pope's forces, the chaos in the dark forest was quickly smoothed out.

In other words, all the idlers, under the threat of the Holy Legion, retreated actively or passively.

From this, Andy's "Tao" has been upgraded again.

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