While being talked about by a large number of strangers outside who had never seen him before, Andy was actually already inside the cathedral.

This was mainly because Father Matthew’s female assistant couldn’t wait to pick him up early in the morning before dawn.

the reason is simple.

The bishop wanted to see him.

The Royal Port of York is not the capital of the country. The highest leader of the Evangelical Church here is a bishop named Norman.

Today's assessment was also personally presided over by the bishop.

In addition, there will be some religious personnel in various important positions serving as "referees" and reviewers.

Therefore, as Father Matthew said, the so-called assessment is actually more like a competition.

The comparison is who is more appreciated and valued by the big shots.

"The Starry Temple, a sacred venue with a history of three hundred years."

The Norman bishop is a very kind-looking old man with a round face and white hair. He wears a bishop's robe and wears several ruby ​​rings on his fat fingers that symbolize authority.

He looked more like a rich man than a bishop.

But his attitude towards Andy is very good.

After meeting Andy, not only did he not make things difficult, but he was very enthusiastic and led him to watch the next "competition venue".

There was no hint that he and Father Matthew were ever in a competitive relationship.

"Originally, the Starry Temple was a place where the royal family conferred honors. Knights, nobles, meritorious soldiers, many heroes received the honors they deserved here."

"However, after the royal family abdicated, the church was transformed into a place for extraordinary reserve personnel to conduct their final assessment."

"Look over there, those beautiful chairs."

"They have a beautiful name, it's..."

In the quiet and leisurely church, the old bishop's kind voice continued to echo, unhurriedly.

Father Matthew followed slowly, his expression as normal, but he never spoke, not knowing what he was thinking.

Andy could tell that the relationship between the priest and the bishop was not good.

It can even be said to be poor.

However, compared to the private grudges between the two people, he was more interested in the building under his feet.

The temple named Stars is not a simple hall, but more like a gladiatorial arena.

On the periphery of the arena, there are auditoriums arranged layer by layer, from low to high.

The higher position is the second floor, which is protected by guardrails and has a better view.

And all eyes will converge on the core of the "Arena".

The core is not actually a playing field. There is not much space there, and it is basically occupied by some stone chairs.

Those stone chairs, with high backs and wide armrests, have unique shapes and are arranged neatly and orderly in a ring shape. They are all white and consistent with the overall architectural style of the church.

Overall, it's a beautiful place.

Classical, tranquil, and angel reliefs that can be seen everywhere bring a sacred atmosphere to this place.

Through Bishop Norman, Andy learned.

Next, he, and the other younger generations taking part in the assessment, will sit on those stone chairs to take part in the assessment.

The real venue for the assessment is actually not here.

But in the "illusion".

"You don't need to worry that your body won't be able to withstand the long-term test. After you go in, you will find that you have fully recovered."

Bishop Norman said softly: "Of course, unfortunately, that is not a real recovery, it is just a simulation of your best physical condition."

"Can you understand what I'm saying, kid?"

Why can't you understand?

I'm not a fool...

Andy muttered secretly, but on the surface he simply nodded.

The bishop smiled with satisfaction at this.

After talking about some more important points, he then ordered the waiter to take Andy to a side hall to rest and wait in preparation for the upcoming assessment.

"You really gave me a problem, Matthew."

The old bishop then looked at the middle-aged priest who was always following behind him, with a complicated tone.

"Finding such an outstanding child, even the old gentleman was attracted."

The side hall is a well-lit hall decorated with huge stained glass, supported by two rows of towering columns, and a majestic angel statue stands in the innermost part.

Before Andy came, Sister Lily and other reserve personnel who were participating in the assessment had already entered here and waited.

After the young people poured in one after another, they immediately looked for Andy. When they saw no one, they changed the topic elsewhere.

However, this is only superficial "calm".

When the waiter led Andy from the side door, he was the first to catch everyone's attention.

"I knew he was short, but I didn't expect him to be so short?"

Due to illness all year round, Andy is thin and looks childish.

After careful observation, Lily's companion couldn't help but whisper: "Sad little guy, he seems to be fifteen years old, right?"

This guy seemed to be gloating a little bit about his misfortune.

Lily said nothing after hearing this.

After glancing at the black-haired boy who had attracted everyone's attention when he first arrived, she lowered her head without interest and continued reading.

However, she was not interested, and the others were completely different.

"I heard that he was about to die of illness. I didn't believe it at first. Now it seems that it's really about the same."

"The face is so pale that it's scary. If you see it at night, you'll have nightmares, right?"

"Yeah, it looks disgusting."

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't let him hear..."

There was a constant buzz of small talk, but it wasn't actually loud.

Although everyone is generally hostile to Andy, an outsider, the extraordinary class naturally respects the strong.

Although Andy is not strong at the moment, he can even be said to be very weak.

But his potential is too terrifying. It has become the consensus of most people that as long as he becomes a transcendent, he will become stronger quickly.

So it can be seen that among the people outside who were still discussing how to deal with Andy together, a few actually ran forward and tied up almost...

This inevitably attracted everyone's contemptuous eyes.

However, several parties involved did not take this seriously at all, and were eager to talk and laugh with Andy, not to mention how enthusiastic they were.

"It's not like no one wants to compete with you, Anthony."

On the other side of the side hall, a friend next to him made a mockery.

The handsome young man with blond hair and blue eyes felt helpless when he heard this.

But for those peers who rushed forward, his tone was very disdainful.

"It doesn't matter. Waste is not qualified to stand with the strong."

"Haha, that's what I say, but what if in the eyes of others, you are also a waste?"

"This is impossible."

Anthony's tone was determined.

"His talent is amazing, but it is only in the field of literature. Look at his sickly appearance. A gust of wind would probably blow him away, let alone pick up a weapon to fight."

"And I'm especially good at fighting."

The young man stood with his arms crossed, his face calm and confident.

This is mainly because when the priest reported the case at the end of the case, he only highlighted the key points and did not mention the less important ones at all.

This included being killed three times.

This gave Anthony, who specialized in fighting, a lot of confidence, and he didn't care about the so-called competitors.

However, his thoughts disappeared soon after.

It wasn't that he discovered that Andy was not simple, but that he completely changed his decision to help and get closer to Andy.

The reason is very simple. The specific questions for the assessment have already been announced.

"This, this is a little different from usual..."

Holding the paper assessment form in his hand, his friend said in a surprised tone, "I didn't expect that idiot's proposal to be really feasible?"

Anthony said nothing after hearing this.

Looking at the crowd, he found that the brown-haired boy who had suggested that everyone show off their respective skills to compete with Andy in the square outside was now showing off to the people around him with a smile.

And many people looked at Andy with eyes full of smiles and expectations.

That's the expression you get when you're waiting for a good show.

"really interesting."

Anthony was thoughtful because of this, "It seems that the Norman bishop who presided over the assessment doesn't really want someone to be in the limelight..."

He and his friends had previously thought that the man's proposal was idiotic because during the assessment, they would never have the opportunity to perform in every detail.

It is also unlikely that there will be an opportunity for outsider Andy to show his weaknesses.

This has been confirmed in countless assessments.

However, this assessment is completely different from the past.

It really requires Anthony and this group of reserve players to fully demonstrate their talents and potential in every field.

This is a great advantage for them who have received professional training since childhood.

In contrast, Andy, an outsider, was unlucky.

His talent is very strong, but that talent is completely rooted in the field of painting.

In terms of prayer, preaching, horsemanship, copying scriptures, and even cooking, what else can a sickly little boy from Yeluzi do?

I'm afraid he has never heard of a lot of knowledge, right?

With this mentality, Anthony completely gave up the idea of ​​assisting Andy.

Known as the strongest rising star in his country, he is a man full of arrogance.

In order to attract the attention of big people, I suppressed my inner discomfort and planned to decorate a child.

I hope that by doing this, I can share some of the attention of the big shots.

However, now he has every opportunity to compete with the opponent, and even use what he is best at to crush the opponent.

So what's there to hesitate about?

What a rare opportunity!

"Bishop Norman is a good man."

After sighing, he was too lazy to pay attention to the little boy who was doomed to tragedy. Instead, he closed his eyes to rest and began to prepare for the next assessment.

Strive to be a blockbuster and win the appreciation of that old gentleman!

Many people have the same idea as him.

As a result, the atmosphere in the side hall gradually became quiet.

The silence lasted for about an hour.

When a melodious bell rang, some waiters introduced the young people into the Starry Church and sat down on the stone chairs.

Then, the assessment began.

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