Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 428 [TED Annual Conference]

Science and Technology Complex Building.

In the afternoon, Luo Sheng had woken up from his nap and was looking in the mirror and applying a layer of shaving cream to the beard beside his mouth.

Forgot to shave this morning.

"Xiao Na, how much is Bluestar's cash reserves now?"

As soon as the voice fell, a loudspeaker built into the wall in the bathroom heard Xiaona's response: "71.98 billion US dollars, 490.9 billion yuan excluding exchange rate changes."

Luo Sheng rinsed the razor with clean water, and said incidentally, "Well, use my account to draw up an internal email and send it to Lao Zhang, Bluestar Technology once again issued 28 billion US dollars of 3A-level corporate bonds to global financial institutions, with an interest rate of 5.15 %, 8 billion US dollars for domestic subscription accounts, 20 billion US dollars for international subscription accounts, and the specific arrangements will be handled by Lao Zhang." The fastest computer update::/

Bluestar Technology Group is already the most profitable company among all listed companies in the world. The net profit in the three quarters has reached 40.95 billion US dollars, which is equivalent to the total net profit of Walmart, the world's top 500 company, in the first two and a half years. , Wal-Mart Group is a behemoth with an annual revenue of 4.5 trillion US dollars, but its annual net profit is only more than 10 billion US dollars.

It fully proves how exaggerated the high profits of high-tech companies with a global monopoly nature are. Bluestar Technology does not meet the monopoly standards in name, but in fact it is already a monopoly-level super-giant enterprise.

Luo Sheng learned the operation of the toothpaste factory from the risk of being split.

The current situation of Bluestar Technology is to issue bonds to the outside world every two years or so. Even if it has a cash reserve of more than 70 billion US dollars, it still borrows money. The purpose of issuing bonds is definitely not because the company is short of money, but to constantly communicate with the outside world. In particular, Wall Street deeply bundles interests.

Xiaona: "Okay master, is there anything else to add?"

Luo Sheng was about to shave when he suddenly stopped and added: "Send another internal email to Su Yali, donating another $2 billion to the 'Luo Sheng Education Public Welfare Fund' in my own name, and also to Weibo. Wooden mail to let her lend money, um, that's all."

After speaking, Luo Sheng started to shave.

Xiaona: "Received."

2 billion US dollars, or about 13.6 billion yuan, such a huge donation figure is unmatched at home and abroad. This is the heroism of the world's richest man.

For Luo Sheng, money is really a series of numbers. The stocks held by Bluestar Technology alone have made his nominal worth reach an unprecedented 229.5 billion US dollars.

About 1.5 trillion yuan.

How to use the funds in hand to convert them into more valuable things is the key point. The richest man in the world should also do the world's first charity, and it will save Buffett and Bill Gates coming to donate at that time.

During the trip to the United States in 2009, Luo Sheng went to Bill Gates' house as a guest. Buffett was also present at the time. During the dinner, the stock god proposed that Luo Sheng, him and Bill donate all of his worth together, and quoted Carnegie's Quote: It is a shame to die with great wealth.

Luo Sheng rolled his eyes madly in his heart at that time, you are a person in the 70s and 80s, and we are less than 30.

In fact, it doesn't matter. In name, these people donate all their worth, but in fact, they transfer the money to the charitable fund they control. Not only do they actually continue to control the direction of wealth, but they also avoid taxes.

Comparatively speaking, Luo Sheng is much more than the rich American.

Recently, Luo Sheng has further reduced the frequency and time of going to the company. Most of the time, he uses internal emails to contact, make decisions and inform himself, to make himself a little more relaxed, and at the same time, it is also to further plan and advance the matter of stepping down as CEO.

Luo Sheng actually wants to resign now, but because he is too young and he has done so successfully, no matter what explanation he gives, it will be over-interpreted by the outside world, which is a last resort.

He can imagine that once he announces his resignation, Bluestar's stock will definitely plummet, and the company will fall into internal turmoil. Investors and Wall Street will not agree, even the country will not agree, because this will cause some inconvenience to the outside world. Necessary misunderstanding.

Even if he doesn't do anything, the CEO's name has to hang there, and that's basically what he does now. Whether it's Lao Zhang of Bluestar Technology or Lao Yao of Côte d'Azur, he is not a CEO in name, but his actual rights have already been established. More than the normal executive vice president, this is the default result of Luo Sheng.


During the afternoon tea time, Luo Sheng sat comfortably on the sofa in the large living room. When he picked up the remote control to change the channel, he switched to the news channel and saw [Syria: The situation is escalating? ] This news headline could not help but stop.

[…Welcome back, let’s continue to pay attention to the situation in Syria. A few days ago, due to dissatisfaction with the decision of the Arab League, tens of thousands of Syrian residents took to the streets, and the embassies of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey in Syria were attacked. Why did the Arab League suddenly terminate Syria's membership? Will Syria's overreaction trigger escalation? We are connected to the front reporter to report... 】

Luo Sheng looked away from the TV news and said, "Xiao Na, has the International Operations Department of the Luo Sheng Public Welfare Fund already launched in the Middle East?"

Xiaona: "It started three months ago."

Luo Sheng: "How many staff members of Chinese nationality have gone?"

Xiaona: "Four people."

Luo Sheng said without hesitation: "Send another internal email to Su Yali to transfer these four people back to the mainland. Don't rush to carry out public welfare activities in the Middle East, especially in Syria, first hire local personnel to temporarily work there. set up an office in the region.”

Xiaona: "Understood... the email has been sent."

Luo Sheng stopped talking and continued to pay attention to news reports.

The reporters inside made all kinds of speculations, but Luo Sheng watched it for a while and stopped paying attention. Given the current situation, there will definitely be a fight here, and there will be a civil war early next year.

It's right to flash people in advance, don't spend a sum of money in the local area just to build a charity school, and a few cannonballs will be given for nothing.

Let the bullets fly for a while and let them "line up" for a while.

No one Luo Sheng paid too much attention to this matter, nor was it something he could stop, and he had no obligation to do so.


The next day, Luo Sheng took a special car to the important annual meeting in Shanghai.

The TED Annual Conference 2010 was held in Shencheng today. This is the first time that it has been held in China. It is undeniable that Luo Sheng, a tech giant who has huge influence in the global tech industry, has a great reputation in China. There are many factors in it, and more importantly, the comprehensive national strength of China is also rising rapidly.

The three letters "T, E, D" represent technology, entertainment and design respectively, and the most well-known event is its annual TED conference.

The conference invites scientists, philosophers or thinkers from all over the world to share their most passionate things and opinions. It can be said that TED's sharers are the stars shining, and these participants are the ones who promote the progress of all mankind.

The TED annual conference was held this afternoon. After Luo Sheng arrived in Shencheng, he first went to Xiongxin Electronics to check the situation.

Well, Qin Weimu also followed, especially when Luo Sheng was going to Xiongxin Electronics to accompany him all the way, not giving him a chance to be alone with Liu Yixuan, which made Luo Sheng dumbfounded.

The 45nm process lithography equipment imported from ASML has already been delivered, and in mid-October, the factory building has been completed. In another month, in mid-to-late November, the production line will also be fully constructed, and the end of the year will be completed. can enter into production.

This is the speed of Huaguo. It took less than a year to build a foundry production line from scratch and put it into production. This kind of speed cannot be achieved in other places in Huaguo.


In the afternoon, Luo Sheng left Xiongxin Electronics, rested in the hotel for more than half an hour, and went to the TED annual conference.

Various mainstream media have gathered at the scene, and celebrities from all walks of life have also flocked to the scene. Luo Sheng became the focus of attention as soon as he appeared, attracting a lot of shots, but his brilliance could not cover up the sparkle of other celebrities.

At this TED annual conference, Google founder Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, former world richest man Bill Gates and other Silicon Valley tech giants also appeared.

At around 16:00, the TED annual conference officially started. Luo Sheng sat in the front row of the audience. The people next to him were all Silicon Valley tech giants. The one sitting next to him was Larry Page. It was the first time that people met in this new way, and they also communicated in private.

Although there is a lot of competition between the companies of the two sides, under the lens of the media, it is impossible to see that the two of them are as full of gunpowder as they are in the shopping mall. Instead, the chat is quite relaxed and pleasant, at least on the surface Such.

However, the opening of the TED conference became full of gunpowder. A reporter named Karawald named and criticized the "Gods of Silicon Valley" in the opening speech, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Jeff Bay Zos and other Silicon Valley bigwigs were named one by one, and even Luo Sheng was not spared, and was critically criticized at the end.

"...the technologies you've invented are fascinating, but now they're the scene of a crime." Karawald said bluntly in his opening speech: "The Internet is fueling civicism, division of opinion, disinformation, and manipulation..."

At the same time, big names in the global technology industry, including Luo Sheng and Page, were sitting in the audience, and both Bluestar Technology and Google were sponsors of TED.

What I have to say is that this reporter named Karawald is a bit rigid.

But each of the bigwigs sitting in the audience was calmer than the other. Whether it was Luo Sheng, Larry Page, or bald Bezos, they were not only very calm but also smiling.

It is impossible and impossible to achieve today's achievements.

Luo Sheng didn't have any ill will towards him. This reporter is obviously a perfectionist. It would be another matter if he just named Bluestar Technology and Luo Sheng to criticize him. The bigwigs in the world "sprayed" over and over again, or in front of the bigwigs. For this, the bigwigs actually admired the reporter. The fastest update mobile terminal:

But to no avail.


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