His pretense is relaxed, and his mood is more heavy.

In fact, both of them knew clearly that if King Yizun had no military power, he would put his head on the chopping board and let him be slain at any time.

And the emperor will not be thankful because of his concession.

Many years of contradictions have long made things go in an irreversible direction. Now, no matter whether it is Xuanyuanzun or Xuanyuanyao, it is impossible to look back.

Yi Zun Wang inexplicably remembered the few drops of black and red blood under the Imperial Case, and intuitively told him that it must represent something. [

He came over in the wind and waves, his first feeling was very accurate.

However, there are not many clues at present, so it is impossible to make accurate judgments.

Should we tell Jixiang about this matter?

Xuanyuan hesitated.

. . . . . . . . . . .

In the other court, Xuanyuanyao made a yard specifically for auspiciousness to hold her baby.

This time when I came out, I wasn't ready to go back so quickly. I lived a little longer and let the little fox play for a while.

She needed a more spacious venue, he thought for a long time, but still thought it was the most suitable place.

When the weather gets warmer, he will order people to enclose the open space used in the previous experiment with trees. At the innermost, he will also build a high wall to cover the eyes and ears to the greatest extent.

In this way, every time auspicious needs, it is much more convenient.

After two hours of jolting, the unconscious man woke up when he got out of the carriage. The three followers of the army had no harmonious color of the doctor, and carried him all the way to the guest room to settle down.

Anyway, he couldn't speak yet, so he held back first when he was in doubt. The masters and masters did not allow them, and they could not disclose anything.

This is the habit of living in the military camp all year round.

Lucky got the news and did not rush to see it. Compared with her previous attitude to save, it was a lot colder.

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