[This title is preemptive answering questions, restricting Ash from preemptively answering.] 】

[The discussion time is 10 minutes, and the timer starts——].

[Du: This is another sub-topic! ] 】

Du didn’t know how to be wrong with this question, he closed his eyes and directly answered this question C, and King Feng made a move.

If there were no spoilers from the previous round, this question would still be a little difficult, but now it’s different, and this is 100% another sub-question.

The opportunity came again, and this time he had to take it.

[Heba: Could it be that Ash shot off the Sparrows?] 】

Good brother Shiba has a different opinion this time.

If the answer is really C, it is too simple, and with Hiba’s understanding of the live answering system, it is not so kind.

What the system wants to see is never hello me hello everyone, it wants to see blood flowing into rivers.

The miserable cries of the answerers are what the system wants to hear the most.

[Konah: It’s not as perverted as you say, is it? 】

[Daigo: Slander, you are definitely denigrating the great answering live streaming system, my suggestion is to expel Hiba from this answer. 】

[Heba: I’ll go, Daigo, are you addicted to stabbing in the back? 】

[Daigo: Oh, I’m just upholding justice. 】

[Mikkoli: …].

[Wataru: Okay, Heba, you’re definitely overthinking. Don’t think everyone is so bad, in the world, there are still more good people. 】

[Shirona: I also think that A’s answer is unlikely, Ash’s combat power is good, but it is still too difficult for him to fight off a group of fiery finches. Besides, if Ash really has the strength to defeat the Flaming Sparrow, then what is he running? 】

[Karunai: Agreed. After all, Ash is still a child, and it is impossible to fight so many fierce finches. 】

[Heba: Ten years old is not small, already an adult, when I was ten years old, don’t talk about the flaming finch, even the large-billed finch is not my opponent. 】

[President Dama Lanchi: Do you think everyone is as perverted as you? And don’t forget that Ash hasn’t learned any martial arts, which is completely different from you. 】

This time, almost everyone chose to stand on Du’s side, the answer is too obvious, it must be King Feng to help.

Ten minutes flashed by, and the preemptive answer began.

[The successful person in this preemptive answer: Du. 】


The pie that fell from the sky, this time he finally grabbed it.

“There are so many dragon Pokémon in the world, when I get a reward, which one should I choose?”

Even the question has not been answered, Wataru is already thinking about the matter after answering correctly, and I have to say that Wataru really floated this time.

[Respondent: Please answer as soon as possible.] 】

Immersed in the dream he knitted, Wataru was a little difficult to extricate himself, and under the urging of the answering live broadcast system, Wataru reacted, and it was time to answer the question.

Without even hesitating for half a second, Wataru proudly gave his answer.

[Du: My choice is C, don’t worry, King Feng will help. 】

[Daigo: This guy is so lucky, he really grabbed this sub-question. 】

Daigo cried with envy, and he also wanted to get the reward given by the live answering system.

Pokémon, stones, Z pure crystals, anything, he doesn’t pick.

[Kona: Maybe after today, our Dutian King will really become the Dragon King. 】

[Karunai: No, even if Du gets another dragon Pokémon, there are only two dragon elves in the team, and the flying elves still account for the majority, so he is still the king of the flying system. ] 】

The ferrys in the office were about to be blown up.

This group of guys is denigrating him again.

On what basis is it said that he is the king of the flying system? He is a true dragon king.

Tyrannosaurus, fossil pterosaur, fire-breathing dragon, all have dragons in their names, why are they not dragon Pokémon?

This group of people simply does not understand.

Forget it, they are probably jealous of him, who let this sending topic be grabbed by him, he adults don’t remember villains, forgive them.

[Wrong answer.] 】

Four words, these four words are too familiar, is it a mistake, he likes the first two words, can stay, can the last two words be changed?

[Punishment: Confiscation of all cloaks collected by the respondent in the past ten years.] 】

The content of the punishment came out, and Wataru knew that he was finished.


He should have listened to his brother Xiba, and the answering live broadcast system was really not as kind as he thought.

Send sub-questions?


The answering live broadcast system never sends sub-questions, it only sends propositions.

One by one, the handsome cloaks disappeared in front of him, and Wataru was about to collapse.

This is his hard work, he collected ten years of hard work, and today all of them have disappeared.

[Heba: Wataru, are you all right? 】

After waiting for a long time without seeing Wataru speak in the comment area, Hiba was a little worried about him.

After all, he was a good brother, and he knew very well what those cloaks meant to Dudu.

[Du: It’s okay, of course I’m fine, but I’m going to be the man who answers the question, and I want to defeat me with a small setback? I’m going to answer the question, I’m going to keep answering!!! 】

[Konah: Another crazy one, pulled out for a thick burial. 】

[Daigo: Hehe, but the cloak, let the system take it away, save your playthings and lose your will. ] 】

[Wataru: You wait for me, Daigo, when I seize the opportunity, I must take all your stones away! ] 】

[Daigo: I was wrong, Brother Wataru. 】

(The fifth change, there should be another change around 11 o’clock.) )

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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