Fantasy: Start Rewarding 100 Consecutive Draws

Chapter 341: There is no unbreakable skill

The Bone Emperor race is an extremely powerful and very strange race, and their existence is much more complicated than the Trinity.

The bone emperor was not born from the interaction of yin and yang, but asexual reproduction similar to plants. The Bone Emperor has no entity, but he has seven life souls.

The seven life souls do not distinguish between primary and secondary, but share a common consciousness, and the growth of the bone emperor is even more cruel and terrifying.

The seven life souls fight and devour each other, and only one can survive in the end.

Afterwards, this strongest life soul split into five paths again, and continued to fight and devour.

After repeating it once, it will be the three life souls, which is the current appearance of the Bone Emperor.

When these three souls merge into one, it means that the bone emperor's soul is intact.

After guessing that the Bone Emperor might have disassembled himself, seeing the Bone Emperor who had fallen into a scattered state again under Jian Guang's attack, Lu Chuan had a thought, and suddenly had an idea.

The surging sword light came out through the body, and Lu Chuan directly covered a 100-meter radius with the sword light.

Since the Bone Emperor can disperse the body to offset the damage of the sword light, then Lu Chuan can disperse the sword light and completely eliminate the Bone Emperor.


Not too long later, a shrill scream suddenly appeared out of thin air from a distance of more than 30 meters in front of him.

The Bone Emperor, who had regained his figure, was immediately hit by the sword light, and his skin was torn apart by terrifying force, exposing the muscles and bones inside.

"How can this be!"

Bone Emperor's face was full of disbelief, he had used similar methods no less than a thousand times. Although it is not useful every time, as long as this set of skills is used, it is already invincible. But being broken in such a remote and desolate small world made him dare not imagine what kind of unacceptable things would happen next.

"There is no invincible skill between heaven and earth, only an invincible powerhouse! If that's the case, then die!"

Lu Chuan sneered, and then yelled angrily, and directly slashed over with the Slave Slaying Sword.

The Slave Slaying Sword was shattered a lot by the bone emperor's scythe, but Lu Chuan still had dozens of Slave Slaying Swords in his hand. But now that the situation has been settled, the Bone Emperor has no possibility of turning defeat into victory.

Terrifying power raged around, Lu Chuan jumped in front of the Bone Emperor, and the piercing sword light pierced into his body instantly.



The two-meter-long scythe fell off from his hand, but the bone emperor's body was blown into pieces by Lu Chuan's sword, and not even a piece of complete flesh and blood could be found.

The situation changed too fast, the Bone Emperor, who was so strong before, was defeated in the blink of an eye, and even the complete corpse was not left behind.

However, after killing the Bone Emperor with one blow, Lu Chuan didn't feel any excitement or joy. Instead, he stared forward with a serious face, and the sword light surged wildly all over his body.


The whistling sound passed by the ears, and the flesh and bones of the Bone Emperor actually started to move, gathering towards the center as quickly as living creatures.

In less than one breath, those broken flesh and bones were all piled up together. There seemed to be countless tiny granulation growths between the musculoskeletal and various tissues of the body, and they were quickly entangled together, and a complete bone emperor was actually pieced together.

It's just that this bone emperor is like a broken doll stitched together with needles and threads, with countless centipede-like scarring lines on its body, which looks hideous and terrifying.

"Since my debut, you are the first person to push me into this situation! I wanted to kill you directly, but I don't want to kill you now! I want to imprison you and make you into a war slave, Become a loyal dog under my hands!"

The Bone Emperor licked his lips, stretched out his hand and landed on the ground, holding the huge bone scythe in his hand again. And just during these few breaths of speaking, all the centipede scars all over his body disappeared, and the Bone Emperor returned to his original appearance again.

"You are stronger than I imagined, and it took 20% of my strength to revive you!"

"This is the power of justice, designed to restrain bastards like you!"

Lu Chuan's scalp tingles when he saw the change of the Bone Emperor. It's not that the other party is so powerful that it is frightening, but that he is too disgusting!

"Hehe, so what, as long as it can kill you!"

Bone Emperor grinned with a ferocious expression, but before he could continue speaking, more than a dozen sword lights shot out.

Chi Chi Chi!

The ear-piercing tearing sound sounded again, and more than a dozen sword lights instantly cut the bone emperor into pieces all over the sky.

There is no doubt that Jian Guang is powerful, but under such terrible injuries, the Bone Emperor was able to recover quickly. And not only that, the energy fluctuation in the bone emperor's body has not decreased, on the contrary, it has become much stronger. Roughly estimated, the power in the bone emperor's body at this time is at least 50% stronger than when it first appeared!

This is no longer the effect that blood and skills can achieve, and there are other reasons for the decision.

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed in Lu Chuan's eyes, and he kept sensing the surrounding situation.

He suspected that the Bone Emperor used some special method to increase the energy in his body, otherwise, even if he could offset the damage of Jian Guang, it would be impossible to bear such a huge consumption.

"What are you looking for? You dare to be distracted at this time, are you tired of working?"

After recovering again, the Bone Emperor's face was distorted, his red tongue licked his lips, he stared at Lu Chuan and said, "Actually, it's okay to tell you! My soul is connected to a very huge space, which is full of Spiritual stones and spiritual liquid! Although the consumption of the current state is very huge, the spiritual stones and liquid in it are enough to consume me and you for decades! Hahahaha!"

Wild laughter rang in his ears, but Lu Chuan didn't pay attention to it, still perceiving the movement around him carefully.

It seemed that he was impatient, or maybe he was afraid of what Lu Chuan would find out. The Bone Emperor was so ferocious that a trace of nervousness flashed across his face, and then he roared angrily and charged forward with a huge bone scythe in his hand.

"It should be true that energy can be replenished quickly, but it will definitely not be what he said!"

Although he looked around strangely, but the flashing look in Bone Emperor's eyes was captured by him. Therefore, knowing that his judgment was correct, Lu Chuan was so determined that he waved his hand and another dozen sword lights slashed out.

"Chi Chi!"

The sword light struck Guhuangde's body, but it didn't cut him into pieces like before. Although the flesh and bones were shattered, but this time he resisted forcefully.

Undoubtedly, after several times of disintegration and aggregation, the bone emperor's body's resistance to Jianguang has increased a lot.

"Come on! More! More!"

The ear-piercing laughter echoed around, and the Bone Emperor let out a roar, and slashed at Lu Chuan with a huge bone scythe in his hand.

He and Lu Chuan were both on the ninth floor of the Qi refining stage, which was the limit of the Qi Luck battlefield. Although it is difficult to accept that such a master as Lu Chuan will appear in such a small and remote place, I have to say that he is really a little scared.

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