Fantasy: Draw the Supreme Bone at the Start

Chapter 77 I won't lose, so why don't I think (2)

Chu Xiao's voice echoed on Fengming Peak.

This teleportation array is located near a martial arts field on Fengming Peak. Now in the martial arts field, there are many Sacred Land disciples who are practicing Martial Skill. Hearing this, he couldn't help but gain popularity.

"Who is so courageous? How dare to come and make noise on Fengming Peak?"

"Break through the cave world and come to fight, whose fight is he coming to fight?"

"Wait, isn't it?!"

"It's Chu Xiao Daozi! Chu Xiao Daozi kissed Fengming Peak!"

"It's really Chu Xiao Daozi?"

"It must be true. Ordinary people who dare to come to the main peak of Raksha Saint Child's cultivation and do such a gesture, don't you want to die?"

"Taozi Chu Xiao, he has already broken through the cave sky, how long has he been practicing?"

"This is the true peerless Tianjiao. Rumor has it that Chu Xiao Daozi opened up the Qianzhang Lingxu, and should have stayed in the Qi Ling realm for a long time, but with his talent, the speed of cultivation is naturally beyond the expectations of others.

"I thought it was just a joke, is it true that Daozi Chu Xiao really wants to use his first entry into the cave world to fight against the Raksha saints who have already opened the seven caves?"

For a time.

On Fengming Peak, there was an uproar.

After Chu Xiao returned to Sacred Land, he had asked Yi Yuan to spread the news that he was ready to fight.

Even more bluntly, he does not need Raksha to seal the Cultivation Base.

The news broke out, causing Sacred Land to shake, and countless Warriors talked about it.

Some people think that His Highness, the Daozi, is too big, and some people think that there must be a reason for his self-confidence.

And everyone

We all look forward to the birth of this battle!

Daozi and Shengzi fight!

This is definitely a big scene for the young "Nine Zero Three" generation of Sacred Land!

And now

Chu Xiao kissed Fengming Peak and came to challenge!

This exceeded many people's expectations.

First of all, they did not expect that Chu Xiao actually had just broken through the cave sky, and then came to challenge, and second, they did not expect that Chu Xiao would be able to advance to the next level and enter the cave sky in such a short period of time!

For a time.

Countless eyes are on Chu Xiao.

at the same time

On Fengming Peak, there was a Warrior who left, and a Warrior contacted his friends with a sound transmission jade to let him come to Fengming Peak!

Daozi and Shengzi fight, it is rare to see.

To be more eloquent, the Son of Raksha is extremely belligerent. Since entering the road of cultivation, he has been able to fight for hundreds of battles, and his combat power is extremely tyrannical.


This newly-promoted Daozi, although showing his peerless talents, has never made a move in Sacred Land, and has never seen him fight against others.

What is the combat power of this Daozi?

This is something that every Sacred Land Warrior is extremely curious about.

Teleport to the side of the magic circle.

Chu Xiao dropped his words and waited quietly in response to countless people's sleeping gazes.

Not long after.

A figure leaped forward and hurried to Chu Xiao's body.

It was a middle-aged man, dressed in strong clothes.

Now when he comes to Chu Xiao's body, he clasped his fists and saluted, and said in a deep voice, "Chu Xiao Daozi."

"I am Luo Ming, the supervisor on Fengming Peak. The Son of Raksha is in secret training. I have touched the magic circle and contacted the Son."

Chu Lei nodded slightly.

After that.


Luo Ming hesitated for a moment, and then whispered: "His Royal Highness, do you really want to use the Cultivation Base that first entered the cave world to face the Son of Raksha?"

Hear the words.

Chu Xiao raised his brows, looked at Luo Ming, and said, "Can't it?"

Look at it at a glance.

Luo Ming's complexion changed suddenly, he took a step back slightly, and repeatedly said: "Naturally."

Chu Xiao retracted his gaze.

His eyes were slightly closed, and he closed his eyes to raise his mind here, without seeing the imminent urgency of a big battle.

Luo Ming looked at the Daozi, with a look of horror in his eyes.

At the moment Chu Xiao just looked over, he only felt a sharp meaning like a thorny back, which brought him a feeling of extreme crisis!

As the director of Fengmingfeng, he also has a certain Cultivation Base.

Thinking of the painful sense of crisis just now, Luo Ming muttered in his heart: "His Royal Highness, how terrible is this Daozi?"

On Fengming Peak.

It's noon, and the big day is hanging high.

Under the scorching sun, the number of Warriors on the martial arts field did not decrease, but increased.

Not long after.

At the top of Fengming Peak, a heroic voice suddenly sounded, and the sound shook, resounding through Fengming Peak.

"Chu Xiao Daozi, you really didn't let me down!'

He fell with a loud laugh, stepped into the air from the top of the peak, turned into a red streamer, and abruptly fell to the ground of the martial arts field!

At the moment of landing, there was a faint roar on the ground of this martial arts field!

at this point.

Chu Xiao opened his eyes and looked at the opponent.

The third son, Raksha!

This is the first time Chu Xiao has seen each other.

Rakshasa's body is strong and tall, wearing a red gold armor, but his arms are exposed, and there is a suffocating air from all over his body!

He was holding a flame-red spear, which was obviously a magic weapon. At this time, he was holding the spear in his hand, and there was a sound of the gun faintly, as if he was looking forward to this battle.

When Chu Xiao was looking at the opponent.

Luo Sha is also looking at Chu Xiao.

He glanced over, holding a spear in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "In these days, I have heard the spread in Sacred Land that you have to fight with me as you first entered the cave world."

"At first I heard it, I just thought it was a joke."

"Unexpectedly, you actually appeared here today."

"Chu Xiao, you have a good spirit!"

"My generation's arrogant, you should have the courage of yours."

"I have also seen some people who are called Tianjiao by the world. Although their words are sharp, but they cringe before the battle, such a character is also worthy of being called Tianjiao? I am afraid that I am not worthy to carry shoes for you!"

Speaking of which.

As soon as his voice changed, his whole body became stronger.


Luo Sha stared at Chu Xiao and shouted loudly: "You have used this spirit of yours on me, but you have found the wrong person.

"Do you really think that you can defeat me with the Cultivation Base that first entered the cave world?"

He seemed to have heard some joke, he laughed a few times, and the laughter was on Fengming Peak: "You are very confident, but you never thought about it. If you are so confident, if you lose to me, even the world knows you are. Below hit, Cultivation Base is at a disadvantage, you will still be reduced to a joke, reduced to an arrogant joke?,

"Your position as a Taoist son, can you still be stable at that time?"

"Chu Xiao."

"I can give you a chance. If you want to fight with me, I will find Master to take action and seal my six caves, leaving only the first cave that I opened up, and a fair fight with you!"

His master is the fourth elder, Zhao Qiancheng, the Seven-Star Lord!

He held the spear tightly in his palm, and said in a deep voice, "My Rakshasa has since stepped into the path of cultivation, and has gone through thousands of battles, but I have never held a Cultivation Base to press people.,

"I always disdain it!"

After that.

His eyes were burning, and he stared closely at Chu Xiao's body.

Chu Xiao, who had never spoken, saw no waves on his face. It seemed that Rakshasa’s words had not touched him in any way.

He just replied softly: "Why should I think about it?"

Raksha's eyes condensed.

Chu Xiaoren stood in place, but at this moment, there was a violent stormy aura faintly rising from his body, like a sword about to leave its sheath, full of sharp aura.

He looked directly at Rakshasa, without a trace of turbulence in his tone: "I won't lose, so why don't I think about it.

His tone was calm, and he slowly said, "Cultivation Base was originally obtained through hard cultivation. You can make Cultivation Base stronger. That is your good fortune. Why do you need to slash yourself and pursue the so-called fair battle."

"If you encounter a strong enemy outside Sacred Land, the opponent's Cultivation Base is far better than you, can you also let him suppress Cultivation Base and fight you fairly?"

"This is an unnecessary thing."


Chu Xiao looked at Rakshasa and shook his head slightly: "If you only leave a cave in the sky for battle, then there is no need for this battle.

"Because you are too weak for me now.

If ordinary people say so, it might make Raksha angry.


When Chu Xiao said these words, Luo Sha's eyes shrank suddenly.

When Chu Xiao spoke, he felt an extremely terrifying breath from Chu Xiao.

The breath even gave him a sense of crisis.

"He first entered the cave world, can he really pose a threat to me?"

"Master once said that he had cultivated the three imperial laws, the power of the imperial laws, what kind of blessings can he bring to him?"

At this moment.

In Raksha's gaze, a trace of solemnity was born for the first time!

Although he is warlike, he has never been a brash man who only knows how to fight!

Such a person can't be the Son of Sacred Land!

For a moment, both of them were silent, and their momentum was drawn.

Just now.

Quietly, not far from the two of them, brilliance flashed, and a figure appeared.

Chu Xiao and Luo Sha's gazes passed at the same time.

That figure was dressed in a white robe, and it was the eighth elder, the mansion of Saint Xiawen, the Great White Bone.

At the moment of appearance, Xia Wenfu's gaze fell on Chu Xiao, and his eyes showed an expression of unconcealed appreciation.

Feeling the other's gaze and seeing the other's appreciation, Chu Xiao was slightly confused.

Since becoming a Daozi, the rebuttal that happened in the Great Hall regarding the convening of the Council of Elders by the Ruyi Holy Lord that day was also passed to his ears.

The eighth elder, but one of the firm opponents of the day, why did he change his attitude towards him now?


Luo Sha also looked at Xia Wenfu, and he said loudly: "Eight Elder, you come to Fengming Peak, what can you advise?"

Hearing this, Xia Wenfu glanced over the two of them, and said: "Since the war has not yet started, then move to Tianmen Peak and wait for two hours."

As his sleeves flickered, a projection appeared in mid-air, projecting a picture of Tianmen Peak.

In the screen, there is the guidance of the Sacred Land master craftsman, and a Warrior activity is actually building a magnificent martial arts broadcast station!

Xia Wenfu's voice sounded from one side: "Daozi, Shengzi fights, it is rare to see in Sacred Land for thousands of years."

"Sacred Land has cast a martial arts broadcast station on Tianmen Peak. Both of you are my peerless arrogance of Sacred Land. This battle should allow countless Sacred Land disciples to watch the ceremony and understand the true nature of the arrogant."

"Maybe they can learn something from it.

Speaking of

He glanced over the two of them: "Your master, both of you have agreed.,

The masters of the two are naturally the two powerful masters of the Sacred Land, the Ruyi Saint Lord, and the Seven-Star Saint Lord!

Xia Wenfu paused and continued: "Except for the great elders who have not been in Sacred Land at this time, the other elders are all ready to go to the ceremony and take a look at the contemporary grace of my Sacred Land."


Many Sacred Land disciples had come to Fengmingfeng when they heard the news, and now they heard the narration of Xia Wenfu, they all became eager.

"Sacred Land paid so much attention to this competition.

"Nonsense, these are the two peerless arrogances in Sacred Land!"

"The ten elders watched the ceremony, hiss, what a big scene.

"Not much to say, I will go to Tianmen Peak first!"

In the noisy sound.

Some disciples have already left and went to Tianmen Peak to wait.

Luo Sha frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Naturally so, then head to Tianmen Peak!"

Xia Wenfu looked at Chu Xiao.

Chu Xiao slightly foreheaded, and responded: "Since the master has agreed, the battle will be on Tianmen Peak."

"it is good."

1.7 Xia Wen Mansion nodded repeatedly, and there was a glimmer of expectation in his eyes: "In that case, you two will come with me."

at the same time.

The voice of a strong holy realm echoed in Sacred Land, preaching this, and letting the disciples of Sacred Land go up to Tianmen Peak and watch the battle of Tianjiao!

Chu Xiao Daozi.

Son of Raksha!

For a time, countless people stopped their business and flocked to Tianmen Peak.

Shaoyang Peak.

Feng Shaodi was sitting on the bamboo seat, holding a jade slip in his hand, his heart sank into it, his brows were slightly frowned, he was feeling something.

At this moment

He seemed to have heard something, and his eyes fell into the distance.

It is the direction of Tianmen Peak.

"This Daozi Chu Xiao has never been in Qionglou Peak, but has he gone to retreat to break the boundary?"

"I broke into the cave world so quickly.

"Just right."

"You can directly meet this peerless Tianjiao who is respected by the Great Elder and the Second Elder, and has been established as a Taoist son.

His figure rose into the air, waved his hand gently, and a phoenix of fire came from the sky and took him away.

Mingchen Peak.

Sage Master Mingchen Jiyuan stepped into the library, looked at the figure inside, and sighed: "Changqing, don't look at it, let me go to the ceremony."

That figure was dressed in a purple robe, and it was Xi Changqing, the third disciple of Holy Master Mingchen.

Hear the words.

Xi Changqing put down the book in his hand, frowning slightly: "Watching the ceremony? Master, what kind of ceremony?"

The face of the Holy Lord of Mingchen was calm, and said slowly: "Chu Xiao has broken through the sky.

"He wants to fight Rakshasa as he first entered the cave sky!".

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