"You idiot. Elusha directly punched Natsu again.

Natsu was injured again, still in the hands of his own people, and was knocked out several meters away.

"What we are chasing is the Iron Forest. Elusa crossed her hands at her waist and said angrily.

"Who knows. Natsu was speechless, he was forced to vomit on the train, where was the mind to listen.

"He's still on that train, and now he's chasing him." Elusha jumped onto the flying magic carpet, motioned for everyone to come up, and then asked Natsu, "What are his characteristics?"

Natsu suddenly thought of something, "A skull with a skull-like flute and three eyes."

"What, that guy's funny is really weird. "

That flute is the magic of Lalabai, the spell [death]. Cursing is one of the forbidden spells, and Lalabai, as its name suggests, is the black magic that delivers death curses to the person who casts it, and the spell is more terrifying than that. "

On the other side, Kuluki Station.

When the train arrives at Kuluki Station, Erigor takes control of the train with members of the Iron Forest carrying a scythe.

"The passengers and drivers all got off the train, and this train belongs to Tetsunomori. "

The passengers and drivers on the train heard the name of the dark guild, and immediately ran down from the train in a panic, not even caring about their luggage, even the octogenarian lady on crutches walked sharper than usual.

"I've heard you'll be coming back on this train, I'm already getting impatient, Kagayama.

"I've already unsealed that seal. Kagajama said proudly, not forgetting to hand the flute with the three-eyed skull to Elligore, "This is it." "

Is this the forbidden magic spell?" said Elligoyle holding the flute and looking curiously.

"Oooh. "It's worthy of little Kaga. "So the plan is perfect." The members of the Iron Forest Guild said excitedly.

"This flute was originally nothing more than a curse prop, but the great Dark Magus Jelf allowed it to evolve into a higher-level Great Magic Flute, really, causing such a terrible thing. Anyone who hears the sound of this flute will be cursed, and this is collective spell killing magic - mantra. "

Let's get started, the battle plan is on. "


Elusa controlled the Flying Magic Carpet to reach Kuluki Station at great speed.

At this time, the Kuluji station was already under martial law by the army.

Many passengers explained the situation to the military personnel.

"A group of men with large scythes suddenly broke in.

"I know, those guys are from the dark guild in this neighborhood.

"I left the buying and selling tools more important than my wife on the train." "

There was a noise of talking everywhere.

"Those people hijacked the train?" Lucy heard a strange message from the crowd's conversation.

"It seems to be.

"It's understandable if it's a carriage or a boat, but the train can only walk on the tracks, and even if it is hijacked, it is not good."

"But the train is fast, is there anything they have to do in such a hurry

?" "Collective spell magic, if that kind of thing is in Eligole's hands..." Elusha couldn't imagine what kind of scene would happen, "Damn, what is the purpose of those guys?"

What was originally a regular guild suddenly became a dark guild that everyone shouted at, and it could no longer receive task commissions, and all this was decided by the leaders of each guild.

Ai Xuan said unhurriedly

, "And today happens to be the time when the old men are holding a regular meeting, and all the leaders of the Guild Alliance have gathered together. So Iron Forest's goal is to grow them.

"Wouldn't they be dangerous, sir?" Natsu shouted as soon as he stood up, then moved to the edge of the flying magic carpet and vomited.

Elusa, Gray and Lucy looked worried, and Elusa increased the magic output of the flying magic carpet, wanting to intercept the guy of the Iron Forest as soon as possible.

Although Elusha and Gray are well aware of the strength of the guild leader, they are chaotic when they care, and the spell magic like Lalabai is caught off guard, and Rao is a powerful wizard who must also be hit.

"Elusa, go directly to Croba, and wait for them at the meeting place of the president. Ai Xuan ordered, "Since you have already guessed their purpose, there is no need to continue chasing, and it may not be able to catch up."

"Okay. Elusha immediately changed direction, not caring at all whether Ai Xuan would guess wrong, this is the trust between the guild partners.


On the hijacked train.


Well, just on this train, what a nonsense."

Eligor grinned, and then with a wave of his hand, two small wind blades slashed through Kagayama's ears, directly cutting off two pieces of flesh.

The members of the Iron Forest were frightened by Elligoer's actions and swallowed.

Kagayama crouched down in pain and covered his injured ear.

"I shouldn't have noticed. Ignoring Kagayama's pained look, Elligore worried only that his plans would not be disrupted.

"Even if that fly notices, the plan won't stop, will it." Kagayama said with strong pain.

"Of course, but I don't want to be hindered, got it?" said Elligoyle with a calm face, "flies, some forests can't let them fly." Soon

, the train arrived at Oshibana station.

At this time, many army members had gathered in the station, waiting for the Iron Forest and his group.

As soon as the train entered the station, the army had already surrounded the train.

However, a small part of the army had no backhand in front of an entire Wizard Guild, and the entire army was quickly wiped out.

The members of the Iron Forest occupy Oshibana Station, waiting for the arrival of the flies.

After a while, Elligore couldn't wait.

Are you sure you saw the flies?"

an impatient Eligaor fired directly at Kagayama.

Kagayama, who was caught off guard, was directly bruised by the wind blade and soon became a bloody man. Elligore also grasped the proportions, although it looked scary, but it was all skin trauma, and the blood could be stopped quickly, without losing combat effectiveness.

"Forget it, don't wait. "

Elligore and the members of the Iron Forest continued to ride the train to Croba Station, passing through the Grand Creek Valley, directly destroying the railroad tracks above the Grand Canyon and blocking traffic to and from Croba Station.

At this time, Elusha and the others had arrived in the city of Cropa and waited for the arrival of the Iron Forest.

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