Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 424: Collective promotion (below)

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Without any obstacles, Yi Qing soon broke through two levels in succession and reached the peak of mana realm!

From the beginning of Mana Realm to the peak of Mana Realm, according to her cultivation speed, under normal circumstances, she will not succeed in six or seven years, but now she broke through directly, not even half an hour, making her face flushed and unbelievable. M

"I broke it?"

Standing up, feeling the surging mana on her body, Yi Qing felt incredible.

"The first time you use Lingxi Spring Water, the effect is very good. If you use it again, the effect will not work. In the future, if you want to break through the mana, you still have to rely on yourself! Well, just promoted, let's consolidate it!"

Nie Yun explained with a smile and turned and walked out of the room.

This time, instead of returning to Zihuadong Mansion, he stepped out of the Hongbin Building, strode out of the city, and quickly left Baiyan City.

Leaving everyone's sight, Nie Yun flew all the way, and after a while found an empty valley, when he turned his hands, he released Xiaofeng and other beasts from Zihuadongfu.

"the host!"

The beasts such as Xiaofeng are cultivated in Zihuadong Mansion. The aura is more abundant than the floating heaven continent, and their strength is more consolidated. Especially the three pupils, Xiaohu, and Heiyan, have reached their extreme limits and can break through at any time.

"I said before that it will bring you all to a secret place, and now fulfill your promise!"

With a slight smile, Nie Yun punched three drops of Lingxi Spring Water into the mouths of Xiaotong, Xiaohu, and Heiyan, and at the same time, his palms were dancing one after another, and several natural spiritual fluids were drawn from the second hall, instilling into the three beasts.


The three beasts have already reached the extreme limit. The difference is just a breakthrough opportunity. Now, with the blessing of Lingxi Spring Water, the speed of qi and blood is increased tenfold, plus sufficient natural gas, an earth-shaking change takes place in the three beasts in an instant. .

"Secret Realm! This is the Secret Realm of Dominion? Haha, I broke through!" Xiao Hu whispered, flying upward.

"I also have the strength to win the heavens!" Xiao Tong also screamed.

"Hey, so strong!" Hei Tong also showed excitement in his eyes.

Three beasts rushed into the air. The sky full of clouds roared down.

Qi Haijing is promoted to the mysterious world. As long as there is a maggot, there is a world calamity. This is also called a robbery. If you can't get over, you will die! However, there are exceptions. Just like Qi Tao at the time, he is an old monster who failed to attack the mystery. The so-called failure to attack the mystery failed to survive the robbery!

When Nie Yun was promoted to the mysterious realm, he did not rob the count. This is not the special feature of his nine-turn nirvana, but the unnamed method that broke through the mysterious realm when he opened the Dantian last time. He didn't even have a chatter. There will naturally not be any robbery!

Nie Yun hasn't figured out why this happened.

But do n’t think about it, so do n’t think about it, because now is not the time to think about it, the looting clouds in the air begin to form, and countless thunder and lightning will land at any time.

The number of robbery by three people at the same time is not simply a sum. It is a geometric multiplication. Now the sky ’s sky-robbing calamity is much larger than the average promotion calamity, and normal people ca n’t survive it!

"It's strong ... Master. The three of them broke through at the same time. This is awful. This kind of robbery can't be overcome at all. Once they are hit, they will all die ..."

The small wind below saw the clouds in the sky, his face became very ugly, and he shivered.

I did n’t even have one-tenth of the number of robbery at the time, and I was almost chopped to death by Lei Huo. Such a huge robbery is impossible for the three monsters to survive!

If you ca n’t get over it, die!

How could the owner be so careless, letting them all break through at the same time, attracting such a large number of robbers?

"Rest assured, they can't deal with this robbery, I can shoot!" Seeing Xiaofeng so excited, Nie Yun shook his head with a smile.

"You shot? No, the master, the world and the calamity, are all hands-on. Although you are very strong now, it is impossible to eliminate such a large calamity cloud. Once you fail, you will definitely be attacked more strongly. Then, you also Can't escape ... "

Hearing the teenager's decision, Xiaofeng almost scared to death.

Almost no one dares to intervene, because the sky robbery is not something else. Once you can't annihilate it, the latter will surely get bigger and bigger, entangle you, and suffer!

At that time, not only will the tigers die, but even their masters will also be attacked by the sky.

"Hehe!" When Xiaofeng shouted, Nie Yun was not nervous, smiled slightly, and suddenly raised his hand.


The immense amount of huge palm prints in the sky slammed into the air to Jieyun.


The immense cloud robbery was completely disappeared in the blink of an eye under the countless attacks of heaven and earth, and it was completely dispersed. In the overcast weather just now, the blink of an eye was clear and clear, and the wind was light and light.

"This ... such a big Jieyun was scattered by the master? This ... this ... this ..."

Xiaofeng Lian said three "this" characters. As the name suggests, he was going crazy.

Such a big robbery cloud, even if it is the third strongest immortal peak in the secret realm, dare not touch it hard, and the owner will completely dispel its smoke with a single hand ... Is this still human?

How did the host become so powerful?

"Well, don't use this expression, you used to devour the demonic core to advance, so your future promotion will be very difficult, rest assured, I will make a good elixir to get rid of your hidden danger! Let You can practice freely and advance freely! But now, I will let you advance to the pinnacle of mana! "

Seeing Xiaofeng's expression that was about to go crazy, Nie Yun grinned and popped two drops of Spirit Rhino Spring Water in succession, which was processed in the same way, transforming the created spiritual fluid into mist and instilling into Xiaofeng's body.

Soon Xiaofeng, like Yi Qing, successfully reached the peak of mana realm!

"Master!" At this time, beasts such as tigers have completely consolidated their initial strength in the realm of mana, and have transformed the beast into a human form.

"Well, what you are missing now is to show and hone. After you have fully used your mana, I will try to help you to reach the peak of mana!" Nie Yun nodded.

"Thank you master!" Three beasts nodded again and again, excited.

According to their talents, the ultimate peak can be reached in this life, even if the limit is reached. Since following the master, not only has the strength soared, but now it has also reached a secret place, making them like another generation, difficult to self.

"Well, it took more than two days to help you get promoted this time. The auction will start soon. Go back!"

Nie Yun said with a smile, and once again collected the four beasts into Zihua Dongfu, and flew towards Baiyan City.

When I returned to my residence, I saw that Yi Qing had completely consolidated the strength of the peak of Mana Realm, and the whole person was rejuvenated with a strange look.

"Ah, you're a shopkeeper! In the two days you left, I've figured out the exact location of the Baiyan Auction City. The auction will start soon. I think we're going to leave!"

Seeing the teenager returning at this time, Yi Qing gave him a white look and said helplessly.

I thought that two people had opened a house, and for a while, I didn't expect this boy to leave for half a day, and leave for more than two days ... not even the shadows!

Is he so uncharismatic?

"Let's go!" Nie Yun naturally didn't know what the girl thought, and immediately nodded. The two walked down the Hongbin Building, got into the carriage that the girl had prepared, and flew all the way to Baiyan Auction City.

Baiyan Auction City is the largest trading place in Baiyan City. In the middle of the city, it is close to the city's main mansion. The entire building is divided into seven floors. The decoration is beautiful and luxurious. Before you come, you can see countless people flowing, the noise is noisy, say no Out of the bustling.

"Stay here, please show me the invitation card!"

Almost every ten years of the Supreme Auction, celebrities from all walks of life come. If rich people do not get an invitation card, let alone make a purchase, even the door of the auction house cannot enter.

"Here!" Nie Yun flipped his wrists and took out two VIP cards.

When I saw the VIP card, Xiaoyan who blocked the road, his eyes changed immediately, and he bent down quickly and respectfully. "This master, this lady, you are VIP cards, VIP rooms, on the left hand side, please come in!"


Nie Yun nodded, glanced at Xiao Xiao, and walked inside with Yi Qing.

In fact, this little cricket is not weak, and has the strength of the Supreme Secret Potential List. Such a strong person, who established a faction in the Qihai continent, even if he became an emperor, no one would dare to say anything, but now he is just a waiter. The difference is not the same!

However, even if you let this young man go to the Qihai continent and make him the emperor, he is probably not going back!

The Qihai continent does not have the spirit of creation and cannot be promoted to the secret realm!

If you do n’t reach the secret, your life will be limited, and you will soon die and die. Compared with life, no matter how glorious and rich you are!

Moreover, the floating continent has sufficient aura, and the air and sea continent has a thin aura. If you let him pass, it would be like letting the person who used to live in the villa to live in a pigpen.

This is also the main reason why once the powerhouse of Qihai Continent leaves ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, few people go back.

"These people are so good ..."

Walking all the way to the VIP room, Nie Yun saw almost all the secret realms, the worst ones have already reached the middle of the magic realm, and the strong ones are immortal!

It is indeed Baiyan City, and there are more masters than Rongtian City.

"Two people, this is your private room. This private room has a special prohibition. The outsider's mental power cannot be probed in. I can't hear your voice, and completely protect your safety!"

According to the number written on the VIP card, the two of them found their own private room. Before they came in, the service staff on the side kept introducing.

Treasures are moving, because many people see the face and spend a lot of money to buy things, they will often be tracked, killing people for money.

In order to prevent this phenomenon, the VIP boxes of the large auction house must be kept secret to protect the identity of the auctioneer. If the safety of the auctioneer's life cannot be guaranteed, arbitrary killing, who else will participate in the auction?

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