"it, it,

it, it, !!!!!


"Help, !!!!!


It is a park above it.

There was a terrible scream floating above, and a figure could be seen falling rapidly.

"Boom !!


The figure landed next to a large tree, and the ground shook as it slammed.

"Pain, pain, pain!".

A hand reached out from the humanoid pit, and then a young figure slowly stood up.

Bai Shixiu looked at his body, he didn't know what was going on at all, and it was only a little painful when he fell, and at the same time, he looked at the blue sky above his head in surprise, and his head was dazed for a while.

"I'm dripping! What's wrong with me? Walking and walking?".

Shaking his head vigorously, Shiraishi Xiu tried hard to see the good park environment around him, and smelled the fragrance of the flowers and plants around him, making sure that this was not his dream.

He remembered that he had just gotten off work, and he was walking alone in the stairs of the stairs, and finally he didn't know how to step on the air at his feet, but when he opened his eyes, he found that he was high in the air, and he was falling down quickly.

"Where is this?".

As soon as Bai Shixiu's confused words fell, a strange memory came into his mind.

His current name is Shiraishi Xiu.

At the age of twenty-seven, he once went to high school in the same class as Miwako Sato, but he was not admitted to college because of mischief, and then he became a street gangster.

Later, Miwako Sato found him after becoming a police officer and forced him to be her informant.

Of course, the memory of myself must have disagreed, and then I was beaten hard, and finally under the threat of force, I reluctantly agreed.

And his task is also very simple, there are some things about petty theft that happen in the city to tell her, anyway, just tell her all the news of crimes.

"This ......


Shiraishi Xiu's expression was still very confused, although he had already determined the memory in his mind.

But this memory is not his!

But this body he was sure was his own.

But how did it somehow add a memory of someone else?

And, Miwako Sato?

If he's not mistaken, this should be a very popular character in Detective Conan!

In other words, now he has traveled into a world of anime

"Toot toot ......


Suddenly, his mobile phone rang, fumbled wildly, and took it out to see that it looked like a chat group, and there was a message being sent by someone in it.

The text on it was not Chinese characters, but he could see it clearly.

"Rice Flower Park gathering, the money has been used recently, let's go steal the battery of the electric car!".

"There aren't a lot of people today, just five people. "

"Remember, gather in Rice Flower Park, first come, first come, first reported, don't want more. "

The corners of Bai Shixiu's mouth twitched, and he knew from his memory that this was a gangster chat group, the purpose of which was to make some extra money together when he had dirty work and tiring work.

Of course, these are just petty thefts, and they don't dare to do something big.

Here's a separate message from a person with a note:

Kengo Oto: "Shu, are you coming?"

When Shiraishi Xiu picked up his phone and was about to reply to the message refusal, he thought about it:

"Ding! The sign-in system has been bound successfully!".

The beautiful voice echoed in his head.

As an old bookworm for more than ten years, he still doesn't understand what the routine is now.

This is the traversal + delivery system.

A proper protagonist template.

Shiraishi Xiu tried hard to suppress his excitement, and slowly asked: "System, what kind of function do you have?"

"Ding! The check-in system is the check-in system, when the host check-in is completed, you can get all kinds of rewards, everything is random. "


I don't know why.,Shiraishi Xiu always feels that this system seems to be a little unreliable.,Although it's easy to understand.,But everything seems to be fate.。



Shiraishi Xiu couldn't help but sigh, but he wasn't too worried in his heart.

"Because this is the world of Conan, as long as you don't get close to the two Grim Reapers, Conan and Mori Kogoro, there shouldn't be some life and death crises. "

But soon his face turned green.

Because in this world, it is quite dangerous to have a relationship with supporting characters.

Miwako Sato is a big supporting character, and the people around her have more or less encountered danger, and he ...... Although the relationship with her is delicate, it is also related to ......

"This... Who can withstand this!".

"System, is there any check-in task today?".

Shiraishi Xiu is a little panicked now, and can only see if the system has a task, hoping to get a good ability or good thing from the time he signs in.


"Today's check-in task is refreshed. "

"Please go to Rice Flower Park and stay in the park for five minutes to complete the check-in. "

"The sign-in reward is an ordinary battery car. "

Bai Shixiu felt very angry, his hunch came true, this system is really not very reliable.

Although you can get rewards, the things you get are too ordinary.

But think about it, it's

better to have a reward than no reward, whether it's ordinary or not.

Recalling the memory of Rice Flower Park in his mind, he knew where the location was, and also remarked this Kengo Oto on his phone with a message:

"Okay, I'll go too. "

"At nine o'clock, we gathered at Rice Flower Park. "

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to rush immediately(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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