Demon Hunter and His Hut

Chapter 522: The Serpent (2 in 1)

The blood gathered from the forehead along the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose.

At the moment when the blood was low, the sun set and Qianxia flicked her index finger, and after a fierce wind breaking sound, the blood accurately fell into the wooden bowl where Roger was grinding the herbs.

When she was done, she cut her wrist.

A large stream of blood dripped into the bowl, and Roger noticed that the blood flowing from the wrist of Rigaku Qianxia was full of vitality.

But this kind of vitality is very different from the extraordinary blood that Roger had contacted in the Western world before.

Although the blood of Western superhumans is powerful, it is more like the difference between different species, just like lions and tigers are to people.

As for the blood flowing from the wrist of Rigaku Qianxia, ​​Roger could sense that the girl in front of him was still a pure human being, but he was mixed with some special things in his blood.

For example... psychic power.

After adding the blood of Higuchi Qianxia, ​​the mixed herbs changed wonderfully at the same time, and Roger continued to mix them according to Higuchi Chixia's instructions.

When he stopped, the liquid in the bowl had turned emerald green.

Higurashi Qianxia glanced at Roger in surprise, "You must be very talented in Onmyoji."

Roger nodded silently. He wanted to tell the serious girl in front of him that alchemy could only be regarded as a trick that he had not used for a long time, and he was better in other aspects.

Higurashi Qianxia held the wooden bowl in one hand, and the other hand held a short knife and dipped the blade into the liquid in the bowl.

His wrist trembled, and the liquid sticking to the knife evenly spread out, and then he came to the front of Shui Shui Ai.

Substitute a knife for writing.

A complex talisman was drawn from between the eyebrows and along Shallow Ai's cheeks. The green liquid fell on Shallow Ai's body, making a strange noise.

The liquid pooled on the surface of her skin and showed no signs of drying up. Soon the flowing green liquid turned black like ink.

From the shoulders and neck to the armpits, they converge on the chest, separate at the lower ribs, and then follow the sides of the lower abdomen all the way down to the groin, and finally lead to...


Roger looked back.

After all, Higurashi Qianxia is not an orthodox Onmyoji or a witch. Although the movements with a knife and a pen seem simple, the muscles on her body are always in a tense state.

When all the talismans were finally completed, Sunset Qianxia was already sweating profusely.


Roger asked.

"No, it's just the beginning."

"The next thing is the focus."

She stood in front of Shallow Ai and carefully looked at the pattern she had just drawn.

"I can't encapsulate spiritual power like Onmyoji, but the essence of energy is the same, but the way of using it is different."

"Onmyoji's talisman is more flexible, while my swordsmanship is more direct."


Roger glanced at Ritu Qianxia in surprise. He carefully observed the whole process. Although he saw some familiar things, he did not expect that Ritu Qianxia could really combine swordsmanship and talisman.

This made Roger's heart skip a beat, and he couldn't help but think of swordsmanship and seals.

Of course, what Higuchi Chika did was just a rough loan, and it was far from fusion, but even that was enough to surprise Roger.

At the same time, you can clearly feel the power of the hunter's hut.

The kind of power that makes no sense and completely ignores the rules.

"here we go!"

Ritui Qianxia gave a low voice, holding a short knife in her hand, she stood with her feet open in front of Shallow Ai, her body moved quickly, and the spiritual power in her body was mobilized.

Roger took a few steps back and focused all his attention on Higuchi Chixia, while Shallow Ai, who was sitting naked on the ground, was also enduring great pain.

There was black liquid on the snow-white skin, which made her look very strange.

And at this moment, the light of the sword flashed, and the sword wielded by Ritsu Qianxia even lit up the sunlight in the room.

In Roger's amazed eyes,

The blade of the dagger precisely sank into the wound on Shui Ai's forehead.


With incomparably precise control, the spiritual power was introduced into the body of Shallow Water Love, and the black liquid floating on the surface of her body seemed to have life in an instant.


Shallow Ai's throat made a depressing cry, starting from the top of her head, a line of wrinkles climbed up her forehead, her fair skin lost its luster and turned dull and yellow.

Her hair that was as black as satin also dried up and was dyed with hoarfrost.

Under Roger's gaze, along with the flow of fluids on her body, this originally charming woman has aged inch by inch.

Seeing a stunner turn into a shriveled old woman, this transformation brought a strong visual impact.

Ai Shamizu couldn't bear the pain on her body and wanted to struggle to move, but Higurashi Qianxia stepped forward and pressed her neck from behind.

The spiritual power broke out, and the shallow water love was quickly controlled.

Looking at the changes in her, Roger suddenly had some bad premonitions.

The black fluid continues to move down, through the waist and abdomen, then through the groin, where it gathers in the thighs.

Roger noticed that her belly was bulging, and there seemed to be something squirming inside her.

Qian Shui Ai couldn't bear the pain any longer, she couldn't help screaming, and then...

With a puff.

A thick black thing, almost as thick as an ordinary adult's forearm, protruded from Shallow Ai's thigh!

Roger couldn't help but take a step back, and he swore it was the most deranged image he'd ever seen.

That thing is like a giant python, with a black body, no scales on its surface, but thick blood vessels and veins covered with unknown mucus.

"What is this?!"

Roger couldn't help but ask.

"Bad snake."

Higurashi Qianxia replied, and then she stretched out her fingers and quickly tapped under the navel of Ai Shimizu, and then raised her arms.

Knives out!

The spiritual power was concentrated on the blade, and the thing was easily cut off. Roger noticed that Rigoku Qianxia did not cut off the thing, but left a small part.

The remaining part was inhaled into Shallow Water Love's body, and her old and withered body became young at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But it was clear that the reabsorbed vitality couldn't make up for what she had just lost. Although she had regained her youth, she looked like a woman in her thirties, not a little girl in her twenties.


Spirit power was poured into the weapon, and Sunset Qianxia waved it again, and the squirming things on the ground turned into a mass of black water.

Shallow Ai was sweating profusely, as if caught in water, she slumped to the ground with a pale face, and it took a while before she regained her strength, pulling the clothes on the sofa and covering her.

"Very successful, from today onwards, you will completely get rid of this monster."

"Bad snake."

Roger murmured softly, remembering a legend he saw a long time ago about the Eight Hundred Bhikhunis, a woman gained the ability of immortality because of eating mermaid meat, but such a life was too long and could not be liberated.

So she chose to commit suicide at the age of 800.

The stories of the legends always seem unreal, and the monster in the shallow water love body does not know whether it has any connection with the legend.

She obviously didn't live to be eight hundred years old, but eighty was more than enough.

"Thank you, thank you!"

Asami Air straightened her messy hair, she bent down and thanked her sincerely, "It was you who made me truly free."

"I finally, finally don't have to suffer like that anymore."

She narrowed her eyes, revealing a clean smile.

Obviously, eternal youth also has to pay some price.

Roger didn't know what the price was, but it wouldn't be easy to see Ai Shimizu's expression.

"It's your firmness that makes everything so smooth."

Higurashi Qianxia looked a little tired, and while talking, she packed up the things on the table.

"We should go."

Higurashi Chika came to the door with a suitcase and Roger, and she turned to look at Shui Ai.

"Hopefully never see each other again."

Shallow love smiled.

"That should be difficult."

"I'm afraid it's not an easy task not to see me on TV."

Sunset Qianxia didn't speak, but Roger was stunned for a moment. He frowned slightly, and a thought suddenly appeared in his heart.

The strange attraction that shrouded the woman in front of him completely disappeared. At this time, Roger took a deep breath and suddenly discerned some familiar smells from the air.

That is……

He turned sideways and looked at a door at the end of the room.

"I'm sorry, I drank too much water just now." Roger pointed to the two empty water glasses on the table, "Suddenly before leaving..."

As he spoke, he strode towards the room.


The wrist tightened, and the woman's slightly cold fingers held Roger, "The bathroom is not there."

Based on Roger's reaction, it was impossible for Shallow Water Love to touch him if he wanted to, but he didn't show any abnormality. The closer he got closer, the aura became stronger.


Roger nodded, but didn't move, "It's not there, what's that for?"

He pointedly said, "It seems to taste a little strange."

At this time, Higuchi Qianxia had also come to Roger from the door. Although she did not strengthen her five senses when she entered the supernatural like Roger did, she still instinctively noticed the abnormality.

This anomaly comes not from Roger and this room, but from, Shallow Love.

"What's the matter with you, are you not feeling well?"

Higurashi Chika asked.

"One point, so I hope to rest as soon as possible after sending you off."

"Excuse me." Ritui Qianxia nodded, and was about to take Roger away, but she just pulled it and pulled it away.

Roger, who was originally standing beside her, had come to the door not far away at some point, and under Shallow Ai's amazed eyes, he put his palm on the handle.

"Why are you so nervous?"

Roger smiled.

"Could it be that there are other people hiding in this room besides us?"

Saying that, he didn't even turn the handle in his hand, but stepped forward and leaned gently.


The heavy wooden door shattered.

Everything in the room was normal, and it was full of clutter, but the moment the door opened, Diving Ai and Higurashi Qianxia's expressions changed wildly.

Across a door, Sunset Qianxia may not be able to find the problem, but at this time...

She dashed in.


The cabinet was opened and a heavy suitcase was dragged out!

Higurashi Qianxia turned her head and stared at the pale-faced shallow water love.

"How is this going?"

"It looks like there are people hiding in the room."

Roger stood aside and said slowly.

"A dead man."

Higurashi Qianxia didn't say a word but just stared at Shui Ai stubbornly.

If Qian Shui Ai was just an ordinary female star, then this kind of thing would be considered a criminal case at most, but before she had a monster hidden in her body, the nature of the matter became completely different.

Fright, regret, anger, despair, grievance.

Several expressions were staged one after another on the shallow water love, and then she knelt on the ground feebly and burst into tears.

"I didn't mean it, I really didn't mean it!"

She raised her head and looked at the sunset and Qianxia pitifully.

"Miss Riguro Qianxia, ​​I'm not you. I don't have the power to protect myself. It's a great sadness for a woman to have beauty without power."

"Nearly a hundred years ago, this was a cannibalistic society. Those robber-like men ravaged and tortured me, but I couldn't resist."

"I thought social development would get better."

"But what's the result?"

The shallow water love smiled miserably.

"Nothing has changed."

"In the first 30 years, I was a lowly woman who did a flesh business in the slums and slums. A meal, a pair of shoes, and even a fish could be exchanged for those people to torture me all day."

The expression on her face was contorted, her fingernails were scratching on the ground, "I once met a guy who was studying onmyoji and he said he would help me."

Shui Ai smiled and nodded.

"He did help me out and kept me in the basement for ten years, and to be honest, that was the only time I was full."

"Thank goodness, that's a useless waste. After cultivating for more than ten years, nothing has changed. Instead, he killed himself."

"I escaped and became an actress for the next twenty or thirty years."

"The bottom one."

"Carefully and tremblingly, I have to guard against the possibility of being discovered by the Onmyoji, and at the same time guard against the men with bad intentions around me."

"Finally...Finally, through my own efforts, I have the life I have now."

"But what's the result?"

Shallow couldn't care about the cracked nails and got up from the ground, her eyes were fierce, like a mad beast.

"I have lived for so many years, and have the beauty and youth that every woman desires most, but I keep changing my face, so that I have no stable life, and more importantly, this thing in my body is a curse, it makes me unable to be normal woman."

"It is not me that desires, but it!"

She took a few steps forward, as if she wanted to get closer to Higurashi Qianxia, ​​but finally stopped.

"That man is a beast. He is a senior executive of the company. He treats me..."

Seemingly thinking of those pictures, Ai Qian Shui couldn't speak any more, and then she covered her face with her blood-stained hands and burst into tears.

"My life is just beginning to see hope."

She walked slowly to Higu Qianxia, ​​"Miss Higu, please give me a chance, let me go, I am willing to exchange all my property."

"Even if it's a year."

She stretched out a finger.

"Even for a month, let me stop being controlled by that thing and be a normal woman."

"Live for real once, okay?"

At the end, her voice trembled and she could barely speak.

Roger, who was standing not far away, was silent, which reminded him of his previous experience. If everything this woman said was true, then her life was really indescribable.

Could it be that what happened in Swamp Town will be repeated?

"Miss Shallow."

There was not much pity on the face of Higuchi Qianxia, ​​"Do you know what you did wrong?"

Shui Ai stopped crying, and Roger also heard other meanings from Higoku Qianxia's words.


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