Dawn Infinity

Vol 3 Chapter 16: : Warm Hell

   (PS: Please click, collect, recommend, give a reward, Xiao Z wants everything you can ask for.)

   Even if Chuhao didn't enter God mode, he had already discovered a lot of things wrong, such as Li Ganglei's reaction to the female ghost, such as the voice and content of the female ghost calling him, all of which were suspicious.

   When he entered God Mode, all the clues seemed to be instantly clear. Each clue had one or several key points connected to each other, and these clues deduced an answer that made him feel creepy...

   "I understand...because I entered God mode for more than twelve hours before, some of my memories disappeared, and the part of the memory that disappeared happened to belong to the female ghost in front of me...or that she was still alive..."

"The female ghost called me by my name before, and called my brother again. Such words can only be called by people in the organization and who are from the same background as us. She should have the same life experience and destiny as us during her lifetime. There are some talents surpassing ordinary people, at least it should be a member of the fourth level organization, or even O5, and people with this status can only die from the battle with the C organization, or the containment effect, and the memetic crisis. middle…"

"From the words of this female ghost, and it is the ghost curse meme, things are already very clear...At some point, a memetic crisis broke out in a certain base or team, it is probably the ghost curse. In this crisis, I was probably involved in it, and it was probably because of my decision that I gave up a small number of people who couldn’t be saved. She... just in this part that can’t be saved, Among the people I gave up..."

While Chu Hao was speaking, many images of runes that were visible to the naked eye appeared around him, one by one composed of spell models, which surrounded the three of them on top of each other. For a while, both Li Ganglei and Zhang Heng were dumbfounded. It really doesn't seem to be in the human world. Is this... really the real material world?

"But it's not just that... Ares' words really made me horrified. He should have seen the so-called death spirit since he became a necromancer, but he didn't tell me at the beginning, nor did he have any The abnormal expressions proved that I was normal at that time, that is, I who had just become a necromancer, even if... we experienced such a crisis, forcing me to use God mode, but still did not see my death gas…"

"The first time he saw me lifeless, it was probably when I had forgotten this memory after I finished using God Mode? Then things were really creepy... Li Ganglei, do you remember the memetic effect? The starting conditions for the company?"

Li Ganglei was taken aback for a moment and said: "The effects of the memes are different, and their activation conditions are also different. For example, the earliest meme IP must be registered to speak on it, so that the "I am a newcomer" model will appear. Due to infection..."

"Enough." Chu Hao interrupted Li Ganglei's words: "As long as the memes are activated, it is enough. What I mean is not to find out the exact conditions for memes to activate, but to confirm that all memes must be activated. There is only the innate condition for its activation...Then the answer has actually come out, because I forgot this memory, which led to her appearance, and at this time she has transformed into a ghost. In this situation, Li Ganglei Do you find it familiar?"

Li Ganglei is also one of the three wise men of the rebel organization. Although he has not entered God mode at the moment, Chu Hao has already said so clearly. He immediately paled and said, "You mean, you... you already…"

   "Yes, that's what I meant..."

"I have become a containment object. I have a memetic effect. The activation condition is that I have forgotten a certain memory. If the person in a certain memory is dead, then she will turn into a ghost. Appear, come and attack me and all the humans around me!"

When the voice fell, Chu Hao suddenly shook his body violently, but he still stood still. At the same time, the spell models that appeared in the void around him had firmly wrapped the three of them in it. how many.

Zhang Heng was listening to him all the time. He took a close look at the glasses that Chu Hao is currently wearing, and said after a long time, "It turns out that this is the case... You will become very powerful when you wear these glasses, but you will use them. In such a state, do you forget your previous memories? No wonder you...returning immediately, and you didn't even make progress."

Zhang Heng didn’t know what he said, but Chu Hao understood it. This was just circumventing the limitations of the Lord God’s space. He didn’t say much, and said directly to Zhang Heng: “If you get what you get, you must pay. How much I want to lose, the road is my own choice, so no matter what the consequences are, I will do my best... Zhang Heng, you said you were hired by Ares to protect me. This mission is very dangerous. Go on? If you die...Don't blame me."

Zhang Heng grinned and said: "I'm a man in the killer world, known as the immortal Zhang Heng. Is it okay for you to underestimate me like this? Don't worry, since I have taken the task of Ares this time, I will definitely Go finish it, no matter what, I will protect you from death!" After speaking, Chu Hao pretended to be cool and gave a thumbs up.

   "... isn't your title a funny killer?" Li Ganglei whispered beside him.

   "...I killed you, right now!"

On the other side, Chu Hao ignored the muttering between these two people. He looked at the huge female ghosts and the ghosts who were getting closer and closer and said: "I don't know how long I can hold on. I might talk together in a while. I can’t tell, so to make a long story short, our current derivation results are that all ghosts and ghost curses are composed of runes, similar to the spell model. From this point of view, the spell model must have its core, which is the energy conversion. It is the core rune structure of spell effects. As long as this is destroyed, the spell model will inevitably collapse!"

"From now on, I will use the magic around me to resist the group of ghosts, until the huge female ghost attacks, I will concentrate all my magic to one point to bombard the huge female ghost, and at the same time allow the huge female ghost to catch me. …I have the ability to be an arcanist and can analyze all the spell models that I come into contact with. When caught by it, I will start to analyze its spell models. Of course, this is very dangerous, so it’s just me. After analyzing its core, it killed me first, but we have to fight this now..."

"Next, when I parsed out its core rune position, I would mark it with my body, and use all the wizard's hands to fix it. Maybe the time is only a moment, then everything will be It's up to you, Zhang Heng, I am life and death... Everything is entrusted to you!"

Li Ganglei and Zhang Heng both turned pale when they heard this, because just by hearing this, you would know how dangerous this was. It could almost be said to be a life of nine deaths, but before the two of them had time to speak out, the ghosts around them had already I rushed to the front, and suddenly touched the void spell models surrounding the three of them, and saw that the spell models were shining fiercely, and they actually blocked the invisible and intangible ghosts. This was the first time it was true. Something can stop the ghosts from coming!

   But at this moment, Chu Hao's body trembled again, and almost visible to the naked eye, a little hair on his head turned from black to pale...

One by one, female ghost ghosts rushed up, all blocked by the illuminated spell model, but every time they flew, Chu Hao’s old attitude became heavier. In a short time, he looked like he was already She was in her thirties and was close to forty years old, and at this moment, the huge female ghost had already rushed to the front, and she opened her hands, enveloping the three of them as if they were embracing, with her hands embracing from the left and right sides. Three people.

   "Brother... Brother Chu Hao... Let's get together... Don't leave me... Don't forget me..."

   "...I'm sorry, I don't want to forget, so..." Chu Hao waved his hands, all the spell models flickered violently, and he rushed toward the huge female ghost.

   "Remind me of everything about you!"

At the moment when Chu Hao's body touched the huge female ghost, there was an indescribable coldness, as if even the soul would freeze it, and he had a feeling of falling, a kind of falling from the world to hell. Feel…

   That was years ago...

  He rescued her who was being tested in the base. Her eyes were blank, and her whole body was covered with various experimental circuits, so she was soaked in the experimental tank, and she was about to be dissected by some researchers...

  He rescued her, started to treat her, taught her how to eat with chopsticks and spoons, taught her language and writing, held her shivering in the dark night, and protected her from the dangers of many missions...

   That is a spacious chest, that is gentle family affection, that is a safe hometown...

   She swears to live only for him...

   But at that time, when she was dragged out of the elevator by the ghosts, he just glanced at her, then activated the elevator and led the remaining living people away...

   The darkness is so cold, there is nothing there, only the cold and lonely emptiness like hell...

   But he is still alive, he still remembers her, maybe...this is already very good...

   Until... he has forgotten her...

   "Brother, why did you forget me? Why did you forget me in this cold hell, why..."

"Shelley is not afraid of death, Shelley will be very good, Shelley is willing to live for his brother, Shelley is willing to stay in **** quietly for his brother, because of brother's gentleness, brother's warmth, and brother's warmth have been protecting me. ,But…"

   "Why did brother forget me!"

Chu Hao's eyes were blank and his face was expressionless, but his tears flowed silently. He felt his body temperature dropped extremely, and his vitality was disappearing in an exaggerated state. He had already resolved all the magic models of the female ghost in front of him. , He also saw Li Ganglei and Zhang Heng behind him. There were ghost ghosts behind them, and he was about to reach out and grab them from behind. Everything...

   "I still have to choose...For the survival of the majority, I have to abandon the minority..."

   "Shelley...Wait for me, wait for me in this warm hell, when I die, I will hug you again, and warm you up again..."

"wait for me…"

After the last tear at the corner of Chu Hao's eyes, his hand violently stretched out and pointed to a part of the huge female ghost's chest. The arcane energy he transformed with his vitality was also instilled in, and there, the female ghost's core lit up. …

   In the next moment, an arrow with the speed of the wind, with the power of a spiral, with the spiritual power to pierce the rune...

   passed in an instant!

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