Dawn Infinity

Vol 2 Chapter 17: : 1 breath!

(PS: I haven’t recovered, I don’t sleep well at night, it’s easy to wake up. I woke up early in the morning. I didn’t come until now. I guess I can’t get up at 12 or even 3 in the afternoon, so it’s between 12 and 3 o’clock. The update will be advanced to now, two updates at a time)

"You must be very strange. From a common sense, it should be the high-level sinkers, and even the top-level sinkers who calculated us? After all, they are sane, and they should be extremely powerful, and they are more certain than the ethereal underground blood race. Existing, this can be revealed from the main **** task..."

   "No, it's not right! It is not the sinkers who calculate us, but the underground blood..."

   "Let's deduce from the beginning and tear away all the fog bit by bit!"

Speaking of this, Chu Hao was not in a hurry. He looked at his watch and said, “It’s only eight hours before dawn. I can’t be anxious now. Failure is not terrible. The terrible thing is that I don’t even know how to fail. ...I will analyze everything for you!"

"First of all, since the world was infected with the plague in 2009, the rumors about underground blood races have long been cut off. No matter whether it is in the movie or the information we searched through the Internet, it does not show the existence of any underground blood races. But from me and Zhang The data Heng saw showed that underground blood races exist, so all our subsequent inferences are based on the existence of underground blood races. If all the inferences fit perfectly, then even if the existence of underground blood races is incredible, then it is. It must exist..."

"First of all, the underground blood race infected some humans in 2009. This part of humans became vampires with both human genes and blood genes. Then the plague was exhausted, and the greed of the high-level humans and the rich later caused the first. The second big explosion. This second big explosion made vampires occupy the world. These are all the information we already know, and apart from the underground blood races, everything else is from the movies or from the information we found. So..."

"Followingly, with the scarcity of human beings, the human blood that can be sucked gradually became scarce, and under the suppression of the lack of human blood, the blood genes in the vampires began to gain the upper hand, which also led to the emergence of sinkers, primary sinks. Those who are extremely gluttonous of human blood, it is because the human genes in their bodies are making the final struggle, and it also means that they may still turn from the fallen ones back to vampires and even humans..."

"But with the gradual evolution of the fallen, the blood gene in their body completely overwhelmed the human gene. They are no longer greedy for human blood. On the contrary, they have begun to long for the blood of vampires to extract the blood gene from it. This is also true. In the movie, those who are attacked by the sinkers are all due to vampires. With the gradual purification and accumulation of the blood gene in the sinkers, finally, the advanced sinkers appear. They have the sage and their strength has increased extremely. They are no longer satisfied with ordinary people. Vampires, on the contrary, they started hunting the fallen, and even more eager for the blood of the real blood, so they started to go underground, that is, deeper and deeper into the sewer..."

"So, if the underground blood races really exist, what is their relationship with the high-level sinkers or even the top-level sinkers? At least it is definitely not a master-slave relationship. If one party is greedy for the blood of the other party, trying to **** the blood, then this The relationship must be a hostile relationship!"

When Chu Hao said this, he hehe sneered and said: "Good calculation, really good calculation... I am here to make an assumption. After the appearance of the advanced sinkers, they no longer desire the blood of vampires, and at the same time possess the wisdom and powerful power. Then is it possible for them to meet with high-level vampires? The two sides reach a reconciliation? I think the possibility is very high. The enemy's enemy is a friend. Vampires have the same enemy as the high-level persecutors, then the underground blood!"

"So, is it possible that the high-level sinkers and the top-level sinkers lead a large number of low- and middle-level sinkers to fight the blood under the ground? Both want to hunt each other, and the two sides may have been fighting under the ground for several years! What is the vampire society doing? On the one hand, they are passively creating new sinkers, on the other hand... they are likely to provide human blood to the high-level sinkers underground!"

   "Yes, don't you have any doubts when you watch the bloodthirsty dawn? Is it really necessary to draw human blood so squeezed?"

Chu Hao exhaled when he said this, and he continued: "In the original movie, we can actually see that the staple food of vampires is not human blood. For vampires, human blood should be a kind of medicine or salt, such as in the movie. The male protagonist in here has not sucked human blood for a long time, and his ears have become sharp, and when signs of sinker degradation begin to appear, the heroine only releases a small paper cup of blood, and immediately restores his ears, completely eliminating the sinker's signs... "

"From the perspective of the human body, a healthy adult, as long as there is sufficient nutrition, can donate 1,000 ml of blood in one month without affecting his health. From this perspective, the safe ratio of vampires to humans is completely acceptable. If it reaches 100 or even two to three hundred to one, then why does it appear that humans who were raised in the movie are dying because of too much blood? Don’t talk about the short-sightedness of capitalists, do everything for money... Yes, as long as there is With a profit of 300%, capitalists can risk the risk of decapitation to commit crimes, but a healthy human that can provide blood for decades, and can also mate and reproduce offspring, is better than unlimited squeezing and drawing blood in a short period of time. The profit of the corpse has already exceeded tens of thousands of tens of thousands of percent! No capitalist would be so unwise, and even if the capitalist is short-sighted, the high level of the vampire government will never allow him to do so!"

"But this happened in the original movie. So what's the reason? What caused the capitalists to give up big profits and have to draw a large amount of human blood in a short period of time. At the same time, the vampire government also gave up a large number of middle- and lower-class citizens and turned them into What about the Sinker? If you put all the clues together, then the answer will automatically emerge, yes... because of the underground war, a war between the Sinker and the vampire against the underground blood race, and the human blood is likely to be specialized A must for the blood race! Because of this, the world's largest blood supply company is located here!"

Speaking of this, Chu Hao sneered again. He clapped his hands and said, "Good calculation, really good calculation... You have seen people who are bloodthirsty and break dawn, and then carefully recall, is it true that in the original movie, the protagonist is always nearby? There are little bats hovering, and whenever major events occur, there are always bats flying by? Why? Let us assume based on the previous clues that the protagonist is a famous blood scientist among humans, and he is most likely to produce human blood instead. People of high quality products, will these little bats be monitors discharged from the underground blood tribe? Or are they just clones of the underground blood tribe? They are monitoring the research of the vampire society to replace human blood in order to do the worst or The best plan!"

   "Then it's time to say that I have the last loophole... the newcomer to reincarnation that I gave up!"

Chu Hao stood up, rubbing his eyebrows and said, "I stunned him at the time and didn't kill him on the spot. When we all went to the car, the actor was also nearby. He hadn't been killed yet... So, is it possible for him to be targeted by the underground blood? Is it possible to be sucked by the little bats? What is the underground blood? Will it be a vampire like the legend? You can use the blood magic and **** blood. Absorb memory? If possible, then the underground blood race will know our origins and our mission...Yes, our mission must stay within one kilometer of the protagonist, and the best way to hide is It could be the vertical distance!"

   "Next... the underground blood race relied on the blood race magic to invade our ear vein dialogue system, making this trap perfectly realized, and we also got the difficulty of the main **** given us..."

Chu Hao turned his hand to the rest of the people and said, "Look at your watch, what is the name of the branch plot we have completed? Breaking the underground, haha, breaking, why is it called breaking!? Because our bombing is simply a guide. Huosuo! Let the sinkers and vampires who were suspicious of each other no longer have a buffer, they will each doubt whether each other has betrayed, whether they intend to destroy each other, because the sinkers can also **** the blood of vampires! Our bombing, UU看书wwww .uukanshu.com just broke the balance!"

"Look, soon, a large number of sinkers will invade the ground of vampires, and a large number of new infected sinkers will appear, and the vampires will immediately counterattack, using the human technology weapons, guns, and bombs they still retain. Airplanes, tanks, missiles...it doesn’t take long for the advanced sinkers to appear. Whether it’s negotiating with the vampire government or defeating its troops and confronting them, this is the opportunity that the underground blood races have been waiting for to break through the sinking in one fell swoop. An excellent opportunity to block the line of defense!"

   "Good calculation, good calculation, treat us all as pawns and play us in the palm of your hand! Hey, good calculation, there are also wise men in the underground blood race..."

   Chu Hao suddenly laughed frantically, the frenzy was exposed, making the rest of the people look at each other, and everyone was worried, for fear that Chu Hao would go crazy because of this blow...

But he didn't want to. But after more than ten seconds, Chu Hao had stopped laughing wildly. He suddenly took out something from his jacket pocket. Before everyone could see what it was, he had already put it on his face, but it was a With a pair of plain glasses, everyone looked at Chu Hao with blank eyes, standing there without the slightest expression on his face, as if he had lost his feelings in an instant.

   "We were carried a **** pot, and we were able to eat this nasty breath. This nasty breath was stuck in our chests. If we don't get rid of it for a day, my heart is hard to calm, so even if it is more in-depth assimilation, I will not hesitate..."

   "This is the basic situation, next..."

   Chu Hao's eyes flashed with fanatical light and said: "Let's exterminate the underground blood race!"

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