Dawn Infinity

Chapter 26: : Non-human

what is that! How could there be a mind controller in this world! ? And that speed... is it really the speed that humans can have? !

Chu Hao fell straight down the sling from the top of the building. Although he had such equipment from the beginning, he had never done so because it was too dangerous. If he was caught by alien creatures in mid-air, then Everything will end.

But at this moment he can no longer take care of this much. In fact, Chu Hao is more concerned about the three of them than he may be stripped of his brain and turned into an alien combat weapon, because when he saw them, he felt it. A strong and dangerous aura, that kind of aura was only encountered when he faced the elite combat team of the C organization.

Moreover, the mental power controller, Chu Hao is actually not familiar with its existence, neither its skills nor the reasons for its generation, but he knows one thing, and one thing that has been verified by the organization, that is mental power control. The person can perceive the surrounding environment and creatures within a certain range, and it feels like a radar, but it can penetrate the steel layer, and even go deep into the ground. Because of this, the existence of the mental power controller is so terrifying.

   This is a basic ability. In addition to this, the mind controller may also have the ability to control the behavior of others. Unless the subject is hypnotized by itself or enters a state of unlocking genetic locks, it will not be able to break free from this mind control.

Because of this, Chu Hao hurriedly used the rope to leave the building. On the one hand, he was walking away before the three of them approached. On the other hand... he had to race against time to rush back to the refuge. He didn't dare to confirm that the goal of these three people was. What, but they must have found a refuge, mental controllers have the ability to do this...

   (Is it an enemy? Or is it a humanoid weapon of alien creatures? Or is it a hidden force in this world? Damn! There is too little information to analyze...)

Chu Hao was extremely anxious, and no one knew the horror of the mind controller better than him. With the strength of the elite troops organized by the rebels, facing the mind controller, he would have to pay huge casualties to win and replace him with a refuge. The few people here... really seem to be delivering food, they are definitely dead.

Considering the speed of these three people comprehensively, under certain circumstances, speed is also equal to strength. The physical fitness of these three people is likely to far exceed the limit of human beings. It should be about ten to fifteen times the strength of human beings. This is already terrifying. The data is scary, even if the elite troops of the rebel organization encounter, unless the battlefield is arranged in advance and the battlefield is suppressed and annihilated with heavy firepower, otherwise, the party that destroys the group is likely to be the elite troops!

   So... unbeatable!

This was Chu Hao’s first reaction when they saw the appearance of these three people, and as Ares said, their life is the most favorable situation for Chu Hao, especially when they all get a lot of reward points. They need to be the team candidates for the future horror film world, so he must lead everyone to escape before the three enter the refuge.

(Now time...9:46, the time we entered this world seems to be around 11:20 in the morning, and there is about one and a half hours before we will leave this world. Before then... we absolutely cannot communicate with The three are face to face!)

Chu Hao had already reached the ground from the top of the building at this moment. He also ignored the threat of all the alien weapons and began to rush towards the refuge. When he was running, all his thoughts had been mobilized, and he began to analyze this crazily. The origins of the three, and their possible weaknesses, or how to avoid them.

(First of all, they are very powerful, and there is almost no possibility of being ordinary humans. Secondly, they came without warning, and similar characters did not appear in the original movie plot. Once again, they have mental power controllers. This is the biggest clue... So speaking, Could it be that they are C organization, no, they are members of the Guards in X organization, sent out to hunt me down?)

(Wait, there seems to be a problem with my thinking. This is the world of reincarnation. How did they get in? Neither organization C nor organization X should have such capabilities. The world of reincarnation has gone beyond the scope of science, even The mythological category has gone beyond. No matter how strong these two organizations are, it is absolutely impossible to be so strong, uh, I seem to have missed something... I repeat all the clues and deduct it again...)

(So ​​that's it... I have made the inference before that both Organization C and Organization X were established by people who returned from the world of reincarnation, so there are three people who can have a mental power controller and such a powerful force... They are also members of the reincarnation team! Only this reincarnation squad I belong to!! Does any other reincarnation squad exist?!)

At the end of his thinking, Chu Hao had no doubts. After all the impossibility was eliminated, the remaining one, no matter how incredible, was the only truth. It turned out to be the case. It seems that Jenny, a senior rookie, is really harmful. The dead do not pay for their lives. I had known that there might be other reincarnation squads, so the things he planned for this refuge would be completely different!

(It’s too late to think so much now. The only way to survive is to reach the refuge as soon as possible, and then call everyone to start to escape, and go out from Exit 3. The agencies there should be able to block for a while, and then you can run as fast as you can. How fast until...)

   (Jerry has to completely control the body of the giant orangutan!)

   Yes, Jerry got...

   The only chance to survive!

It was really unintentional. Chu Hao actually didn’t want to deal with what happened to the heroes and heroines, and he didn’t have the ability to deal with them, but the pity in his heart made him make a plan for the two of them. In the end, When he also specially selected the most suitable alien weapon for the hero, he didn't expect that this act he didn't care about was the only way he could survive this time. It seems that things are really impermanent...

Chu Hao's speed is extremely fast. At this moment, he has been turning on the gene lock. In this state, he is extremely sensitive to the surrounding senses, the distribution of all the ground rocks, the location of all possible alien monsters, and the The speed, power, attack method, etc. of the octopus monsters chasing him, everything seemed to reflect in his mind, and naturally, he knew how to run faster, how to deal with the attacks of those octopus monsters, all Everything is so natural...

It only took Chu Hao a few minutes to return to the refuge from the ground, and in the passageway No. 1 he entered, there were several octopus monsters wandering there, although the refuge can definitely be found after a long time. , But this is not a problem anymore.

When Chu Hao entered the refuge, everyone there looked gloomy. Everyone looked at him with unspeakable eyes, and wanted to hear him explain why he took the octopus into the refuge, especially When this is about to return to the main **** space.

   "Are there other reincarnation teams?!"

Chu Hao didn't have time to explain at all. He rushed to Jenny and grabbed her shoulder and said: "Tell me! Have those seniors mentioned it before? Is there another reincarnation team! Or the whole? There are only us in the reincarnation world?"

Jenny was stunned for a moment, and then said, "There are other reincarnation teams. What's weird about this? By the way, I didn't tell you this because you didn't ask. How can I remember it? Don't make a fuss. Is it good or not, let’s first explain why you brought those octopus monsters into the refuge."

Chu Hao was so angry that blue veins appeared on his head. A few seconds later, he took a deep breath and let go of Jenny. "Those octopus monsters are barriers to help us stop the danger, although I don't know how long it can stop... tell me, How many reincarnation teams still exist in UU Reading www.uukanshu.com!"

Jenny thought for a while and said: "I don't know how many reincarnation teams there are. Anyway, I only know that our team is the Arctic State team. Then I heard those seniors mentioned that the strongest is the Zhongzhou team, known as the gods. Block and kill the gods, the demons block and kill the demons, followed by the Devil Squad which is also very powerful, and..."

   Chu Hao immediately interrupted her and asked, "Have those senior people mentioned that there are three people in a reincarnation team, regardless of gender, but these three people are very powerful?!"

   "Zhong, Zhong, Zhongzhou..."

   Jenny's face suddenly became pale, her whole body trembled violently, and her whole body seemed to faint at any time, and even her words carried such a terrible state.

"Three people are very powerful. Only the Zhongzhou team meets it." Jenny tremblingly said: "That is the strongest reincarnation team. They are extremely cruel and evil. It is said that they are so strong because they always When you arrive in a world, you will slaughter all the creatures you see, absorb and test their souls, and use souls and malice to become stronger. It is said that the creatures that died in their hands were at least tens of billions or more. A senior person told me before, In the previous six-team battle, the captain of the Zhongzhou team directly sank a continent in half, and three of the teams were destroyed. Yes, only the Zhongzhou team was there. Did the Zhongzhou team also appear? They must have come to hunt down. Ours, I don’t want my soul to be abused after death."

   Jenny was talking, already crying loudly, but when the others heard it, their expressions were gloomy to the limit...

   sank a continent in half...

   Is that still a human! ?

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