Small ink: azure blue. Zhang Fu: Amethyst. Cheng Feng: wine red. Xiao Jin: Terracotta (the color of bronze). Tianxiang: Flame color. Concubine Xu: The color of a goose. Helanzhen: Cobalt green. Yu Dunsu: orange color.

Chapter 60

The army marched through the misty wilderness.

At the forefront are the scouts.

The light cavalry squad consisted of twenty people, divided into several squads, each several miles apart.

They are responsible for inquiring about the enemy situation and terrain ahead, as well as finding a site for the army to camp.

Immediately after the scouts are a corresponding number of vanguard troops.

They were in units of a hundred people, led by a centurion, and traveled lightly to respond to the sudden battle situation of the scouts in front.

The 100-man team led by Yang Sheng was exactly such a team of vanguard soldiers.

"Brother Sheng, I'm a little flustered." Because of the fog, the vision is not very wide, Yang Luhou is a little nervous, "Will the enemy suddenly appear in this fog?"

"What are you panicking about? Only if there are enemies, there is a chance. Captain Mo is taking care of us." Yang Sheng licked his lips, his eyes were full of energy, eager to see blood, "I am afraid of the enemy. dare not come."

Behind them more than ten miles away, the large army is advancing slowly and orderly.

Mo Qiaosheng led an army of 5,000 people in Bianzhou.

Before setting off, He Lanzhen allocated an additional 1,000 well-trained cavalry and 1,000 archers to him.

Another 3,000 people are responsible for transporting grain and grass and carrying luggage, and the team has a total of more than 10,000 people.

More than ten years ago, tens of thousands of people went on an expedition to be considered a large-scale battle.

But now, with the fall of the capital, aliens invaded. The feudal lords in the Central Plains were divided, and the wars were endless.

The scale of the war began to gradually expand.

The 10,000-strong team can only be regarded as a tentative launch by the lord.

At this moment, in the Jin army team, the main force of the team and the rear baggage transportation force are moving forward in an orderly manner.

There are light cavalry running back and forth at the head and tail, passing information.

A thousand light-armored soldiers were lined up on each side, thinking that they were divided. It is used to protect the flank of the army, prevent the enemy from raiding, and disrupt the formation of one's own side.

The centenary team that A Yuan is in belongs to the ranks of the pawns.

"Han Centurion," A Yuan and Centurion Han Shen went side by side, "our army has more than 10,000 people, and Qixian heard that the defenders are only a few thousand. Could it be that before we arrived, the battle was over by the vanguard troops. ?"

"Those slaves in Qianfeng Battalion who haven't seen the world, think they can take the lead this time?" Han Shen snorted softly, "Qixian County has a strong city, sufficient food, and troops are not as strong as our army. Yang Sheng's forward battalion wants to touch the enemy's head in advance? I'm afraid it won't be so easy. Whoever can get the first skill has to see the skill on the city wall."

Under the commanding flag of the Chinese army, it is the command center and guard of the army.

Mo Qiaosheng was riding with Li Qianfu and Liang Qianfu.

"Although there are only 3,000 defenders in Qi County, but the city is strong and food is sufficient, and the defender Gan Yanshou has been stationed for many years. He must be strong and clear, and he will recruit the young and strong in the city. There are clouds, ten will surround them, and five will attack them. Now our main force is more than 7,000 people, and this point in Qixian County may not be as easy to pull off as I imagined." The older and prudent Li Qianfu said.

"No, we won't hit Qi County directly." Mo Qiaosheng said.

"Don't fight Qi County?" Liang Qianfu and Li Qianfu said in surprise.

"The world knows that our army wants to win Qixian County. Although Han Quanlin was out of reach, he still sent a lot of grain and military supplies to Qixian County. Not only did Qi County's garrison Gan Yanshou make full preparations, but nearby Yanjin, Weihui, Shui, etc. The county guards must also be eyeing our army. Once our army is unable to take Qixian for a while, or is slightly weak, they may send troops to respond at any time, resulting in a front and back attack."

"Is that according to the general's intention?"

"We take Yanjin, cross the Huáng River, first capture Weihui, then go up the Wei River to capture Huaxian in the upper reaches of Qi County." A sneer appeared on the corner of Moqiao's mouth.

Liang and Li Erjiang remembered the location of Huaxian County, where the Weihe River converges with the Huáng River, and is only more than thirty miles away from Qixian County.

They suddenly understood what Mo Qiaosheng wanted to do, and they couldn't help but take a breath.

This General Mo, a new official, is young and vigorous. They all thought that he was eager to make meritorious deeds and would attack the city desperately. Unexpectedly, he would have the patience to take such a safe method.

The Jin army arrived in Yanjin, and the defender of Yanjin abandoned the city and fled.

The army then crossed the huáng river and arrived at Weihui to start their first battle.

Yang Luhou, Dengzhu, and Cai Shi are building a camp with huge wooden stakes.

As the vanguard, one of the major tasks is to hastily build barracks before the arrival of the army, so that the soldiers who arrive later can settle down.

Yang Luhou inserted the huge wooden stake into the soil, then Dengzhu threw the big pestle aside and smashed it down.

They need to build strong fences, dig trenches, set up defensive horses, antlers, and build tall watchtowers.

"It's a pity that the general of Yanjin fled without fighting. I really want to get another head quickly." Dengzhu said while turning the wooden pestle, "This way I can free my mother from slavery."

Yang Luhou didn't think so. When he was on the battlefield, he was both excited and a little scared: "Anyway, those of us who are soldiers, just listen to the general's orders. I count on the captain of the colonel to lead us to a big victory. Zhan, we have a lot of brothers, everyone takes it

Heads, haha. "

Soldiers entered the camp, set up camp, cooked rice, and waited for the generals to lead them to victory or to death.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Mo Qiaosheng sat in the middle, and there were several thousand commanders and dozens of centurions in order.

Mo Qiaosheng inspected the crowd: "Tomorrow, who is willing to take the city first for our army?"

As we all know, when the city was pulled out, the first-in-class soldiers were the troops with the most casualties.

However, according to the Jin army's new policy, as long as the Xian Deng troops climbed to the city wall and held their positions, the centurion who led the team could be promoted directly. It is no longer necessary to meet the harsh conditions that the number of deaths in the entire team is proportional to the number of enemy leaders.

This is undoubtedly a great temptation for the centurions who are more difficult to advance.

As long as the entire team has a total of 20 enemy heads, the entire team's combat personnel can be upgraded to a title. Even if you die in battle, this title and reward can be inherited by your family.

Yang Sheng and Han Shen stood up at the same time: "I am willing to do it."

Mo Qiaosheng looked at the two of them for a moment, and ordered the soldiers to serve three glasses of hot wine with a high five.

He raised a toast and said, "Mr. Mo wishes the two of you a great victory, for my Jin army to win the first battle and get the top spot."

In the early morning of the second day, it was just dawn, and the defenders on Weihui City were disturbed to find that smoke was rising from all sides of the city wall, and the smoke gradually filled the air, obscuring their vision.

They were shocked when they knew that the Jin army, who had just arrived yesterday, launched an attack.

Liu An, the general defending the city, climbed up to the top of the city and complained secretly as he watched the Jin army attacking from all sides.

He really couldn't let go of this face to flee without a fight like General Yanjin did.

But let him use the one or two thousand people in his hand to resist the aggressive Jin army, he also felt that he could not do it.

Therefore, he originally planned to hold on for ten days and a half months, and he would not be able to avoid the battle, waiting for the reinforcements from Qi County and Hua County to come and attack.

If the reinforcements arrive too late, he will abandon the city and leave, and he will be considered to have fulfilled his duty as a courtier.

Sui know that the enemy's coach, Mo Qiaosheng, is impatient. The army arrived yesterday and will attack the city today.

Moreover, it is not known where the main attack is coming from the smoke from all sides.

He heard the sound of killing from the west side of the city, and hurriedly said: "Quick, quick, the enemy is attacking from the west, deploy troops to defend the west of the city, and prepare more rolling stones and wood, be quick!"

On the west side of the city, the army of the Jin State took up a battle, beating drums and shouting, and several tentative charges, all retreated by the rain of rolling stone arrows that rained down from the top of the city.

The defender Liu An personally supervised the battle, and dispatched a large number of soldiers to guard the city wall.

At this moment, outside the South Gate, Yang Sheng and Han Shen's 100-member team, under the cover of Láng Yan, held up their shields and quietly approached the city gate.

In front of them, there was a team pushing ladders, driving cars, and crashing cars.

The guards in the south of the city saw a few oddly-shaped square leather cars appear in the thick smoke.

They hurriedly fired their arrows, but the thick hide protected the soldiers among them and went straight to the ditch. A group of soldiers poured out of these chariots, and against the rain of arrows, they quickly used wooden boards to erect bridges across the trenches.

The cloud ladder, followed by the crash, crossed the ditch and approached the city wall.

Soldiers on the city wall dropped spruce logs, rolling stones, splashed kerosene, and lit ladders.

But in the end, there were still two ladders that raised long ladders and hooked up to the city wall with a machete-like hook.

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