Two hundred-person squads rushed up in the thick smoke with shields on, and climbed up the stairs regardless of their health.

The stones and wood on the city wall fell like bào rain, and in the billowing black smoke, one side desperately did not let the enemy get on the wall, while the other side rushed up with gritted teeth, and both sides were red-eyed.

Yang Sheng stood guard under the cloud ladder, watching the brothers who could not climb halfway, either being smashed open by falling rocks, or falling down the cloud ladder with holes all over their bodies by arrow rain.

With great difficulty, Dengzhu avoided the random arrows and falling rocks in one breath, rushed to the entrance of the city wall, and boarded the city wall.

He slashed an enemy leader with one knife, and was about to greet the brothers behind to follow. The enemy's iron spear pierced through his chest.

Dengzhu was stunned for a moment, grabbed the head of the enemy he had cut down, shook his body, and fell from the city wall.

"Pillar!" Yang Sheng's eyes were cracked, he and Yang Luhou rushed forward to help his blood-covered brother, and temporarily avoided the back of the chariot.

"Brother Zhuzi, hold on, hold on a little bit." Yang Luhou cried unsatisfactorily. He already knew in his heart that this brother who would wait for him every day and help him back to the barracks would not be able to.

"Sheng, Brother Sheng." Dengzhu trembled and raised the head in his hand, and didn't go to Yang Sheng's waist, "I, my mother..."

Yang Sheng closed his eyes and pinned the hair of the man's head to his waist.

"Don't worry, I will have another mother in the future. As long as any of our brothers are alive, someone will give your mother the care of her."

He put down his brother who had not yet died, looked up at the smoke-filled city wall, and the evil spirit in his eyes was as real.

Above the city wall, an archer just shot an arrow and was about to take another arrow.

An enemy's head suddenly appeared above the cloud ladder. This man had a hideous scar on his face. It crossed half of his face, and even his ears were missing. The man's eyes were red, and he jumped up the city wall like a ghost.

He held a knife in his mouth, a bloody head was pinned to his waist, one hand rested on the ground, and the other hand flashed cold light.

The soldier with the arrow felt a chill on his neck and suddenly lost consciousness.

Yang Luhou followed closely, holding up his shield to block the rain of arrows for Yang Sheng.

"Gān kill them, Brother Sheng, fight with them!" He shouted while shaking.

As Yang Sheng took a firm footing, Jin soldiers rushed to the top of the city one after another. They used their shields to hold each other tightly together, blocking the enemy's attack in a short period of time and defending the cloud ladder.

There were more and more soldiers of Jin State on the city wall. The car crashed to the city gate, and the huge wooden crash began to hit the city gate.

The defenders in the distant city and the soldiers on the other three walls finally realized that the southern city was the real place of attack, and rushed towards the south.

"You guard, I'll open the city gate." Yang Sheng jiāo waited, hacked to death two enemy troops, and jumped down from the stairs of the inner city wall.

"Brother Sheng, Brother Sheng!" his brother could not shout, watching him single-handedly kill the city wall.

Yang Sheng cut down several soldiers who were guarding the inner side of the southern city gate and were strengthening the city gate.

However, the enemy troops were numerous and he soon fell into a siege.

The city gate loosened when it collided with the outside.

Finally, with a bang, the city gate opened wide, and the Jin army rushed in and rushed into the city gate.

Yang Sheng was covered in blood and several arrows in his body. When he was powerless to continue, a silver spear opened the enemy in front of him.

Mo Qiaosheng's spear immediately stopped in front of him.

"Give it to me here, you step back."

The sound of the fighting on the battlefield finally subsided, and there was still smoke drifting from the ruined city wall.

Up and down the city, the blood of the enemy was mixed with the blood of his own robes, and there were corpses all over the place.

On the open space in front of the city gate, piles of heads were neatly strewn with the heads cut off by each team.

A Yuan's teammates were still standing on the city wall. After the battle, there were only less than thirty people left in their 100-man team.

Centurion Han Shen was sitting against the city wall, with several sharp arrows stuck in his chest, seeing that he could not survive.

"Don't, don't cry." Han Shenpo said with blood on his mouth, facing A Yuan, "You... haven't you always wanted to be a public servant? Earn money for your daughter-in-law and son... Earn land, earn a house. Now, You are a gentleman."

"I should learn from you, and I also pulled a piece of floral cloth for my mother-in-law. I... always beat her." He stopped talking.

A Yuan stretched out his hand, closed his eyes, untied his head from his waist, and without a word, led the rest of his companions and walked down the city head in the blood-like setting sun.

Chapter 61

Cheng Qianye was reading a credential sent by Duke Xianggong of the Song Dynasty.

The words in the book earnestly express the hope that the two countries are friendly countries, and many precious national gifts are also attached with the book.

Seeing the back, Cheng Qianye curled the corners of her mouth and smiled, she waved to Cheng Feng, the Si Kou Zuo Shi Cheng Feng, who was in front of the hall by Su Wei.

Cheng Feng pressed his sword and came to her side.

Cheng Qianye pushed the credential over, stretched out two fingers and clicked on a line of words: "I have stolen my family's property, and I am demoted to a commoner."

Cheng Feng stared at the line of words, tightening his jaw.

"How? If you still have hatred in your heart, I can let him die."

After a long while, she saw the Feiyi guard gently shaking his head: "No, such a villain is not worth taking him to heart."

Cheng Qianye looked at him: "In this case, your past is here. From today onwards, only look at the future."

When Yao Tianxiang came in, he walked past with Cheng Feng at the threshold.

Yao Tianxiang looked back frequently until the crimson figure walked away.

"This Cheng Feng is really beautiful." She squeezed down beside Cheng Qianye, Cheng Qianye moved to make room for her, "It's a pity it's too cold, and every day has a straight face. "

"But what did you do to him just now? I think his expression is wrong." Yao Tianxiang glanced at Cheng Qianye, "Qiaosheng is working hard for you on the front line, you have a new love so soon?"

Cheng Qianye stretched out a finger and flicked a chestnut on her forehead: "If you talk nonsense again, I will send your Sima Tu to the front line tomorrow."

Yao Tianxiang took Cheng Qianye's arm: "No more trouble, no more trouble. Qianyu, let's go to the hot spring?"

She knew Cheng Qianye's real name, but in order to prevent her from accidentally leaking her mouth, she kept calling her brother Cheng Qianye's name, Cheng Qianyu.

Cheng Qianye and Yao Tianxiang, under the escort of the judges, drove a cart towards the west mountain.

When passing through the city gate, I saw many soldiers busy building the city wall.

Cheng Qianye stopped the carriage and stopped to watch for a while.

She was surprised to find that the city walls of this era were not made of bricks, but poured the excavated soil into the formwork made of wooden boards and bamboo pieces, and then beat them repeatedly by hand until they were compacted. It is a bit like the way of building a house in modern times, inserting steel bars into the building formwork and pouring cement.

As a result, the entire construction site saw naked soldiers everywhere, with wooden pestles in their turns, and the sound of beating the rammed earth loudly.

An official who was supervising the project saw Cheng Qianye, hurried through the queue of soldiers picking dirt back and forth, and trotted to Cheng Qianye.

Cheng Feng took a wrong step and stopped in front: "Who is coming? Don't be reckless in front of the lord, and quickly report your name."

That talent realized that he was a little rude. He patted the official uniform that was so dirty that it was almost invisible, and knelt down and saluted: "Bianzhou Sikong stingy, Cui Youyu, I have seen the lord."

Cheng Qianye remembered that she had seen this person. When he and Xiao Jin visited the Bianhe River, this person left an impression on her because of his professionalism and seriousness in flood control work.

Of course, I would have noticed him in the crowd of Bianzhou officials because he had a beautiful snow-blue color on his body.

Cheng Qianye looked at the man kneeling on the ground in front of him, covered in mud from head to toe. He didn't know how long he had been on the construction site. He smiled and said, "Get up, I remember you. The last time I saw you, you were not Zhou Sikong. Why? Why does this official go back more and more? From Sikong to Sikong's assistant, to Sikong's stingy husband. In such a short period of time, he has been demoted two levels in a row."

Cui Youyu got up, patted the soil on his knees, and his face was slightly embarrassed: "Xiaoguan is not very good at doing things, and he has done a lot of wrong things. Fortunately, the newly appointed Bianzhou Lord Muhong doesn't care about me, and let the lowly post do it. The job you are good at.”

Cheng Qianye thought about it, this person is a bit pedantic, doesn't know how to change things, and doesn't get along well in the officialdom.

In the last meeting, I saw that he had offended his colleagues and superiors collectively, and he was not aware of it.

Probably he is really professional and rigorous in water conservancy and construction, and he has something special, so he can sit in the position of a state-level official.

"Stingy man, let me ask you, is this city wall made of rammed earth, can it be strong? Will it collapse easily?"

"No, no, there is absolutely no possibility of the city wall being built under the supervision of a subordinate officer." Probably it was related to his professional field, Cui Youyu blushed and retorted, from being shy and shy to articulate. stand up.

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