Create a Fantasy World

Chapter 68 Fighting sea monsters, a new discovery

"It's really bad luck! I didn't expect that even mutated sea monsters appeared? It seems that this is all caused by not paying attention to environmental protection!"

Yasuo's father said with great emotion that he won the approval of his mother.

I feel that some companies are too immoral, do not pay attention to energy conservation and emission reduction, and flow sewage into the sea, destroying many creatures, which is really a crime.

Faced with the emotion of his parents, Yasuo is thinking that Ultraman will appear to stop the sea monster from making trouble?

What he said stunned his parents.

Qiqi looked at Yasuo and couldn't help but smile: "Silly boy, don't think about that kind of thing! Do you really think there are any superheroes in the world?"

"Wait, didn't you read the previous news reports? Didn't you say that there was a suspected monster in the city and was defeated by a hero who claimed to be Ultraman!"

"Ha, did you say that?"

The parents got serious and discussed this issue.

They thought it must be an unscrupulous tabloid making up random things, maybe there is a new movie to be released to promote it.

In addition, Yasuo is fine, don't think about it, go back and do your homework, shall we?

Being driven to his hut, Yasuo almost shut himself up.

If you don't believe me, I'll do it myself.

He called out Doraemon, saying that he wanted to subdue those sea monsters and eliminate harm for the world.

In the end, it caused Doraemon to worry, saying Yasuo, don't work so hard, you have only been a superhero a few times, do you regard yourself as a character?

Of course, it is impossible for Doraemon to speak so aggressively, that is roughly what it means, but it is more tactful.

But Yasuo doesn't care!

He just wants to be a superhero willfully, and besides, he has Doraemon as his backing.

Where are your props? Didn't you say you were coming to help me counterattack?

Where have all these dreams gone?

The last pass was sold out badly, and he successfully bought Doraemon with dorayaki, and he lost his mind and prepared to work with him.

The two did what they said, and Doraemon took out new props and communication equipment.

After wearing each other, keep in touch.

Then he took out an electronic map, found the location of Linhai from the map, and prepared to search for real-time news and launch an attack on the nasty sea monster.

Of course, Ji Dong prepared this move for him.

The two stared nervously at the map, observing every move until a new alarm sounded.

It is said that there is a ship in distress again, it is time for Ultraman to appear.

Yasuo excitedly said to Doraemon: Let's go?

There is no way to do what the mission is, so Doraemon can only bite the bullet and play with him.

After opening any door, they traveled directly to the destination, and the two used the bamboo dragonfly to fly in the sky to search for the target.

On the sea, the waves are rough.

While the two ships were bumping, they were attacked by a huge lobster, and they were about to be destroyed.

Fortunately, the two of Yasuo arrived, so he showed the β magic wand and summoned the magical β ray to transform himself.

The magical first-generation Ultraman just appeared.

He flew into a giant of light and jumped onto the sea, only to find that the sea was submerged up to his knees.

Now the advantage of height is highlighted.

Yasuo was taken aback for a moment, and then shouted: "Monster, stop quickly! Don't attack innocent ships."


Talking is so lacking in momentum!

Ji Dong, who was watching from the dark, was as speechless as Doraemon.

In other words, how can you be a hero.

The big lobster that was doing damage over there didn't dump him at all.

Continue to hold the boat and gnaw and gnaw, as if there is no one else around.

"Hey, can't you hear me?"

Brother, do you want to go up to the pier and have a cup of tea?

Ji Dong was so angry that he summoned lightning,

Straight away.

Yasuo was so frightened that he didn't dare to act recklessly, rushed up to grab the big lobster, and started wrestling.

"Ho Ho!"

Not to be outdone, the mutated lobster brandished its large pincers to come and go with Yasuo, and even clamped Yasuo's arm several times, which was quite painful.

Yasuo had no choice but to use his fighting skills, waving Wang Baquan indiscriminately.

Anyway, the scene is unsightly, and this is the virtue of special photography dramas.

Ji Dong let them fight for a while, and asked Doraemon to inform Yasuo to release the boat first.

Don't forget your main purpose!

With the help of Doraemon, Yasuo salvaged the wrecked ship and sent several crew members who fell into the water to the shore.

Then go back and fight the big lobster well, this time you can get serious.

Using the newly realized light skill, it hit the head of the big lobster with one blow, and it exploded on the spot.

"Ho Ho!"

Thick smoke was billowing from Big Lobster's body, and he screamed again and again, but the special effects were a bit shabby.

After all, is it the style of Tokusho drama?

Ji Dong thinks that's it!

The little monster that was bred successfully only by pity on myself, so it was reimbursed.

The system won't pay me thousands of points, so I can't finish the calculation!


[Ultraman Yasuo successfully attacked and defeated the monsters rampant in the sea. It is recommended to patrol the sea area and expand the domain controlled by the host! 】

A new task was issued. After Kangfu got the big lobster, Ji Dong decided to let him circle the Pacific coast a few more times.

By the way, learn a new skill, the ability to fly.

Yasuo was also having fun, and it was a rare opportunity to come out as a hero and start patrolling by the way.

Together with Doraemon, he flew over the ocean and inspected the surrounding environment by the way.

Invisibly, it opened up more areas for Ji Dong.

He summoned the small broken ball and found that the regulatory authority for the Pacific region has been unlocked.

It also means that there is one more place for me to make troubles.

The question is, what to do here?

Click on the virtual map of the corresponding area, looking at the vast Pacific Ocean, this magical ocean that connects several continents, but there are many places to dig.

He suddenly thought of one thing.

In my memory, Steve Rogers, the captain of the United States in the Marvel world, fought against the Red Skull during World War II, and finally crashed and fell into the depths of the sea and was frozen for many years.

If you use this bridge to create the US team in advance and integrate it into history, wouldn't you be able to gradually improve the Marvel world?

Also, Marvel's Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, etc.

Ji Dong has a brand new plan at this time, he knows what to do?

The Marvel plan begins, the first target is Captain Rogers.

Ji Dong had to get started and get down to business.

Think about it, how to create Cap, and put him in a suitable environment, has been perfectly integrated into this world.

No longer paying attention to Yasuo's actions, Ji Dong returned to his residence, summoned the creation suit, and meditated.

Let's build a US team first, shall we?

(Sorry for the late posting! I also ask for favorites and recommendation tickets, and I hope everyone will leave a lot of comments. I heard that the posts and comments are back visible, friends, let’s chat together!)

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