
Chapter 301: 【massacre】

apprentice? ?

That old guy has an apprentice?

Bang old guy has another apprentice so powerful

That old guy actually has another apprentice who is so powerful and so arrogant? (The old guy continues to draw a smile with Jiuquan ...) For a moment, Xia Ya felt that his brain was not enough. There was a confusion in the heart, and even the warning in Dora's mind seemed to be more shocking than the news about the old fellow apprentice.

Looking in front of Hastings, looking at this remarkable and powerful man in this world, looking at this. An Odin warrior who can make thousands of troops fearless with just one name ...

His apprentice who was trained by an old guy? This statement is as absurd as if the fat man Ruer suddenly jumped in front of Xia and claimed to be the illegitimate son of Emperor Odin! "Do not believe? Or dare not believe?"

Hastings raised his mouth slightly, and his eyes were still sharp like a knife: "He's not an amazing person. What good is it to impersonate his apprentice."

After a pause, he pointed to the open space in front of him: "If you don't want to kill for a while, we might as well sit down and say a few words. If you want to fight again, I don't mind teaching the old ghost Just a moment. "

Xia hesitated again and again, and finally sat down slowly, but the fire fork still held in his hand, he did not dare to relax himself, his eyes were staring, staring at Hastings: "I ... what is there to say between you and me? of."

Hasting snorted, but looked at Xia Ya's fire fork, and after a few more glances, he nodded his head: "Well, this thing, it looks like it has recovered a little bit. The last time ... when we met before, this thing has not evolved yet. No wonder I didn't recognize it at the beginning. But ... the pendant on your neck was recognized at first glance. from."

His tone gradually revealed a slight vicissitudes of life, and he smiled gently: "I remember when I was desperately trying to perform, I don't know how many times I asked him, I just hope he can pass these two things to me. But In the end, it's in your hands. Hey! Looks like he's optimistic about you. "

Charlie moved, thinking that this pendant was left to me by the old guy, but was this fire fork? The old guy may not really pass it on to himself. It was always thrown in the hearth so casually, and brought out at will when he went down the mountain.

He pondered for a while, and shook his head vigorously: "I didn't want to be big. The old guy actually has an apprentice, even more unexpectedly it will be you."

Hastings seemed to be a little lost, and then shook his head: "There are too many things in this world. If I put them back then, I wouldn't even think about this situation today."

Suddenly he reached out and held the triangular war rifle beside him, sighed slightly, his broad palm was stroking gently on the barrel, and his head was lowered, without looking at Fu Ya's face, but he said gently: "You Want to hear a story? "

"miss you!"

Without hesitation, Charlie nodded.

In his mind, he immediately determined that the "story" that He Jinting said was, after all, a major relationship with the old guy. "It was about thirty cars in front of it." The first sentence of Hastings, let Xia Ya paused: "At the time, I was still a Byzantine ... well, to be precise, I was still a Byzantine noble. My father had the title of a baron. My mother was an ordinary woman, she was born In a small handicrafts family, my grandfather had a small textile workshop. Although my father was a nobleman, his family had long since fallen. By his generation, he had no title other than a baron. What worth showing off.

My grandfather is the owner of a small handicraft workshop from the bottom. In the Byzantine Empire, a person at the bottom, even if he has accumulated a lot of wealth, can only truly enter the higher class. Find ways to improve your social status. The title of a nobleman is very attractive to a little rich man. So my father, married my mother. "

Although Hastings began to say these words, although not important, Charlie listened very carefully and did not look impatient at all. Because he was in Hei Jinting's eyes ... the indifferent and strong, stable eyes like a rock, there was a slight wave, a slight sadness ...

"More than thirty years ago, when I was four years old. My grandfather died in order to expand the family's industry. My father made a decision to move his family's business to the capital of Oscar. He believes that in the thriving capital, Being able to meet better business opportunities can give him the opportunity to make the business bigger. In fact, his decision was not wrong. After arriving in the capital, the family's industry did get some exhibitions, but unfortunately Although his father has a title of nobility, it has no background and no foundation. It is only a title of a baron, and he is born in a small place in the southern part of the empire. He has such a status. In the imperial capital that is all magnificent, there is no one. Will really look at him.

The aristocratic circle of the imperial capital has always been xenophobic. In their eyes, even the same aristocracy, but those who live in the countryside, especially those in remote areas, will always be country guys. The nobles who emigrated to the imperial capital, even those big families with strong local power. In order to dissolve into the aristocratic kingdom of the imperial capital, it must take the efforts of several generations. not to mention. My father was just a small rich family. And his assets are not even worth mentioning to the imperial capitals everywhere.

There are many business opportunities in Diduli. But that Jun Junshui is also deep. Within a year, the throne of the Seal of God had hindered the exhibition of his father's business. His aristocratic title could not help him at all. Finally, by chance, his father joined the Senate.

This is a very ironic thing. A person with a noble status actually joined the power of the Senate with the main purpose of advocating civil rights, thus standing on the opposite side of the nobility.

More than thirty cars were in front of the Senate at that time. It hasn't fallen like this now.

At that time, it was not long before Emperor Cantos became a pro-government. It has not even received the support of all the aristocratic groups, and at the same time, it is facing the elbow of the warlords who are already plumped.

In response to these dictions, Cantosbé devised a way ... to support the factions of the Senate.

This is just a political wrist.

Perhaps for the Emperor Cantos at that time, a little support for the Senate could slightly balance the other forces. and. The Senate, which has no foundation, no military power, and no financial resources, is also easier to control, slightly dissatisfied, and it is not too difficult to repress it.

However, the emperor's support at that time excited the Senate. Even some enthusiastic guys thought that they had the support of the emperor and began to openly fight for power with other noble groups and warlords. It can be said that many people even lost their heads at that time. Blind optimism and the expansion of the transition gave later events the root of the disaster.

Emperor Cantos, soon in political struggles, wiped out other members of the royal family who threatened the throne. His uncles and brothers' threats were all resolved by him. After the entire aristocracy of the empire was in his possession In the hands. After fully loyal to the emperor ... Senate. For the emperor, the value of utilization has been lost.

What's more, the emperor believed in Cavill Hill. The Cavill Hill guy was a standard dictator. Such a claim naturally conflicts with the purpose of the Senate.

In preparation, the Senate fought fiercely and even planned a political storm. "

Having said that, Hastings looked at Xia: "You shouldn't have grown up in Byzantium.

But even if you are, you may not know it. Because of this matter, a ban was later severely forbidden to bring it back. Any literature, any book, or file was not allowed to bring up the past. "

After a pause, he slowly said: "That incident was called the declaration of resumption '... Of course, it also has a name,' June tragic case '!"

There is no doubt that when he heard the title of "the tragic case", Xia Ya immediately determined in her heart: that time, things seemed very bad. And the result is nothing more than ...

Bleeding! Very, very bloody.

"At the time, the Senate's approach, although it was stupid in many places, but at least one thing, it hit the emperor's biggest weakness! During the emperor's support, the Senate took advantage of the convenience provided by the emperor to promote the civil rights. One of the most spiritual and lethal methods is to bury such a spiritual seed in the Imperial Academy! Young people ... Hey! The blood of Feng Qing people is always the easiest to ignite, and the emotions are the most seditious. Influenced by the spirit of the Senate on civil rights, such a radical purpose, in the Imperial Academy, some young military officers and trainees were also infected and believed in the spirit of the Senate.

This is exactly the thing the emperor fears most.

Kantos University vigorously builds the Imperial Academy. The Imperial Academy is regarded as the cradle of the generals of the hawks. The hawks and horses are the biggest capital of the future battle between the Emperor Cantos and the warlords. He needs to train the generals who are absolutely loyal and obedient to the imperial power and royal family. Under such circumstances, how can he tolerate the fingers of the Senate?

After receiving the support of Emperor Affairs and a group of young officers in the academy, the leaders of the Senate at that time were hot-headed and proposed a more radical move ... Resumption! Restore the Senate Senate system !! Senate The deliberative system is an ancient system that existed in the early days of the founding of the Empire. At that time, the Senate had restricted the imperial power and national affairs had to pass the deliberations of the Senate. If the Senate did not pass, some decisions of the emperor could be rejected. This approach. It is the biggest constraint on imperial power.

At that time, those fellows of the Senate were hot-headed, and they wanted to restore the political system in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic.

So they planned a large-scale operation.

There are a few radical young military officer trainees in the Imperial Academy, and some heavyweight parliamentarians in some of the veteran's courts convened servants and workers in their homes to form a temporary armed force. Then contacted some imperial officials who preferred the Senate. Finally, even a certain degree of agreement was reached with the warlord Dang Yu.

On the second day of June, which was the day when the Senate was established in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic, the Senate convened a meeting of all members and passed several resolutions. A declaration was issued announcing the restoration of the old system of the Senate, and at the same time, it was announced that the imperial power must be subject to the restriction of the Senate, and even the scriptures were resemble. The declaration was also sent to the palace, asking the emperor to sign and approve it.

At the same time, the Senate organized its own armed forces to gather in front of the palace in an attempt to persuade the emperor to compromise in this way.

Ridiculous, these guys are so ridiculous! It is simply stupid to the point where it is absolutely unnecessary! Politics ... a joke! What is politics! You have power in your hands, that makes sense! These guys only want to do it with the illusion of a brain. A world-wide change ...

The so-called leaders of the Senate organizing this operation are some guys with big heads. Even the basic principles of political struggle are not understood ... If this action is confidential, a small number of elites suddenly attack the palace, using the elite military officer trainees in Emperor Academy as the backbone, supplemented by a certain number of armed forces, maybe There is still a three-point chance to force Gong Chengding, but those stupid and sloppy goods leaked the wind before the conference was held, and even they did not know that many imperial officials who were originally inclined to the Senate were under the orders of the emperor. Intentionally approaching the Senate! Two days before the operation began, the royal family was fully prepared to respond.

The Senate even had a delusional desire to get the support of the warlord Dang Yu. But how do those guys in the warlord Dangyu really treat these naive guys as true allies?

As a result, that day, the armed forces of the Senate gathered at the gates of the palace were ambushed by the Royal Forest Army and private soldiers of the aristocratic group. In the expanse of the palace, blood flowed into the river. A total of 2,400 people were killed, including nearly 200 outstanding young military officers of Emperor trainees. These people were later charged with treason ~ ~ Immediately, at the Warlord Party Under the acquiescence of the Red Zone. The city guards of the imperial capital began to block the city. The city was closed for three days! On that day, the Senate was besieged by the city guards. Four hundred members of the Senate were besieged by thousands of heavily armed city guards in the Senate. The door was breached, and all massacres were completed on the spot.

Follow the whole city! The Empire State Supervisor laid out a dark line in the Senate, and copied a few points in the Senate! This included a total of 63 members of the Senate who signed the declaration on resumption. Veteran members, and a list of members of the Senate.

According to that list, the entire city was searched, the city gates were closed, the city guards and the dark night forest were searched from house to house, together with the people on the list and their relatives, wives and children, all arrested. Steen said here, his tone seemed very calm, but this quiet tone, but there was a hint of faint, cold chill.

"And all these people were later taken to an acropolis south of Osgilia and held in custody ... Later, all were ordered by Emperor Cantos to starve to death!"

After a pause, Hasting's next sentence was: "Among those arrested, my parents were included."

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