Li Ziqing's inadvertent disclosure of good physical skills not only made Elsa feel a strong sense of threat, but even Rom Ye could not hold back the incomparably shocked mood in his heart at this moment!

He originally thought that the powerful magic power that Li Ziqing had shown earlier that could release magic without singing was already contrary to common sense... But just now, he saw this noble boy's equally outrageous level of physical skills again!

Judging from the performance just now, his ability to control the flesh and his own physical fitness are almost perfect, almost standing at the apex of the human race———— even the human race that scared both enemies and us in the Asian war, the Wilheim who achieved the title of "sword ghost" just by virtue of his perseverance in swordsmanship, I am afraid that he is no match for him in this regard, right?

Rom Ye looked at Li Ziqing and only felt that he was more mysterious.

But mystery is mysterious, but Romye is not ready to go any closer to understand the past of this noble boy, including Firut. When he took the little Firut from that guy's hand, especially after learning that all the members of the Lugnica royal family had been violently killed, he firmly had the idea that he would never let Firut fall into that quagmire again, even if it cost her to stay in the slums for the rest of her life!

But Lord Rom... Or Barga Cromwell, he will never know, even if he has hidden and protected Firut so well, her true identity still attracted the prying eyes of a clown count who was secretly plotting a conspiracy, and even the ordinary weak woman Elsa he thought was sent by the other party.

"Firut, are you from Intix?"

"Intix? Who's that? I don't know! And I warn you! Right now! Let go immediately! Otherwise you will regret it! Did you hear it———— it hurts! Looking

at Firut, who was holding his head with one hand and was still in the dead duck's mouth, constantly making trouble in his hand, and constantly waving her small short hand to release the appearance of crazy scratching, Li Ziqing was not used to her, and the strength was a little more aggravated again, the pain comparable to the broken head of a strong hand, instantly made this hairy girl howl!

Reading the Roma Ye next to him was called a distress.

"Say! You are not wrong!

"No—ah, it hurts! No! No!

"You're really toasting and not eating!"


—————— the course of the lesson——————

Firut finally relented and chose to admit his mistake.

As for where she is now?

You see, the little blonde loli who is far away from the bar, hiding in the corner with her head in her hands and some tears in her eyes. Li Ziqing didn't bother to care about her, but sat on the edge of the bar and listened to the conversation between Roma Ye and Elsa. But not long after, disturbed by the sound of whimpering from behind, he directly opened the game backpack, took out a bottle of advanced healing potion from it and threw it behind, and then said without looking back: "Healing potion, drink."

After being silent for about three seconds, Li Ziqing heard a wistful grunt behind him, followed by an exclamation that he couldn't hold back, presumably the healing potion really worked.

'This bear child, alas...'

Li Ziqing found that he was always very soft-hearted, especially a child like Firut... Perhaps this is also a common feature of human beings?

The exchange between Elsa and Roma continues.

Although Elsa entrusted Firut, the thief, no matter who can see that Roma Ye is the real speaker, so Elsa also talks directly with Roma Ye———— as for anyone who has nothing to do with it? Anyway, in Elsa's mind, Li Ziqing's life is already in her pocket, sooner or later.

She didn't know Li Ziqing's magical identity, so she naturally regarded the threat just now as his true strength. In Elsa's vision, if she really fights with Li Ziqing, then her end must be: I win, I die.

That is: I will win, but I will also die.

Do intestinal hunters care about death?

Moreover, with her special physique, it may not be possible to die or not.


“...... That's all for the commission. And the reward after the commission is completed is this amount————" I saw Elsa, who was sitting on the side of the customer at the bar, stretched out two fingers, and seeing her gesture, Roma Ye narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Is the reward 200 gold coins?"

200 gold coins is the limit that Roma Ye guessed based on the difficulty of the commission, but Elsa burst out a fierce blow!

"No, it's a full 20 Saint Gold Coins!"

"How much! 20 Saint Gold Coins! A

sudden exclamation caught everyone's attention.

I saw that Firut, who was still holding his head and squatting in a defensive posture just now, was directly resurrected with blood at this moment, and looked at Elsa and said in disbelief. Everyone noticed her slightly trembling hands, and there was no doubt that it was an incomparably excited mood!

"I take it! I took it!

After speaking, Firut did not forget to make a gesture.

And Rom Ye looked at Firut jumping up excitedly like a rabbit, and also sighed secretly... He knew that even though there were still many doubts about this seemingly lucrative commission, it was impossible for him to stop Firut now.

Because he knew Firut too well.

Even more so than Firut himself.

That is: get out of the slums!

Maybe it's the royal bloodline in the body that is influencing Firut?

As a result, even though Firut has lived in a slum since childhood, she has never been able to accept her surroundings. She didn't want to be one of those residents in the slum who gave up their efforts and was willing to become a waste, let alone spend her life in this dilapidated slum, deciding that she must live with dignity, Firut did not want to steal other people's property, and even felt guilty. But the same is the reason why she still became a thief.

As the famous saying of another world:

money is not everything, but no money is impossible.

She wants to leave the slum, she wants to leave this dilapidated place with Roma Ye who takes care of herself, and to complete this thing she needs money, a lot of money support!

She has also accumulated a lot of money over the years, but in the end, she still failed to reach the point where she could leave with Roma Ye, and the generous reward of 20 Saint Gold Coins proposed by Elsa at this time was just enough to fill that part of the vacancy and solve her urgent needs!

So Firut said that he would not refuse anything!

Without waiting for Roma Ye to speak, he saw Firut quickly come to Elsa, and then snatched the power of attorney prepared by the other party in advance, and then kept waving to Roma Ye in front of him, as if to signal something... Seeing this, Roma Ye had no choice, so he had to bend down and take out a quill and ink from under the bar and hand it to Firut, and while handing it over, he also said with a solemn and serious face:

"Firut, you have to think clearly!"

"Okay, Master Roma~ Do you still not believe in my skills? In other words, your name is Elsa, right? Sign it here!

And Firut also waved his hand casually in response. Then he turned around and continued to communicate with Elsa———— although Firut had lived in a slum since she was a child, she still learned to write due to the strong request of Romye. The only thing she couldn't understand was that she had never seen such a form of contract book, but such a small matter could be understood by asking Elsa, who was "knowledgeable".

"Miss Firut, you're right."

"Haha! That's good!

However, just when the two sides were happily preparing to sign the commission, and even the tip of Firut's pen was about to touch the power of attorney, Li Ziqing, who was sitting next to him drinking silently, suddenly spoke: "If I were you, I would not accept this commission." Hearing

his words, the three people present stopped moving.

Roma Ye reacted the most quickly, only to see him snatch the power of attorney in Firut's hand in turn, and then his eyes widened and kept scanning the paper, as if he wanted to find the trap hidden in the shadows!

But he scanned the circle, but found nothing.

No way, Roma Ye can only look at Li Ziqing, wanting to wait for his explanation, and his performance was also put in the eyes of Firut and Elsa———— Firut naturally looked at Li Ziqing who almost messed up his business and was indignant, and Elsa was actually wary of Li Ziqing in her heart under the seemingly slightly surprised look... Although there was no evidence, her instincts as an assassin told her that Li Ziqing might have something she didn't know

: "Boy, what do you mean by this?"

In the face of Roma Ye's inquiry, I saw Li Ziqing suddenly show a hint of a smile towards Elsa, and then answered the question:

"Speaking of Roma Ye and Firut, do you know that a major event has happened recently?" That is what your country's Dragon Stone predicted three years ago that there will be a new leader to guide the country?


Rom Ye frowned slightly, a little confused why Li Ziqing was talking about this matter at this time. But before he could speak, Firut, who still saw Li Ziqing very unhappy, spoke up.

"Huh? Roma Ye is asking what exactly you mean by what you just said! Who asked you about this? And this question still needs to be asked? Wang Du has long been rumored to be boiling, okay!

At the same time that Firut spoke, Li Ziqing, who had been staring at Elsa for a long time, also observed that she was sitting next to Firut and suddenly quietly stretched out her hands to the red and black velvet behind her back, as if she wanted to grab something———— he did not startle the snake, but pretended that nothing happened and continued to play a quiz game with Firut...

"Firut is so smart~ So do our university scholars know the identity of those who participated in the election?"

"Huh! I thought you would have something wrong, but I didn't expect it to be so simple? The identities of those high-ranking kings are naturally known to Lord Firut, they are the Kursius of the Karsten family, who is said to be in charge of a large chamber of commerce, who seems to be very rich Anastasia, the bloody bride Priscilla who is rumored to have killed eight husbands,

and ————" "———— and the silver-haired half-elf Emilia who looks exactly like the legendary jealous witch, right?"

Li Ziqing was very "kind" to make up for her as the last candidate, but it seemed that Firut did not intend to appreciate it, but was a little annoyed that he interrupted his speech. However, the quick game between the two also made Rom Ye even more puzzled, and he didn't understand what this commission had to do with those kings? So much so that Li Ziqing had to confirm whether they understood before explaining.

Yes, Master Rom saw the intention of Li Ziqing's question.

But it was precisely because of this that he was even more puzzled, until Li Ziqing continued to explain, Rom Ye first suddenly realized, and then was afraid for a while... Only to hear Li Ziqing continue:

"Then I don't know if you know one thing clearly, that is, how did the noble ministers find the four dragon witches from the vast sea of people? Forget it, let's directly reveal the answer, the answer is a treasure passed down from generation to generation by the royal family, a badge inlaid with dragon balls———— how about it, it feels very familiar? But the familiar places are not limited to this, as far as I know, the last dragon witch, the half-elf Emilia is often disliked because of her appearance, so she can only wear a white magic cloak that can cover her appearance every time she goes out———— is this image very suitable for the appearance of the thief in this commission requirement? "

What's even more interesting is Miss Elsa's appearance... With long black hair, purple pupils, northern clothing, black on the outside, a red velvet jacket lined with a red underneath, and a Gurkha short knife hidden behind it, I think this image is the only one in the whole world. Did I say that? Everyone in the assassination world knows everyone, even the hunter, intestine, and young lady who stops crying? Firut

& Romye: "!!

In Li Ziqing's endless explanation, Firut, who was originally a little angry at his behavior, also gradually reacted, especially after hearing the name of the gut hunter he mentioned at the end, I saw her instantly run behind Romye, looking at Elsa who was originally a big money lord in her opinion, and Roma Ye in front of her also suddenly picked up the wooden stick next to her and waited...!

Of course they have heard of the name of the gut hunter.

In the legend, the assassin is an elegant lady, and the strength is extremely strong, and even rumored to have survived under the strongest Cecil Segmont of the empire, and because of the cruel assassination of the other party, the vicious hobby of cutting the assassin's belly has also spread her name throughout the world, even the Kingdom of Lugnica is widely spread!

Such a terrifying object, actually came to Firut, a slum thief, and stole a badge from the body of the king's chosen person that could prove the identity of the king's chosen, which is unreasonable, and it is clearly intended to let Firut back the pot and let her be the scapegoat.

Firut could even think that even if he could really steal the badge from the hand of the king's chosen, this gut hunter might obediently hand over the reward during the transaction, and according to the other party's killer identity, it was more likely to kill her and Roma Ye the moment the badge was obtained! Use this to destroy the truth!

Obviously, she had just walked on the edge of the ghost gate!

By the way, together with Roma Ye!

Thinking of this, Firut was afraid for a while.

At the same time, Li Ziqing, who attacked the other party several times, but the other party still intended to help him, was very complicated and grateful!

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