Bleach: Stir Up the Situation

Chapter 652 Invitation from Team 0

Although Unohana lowered her head and looked like she was admitting her fault, the man with the crew cut didn't seem to be going to let her go.

However, at this time, the leading monk suddenly put his arm around the man with the crew cut's shoulder and said cheerfully: "Forget it, forget it, it's been a long time since we last met. Although there are many things I want to say, let's save them for later!"

Although the man with the crew cut looked unhappy, he did not refute or attack Unohana again.

Rather than saying that he agreed with the monk, in Ichigo's opinion, it was better to say that the man with the crew cut obeyed the monk's words. Although there was no concept of team members in the Zero Division and all members were captains, it seemed that there was a leader among them, and this leader was this monk who looked very generous.

"Everyone in the Zero Division is really the same as always." Shunsui stepped forward and seemed to be talking to the monk as a representative of the Gotei 13: "So, what are you doing here this time?"

Isn't the Zero Division here to support the Soul Society and fight against the Invisible Empire? From what Shunsui said, the other party seemed to have come with some kind of mission, and then what? Will they leave after completing the mission?

Just as Ichigo was thinking about it, he suddenly found that the monk suddenly looked at him. Of course, it might not be him, but Hongjiang in front of him. After all, it was the first time he met him.

But the next sentence of the other party proved that his feeling was not wrong, "Are you Kurosaki Ichigo?"

Ichigo was stunned. He didn't expect the other party to find him. "No, that's right, I am Kurosaki Ichigo."

Hearing this answer, the monk grinned and said with a smile: "This time, I am here to rebuild the Gotei 13 according to the order of the Soul King. First, I have to take you, Kurosaki Ichigo, to the Soul King Palace."

Take me to the Soul King Palace, which is where Aizen once wanted to set foot? Why?

Just when Ichigo was confused about this, another person suddenly broke out.

"What a joke!"

Sai Feng's roar attracted everyone's attention. "I don't know how great the Zero Squad is, but the guys who are hiding in the Soul King Palace when the Soul Society has become like this, now come out to say that they want to rebuild the Gotei 13? There should be a limit to joking!"

Yes, she can't stand it anymore. Thousands of soldiers died, and the captain, Byakuya, and Renji are still in danger. They endured the grief and moved forward step by step. Now a stronger team stood up and said that they want to rebuild the Gotei 13. Isn't this a great irony?

Where was the Zero Squad when the soldiers died? Where were they when the captain fell? Even when rescuing the captain, the so-called legendary Zero Squad did not show up!

When the Soul Society needed the Zero Squad the most, they were completely absent.

Now it is a mess, and they say they are rebuilding the Gotei 13 with a relaxed look. How is this possible? Can they revive the dead soldiers? Can the captain and his men return to their normal state? None of them can!

Soi-Fong shouted at the other party, but except for the man with the airplane head who turned his head and looked at her, the others did not react at all. He even seemed to be non-existent in front of the monk. He came to Ichigo on his own and continued to talk to him.

"Hey!" Soi-Fong was completely enraged. She rushed up to ask for an explanation from the other party and asked what they were doing and thinking when the Soul Society was attacked!

But she had just taken a step, and even before her feet landed on the ground, a hand pressed on her shoulder. Looking back, it was the man with the airplane head who had just walked in front of Ichigo with the monk.

She barely saw the other party's movements. It was a flash step, but it was different from ordinary flash steps. It was so fast, and it felt like it had no entity. It went around her back and she had no reaction at all.

She had never seen such a flash step on Yoruichi!

"Too noisy." The crew-haired man whispered, "Don't joke, that's what we wanted to say. What are you? The Gotei 13, right?" The man emphasized the word "Gotei" and continued, "We are Squad Zero, which means the King's Secret Service. The job of the King's Secret Service is to protect the Soul King and the Soul King Palace, and the job of the Gotei 13 is to protect the Soul Rei Ting." "The person who shoulders the name of "Gotei" begs us for help because he can't protect it. The word Gotei is about to cry!" "Damn it!" Soi-Fong wanted to refute and resist, but the other party seemed to put a hand gently on her shoulder, but it made her unable to move. "That's right. The duties of the Zero Division are different from ours after all." Hongjiang's voice suddenly came from behind, and the pressure on Soi-Fong's shoulders was immediately relieved. "But we are all Death Gods after all, so it's better not to be so clear. Maybe one day, the Zero Division will also beg us for help. Will the Soul King cry at that time?" She looked back and saw the man with the airplane head clenched his right fist, and Hongjiang grabbed his wrist and pressed his hands hard on his chest. "You are quite skilled, kid." The man with the airplane head looked at Hongjiang and said calmly, "It seems that you have grown up by eating and sleeping well." "Not worth mentioning." Hongjiang said, and loosened the other's wrist with his hand. The man also put down his hand, and the two had no intention of fighting again. All of this fell into the eyes of the monk in front of Ichigo, especially when he said "Will the Soul King cry?", his innocent eyes flashed with an inexplicable look.

But as the two separated, everything became calm again in his eyes. He turned to face Ichigo, "I will continue to say, this time I want to take you to the Spirit King Palace first. In addition to you, there are..."

"No need." A cold voice sounded in vain from behind. Ichigo looked back and saw that it was the slender woman from Team Zero.

I saw four skeletal hands stretching out from behind the opponent, but unlike when she played music just now, this time she held a translucent foggy sphere in each hand.

"The people on the list are already here." The woman said, extending a hand from behind her back and pointing at Ichigo, "Kurosaki Ichigo, you are the only one left."

Ichigo looked at the woman with some surprise, because he could vaguely see what was inside through the spheres. Three of the spheres contained Byakuya, Renji and Rukia, and the last sphere contained a knife broken into two. Cut off the Zanpakutō.

He didn't know where this Zanpakutō came from, but Byakuya and the other three were clearly in the Fourth Division, which meant that this woman had gone back and forth between the Fourth Division and here in a short period of time. .

The mystery and power of Team Zero had a new concept in his mind, and he was also one of the people Team Zero wanted to bring to the Soul King Palace.

Ichigo sets his sights on Hong Jiang. Could it be that the means Mr. Chouzuka said they don't have is the invitation from Team Zero? The transcoding has been serious recently, which makes us more motivated and updates faster. Please use your little hands to exit the reading mode. Thanks

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