Big Manga

Chapter 39: Pokemon

The farce is over.

Longteng Company apologized at the development conference, and the three cartoonists are still being criticized by fans, among them, Mr. Mach has been completely ruined. "Detective Sherlock" will no longer have the slightest possibility of surpassing "Detective Conan".

Although the other two cartoonists did not participate, some people did not believe it. The angry readers were still accusing and swearing, and there was no sign of stopping.

However, Meng Huo was already satisfied with the result. He didn't care about the follow-up situation of the three teachers. He quickly found a fan who helped him through the official website, and asked for the address of the other party, intending to send a gift there.

But the other party refused.

"I don't want such a gift. How about you come out and meet me? I promise to go there alone and stand up to prove your innocence afterwards. I don't think there are three of you, sir?"

Seeing this message, Meng Huo's first reaction was to reject it. He was not so stupid as to believe what the other party said. Who knew if it was the media or reporters. But this fan's nickname is very interesting. Her name is 'Xi He'. For some reason, Meng Huo has the urge to meet her.

"it is good."

After thinking about it for a long time, Meng Huo agreed, and the two agreed to meet in a few weeks.

After this matter was over, Meng Huo began to prepare for CCTV's animation contract. What CCTV wanted to produce was an animation aimed at children with a simple and interesting plot. Meng Huo considered this type of animation for a long time, and finally chose "Pokemon".

"Pokemon", also known as "Pocket Monster", "Pokemon", "Pokémon", Meng Huo was troubled for a long time about which name to choose, and decided to call it "Pocket Fairy" in Chinese, while the English name was "Pokémon". Choose the original Pokemon.

This anime was adapted from a game in the previous life, and this is the reason why I chose it instead of anime like "Digimon".

Meng Huo thinks "Pokemon" is very challenging, and it is more popular than "Detective Conan". In the previous life, the pokemon brand spanned more than 100 industries and tens of thousands of related products. There are more than 1,000 companies producing related products worldwide. The benefits created can even be listed in history. Even the calendar sales have broken the Guinness World Record.

However, a large part of its success comes from the popularity of the game. Meng Huo wants to try how high the value of the brand can be without games!

Meng Huo seized the time to paint, except for the serial "Detective Conan", he spent almost all his free time on the setting of elves. Alice didn't listen to the class because he even memorized the knowledge of the third year of high school, so what else does he need to learn!

Of course, he didn't do any exercise. Ever since he discovered that air masses can increase physical strength, Meng Huo first used it in painting. The painting speed of "Detective Conan" was one-third faster than before. This kind of high physical strength Behavior is about the same as doing sports.

Both Alice and Li Qin were worried because of his hard work. Fortunately, within a week, Meng Huo had completed the setting of more than thirty elves. He felt that these numbers were enough to cope with CCTV's censorship, so he sorted out the content of the story and handed it to Alice, asking her to send "Pokemon" to CCTV.

"so cute……"

Alice couldn't put it down holding the set set, each of which was lively and unique, and said, "If only I had children, he will definitely like these elves."

She was amazed, but she couldn't help worrying on her face.

"Meng Huo,

Don’t you think the storyline is low?” The setting of Pokemon is excellent, but the content of the story is not interesting. Alice turned several pages and only saw the protagonist travel and conquer the elves, and there seems to be no other main line.

Of course, there are also companions in it, and some plots are also very funny, but overall it is very bland, so bland that Alice thinks that if it is written as a novel or comic, not many people will read it.

"It's okay, this is for animation."

Meng Huo laughed and said that he knew that "Pokemon" was not suitable for comics. In fact, its theme was not to tell stories, but to attract people with mysterious and lovely elves. The animated elves are the core of this animation. It is difficult to show their charm in static comics, only animation and games can play.

Therefore, if this animation becomes popular, the copyright benefits it will generate will be very high, and the peripheral products of the elves alone will be scary.

"Well, if you think there is no problem, then there is no problem."

Although Alice was a little worried, she felt that these elves were indeed very attractive to children, and CCTV should not let them go.

So she took "Pokemon" back to the company and sent it out. Since CCTV sent invitations to the outside world for a long time without being selected, Meng Huo felt that the review time might be a long time, but unexpectedly, the reply letter arrived in less than four days.

"Refused to adopt!"

The original draft of "Pokemon" was sent back with a good one, but it turned out to be rejected, and it also brought a reason. Meng Huo read the reason for the refusal, which generally means that the story content of "Pokemon" is not interesting enough, so let him continue to work hard or something.

There was no other way, so Meng Huo had to slightly change the plot of the story, adding a lot of interesting details and sending it out. However, the reply was faster this time, and the courier sent it back on the third day.

"Refused to adopt!"

The reason for this rejection is that although the story has become more interesting, the main content still revolves around Pokemon. CCTV asked to change the main line, strengthen the confrontation between the protagonist and the anti-evil organization, and use Pokemon as an auxiliary tool to portray it.

Meng Huo was speechless. The main line of Pokemon is not an elf, but an evil organization? CCTV is too blind!

"Do you want to give up?"

Meng Huo felt like giving up, not because he was afraid of difficulties, but mainly because he didn't want to make the original work nondescript. However, it is difficult to give up at this time. Ye Xiong talked about this last time, and many readers of "Detective Conan" have been whetted by the next work, and they are watching eagerly.

Meng Huo thought for a long time, and asked Alice to send "Pokemon" for the third time.

The content of this time is actually the same as the second time, that is, it adds some fun to the original work, but this time the manuscript comes with a letter written by Meng Huo. In his letter, he explained in detail the world view and charm of "Pokemon", explaining that he can draw hundreds of pokemon, including their skills, evolution and growth, and even their living habits can be perfectly presented.

"This is a world close to reality, full of magic and dreams."

Meng Huo wrote at the end of the letter that he hoped that the reviewers of CCTV would recognize the value of this animation.

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