Wen Ping was a steady person and felt that this was against the rules, so he hurriedly said: "Miss, this is inappropriate."

Shen Nian stopped, turned to look at her, and said with a bright smile: "Aunt Qin won't care, she must be eager to see me!"

"Of course." Wen Ping did not deny it, but changed his tone, "It's just that Princess Qing has just returned to Zhongdu, and she is so dusty that she needs to clean up her family. What do you think?"

Shen Nian thought about it and nodded, "Okay, let's go tomorrow."

After all, the Qing Palace had seduced her mind, and the resolute Princess Rongan couldn't sit still.

After sitting uneasy for a while, he leaned on the soft couch, peeled an orange and ate it. He raised his chin and looked at A-Hua, "A-Hua, please continue talking about the exciting things."


Zhuxi Village.

Shen Er and others received Shen Nian's reply and grinned so happily that their cheeks were sore.

"Look at my daughter's handwriting, it's getting prettier and prettier! She is indeed my daughter, she can do anything!" Shen Er heard this exaggerated praise.

Li Xiuniang subconsciously looked at the signature on the envelope.

Not much different from before.

The same round shape, like a painting.

Although she didn't recognize it, she obviously felt that it was very different from what Brother Man wrote. In short, she could recognize it at a glance.

"Where do you see it getting better and better?"

When Shen Er heard this, he immediately became unhappy. He pointed at the word and said seriously: "Look, this painting is getting rounder and rounder. Isn't it beautiful?"


Li Xiuniang: Don’t bully her for being uneducated. Whether the handwriting is beautiful or not has little to do with whether the strokes are round or not.

He glanced at Shen Er unhappily and went to find Brother Man with the letter.

Brother Man is looking forward to a letter from his sister every day, and he happens to be at home today, which makes the boy happy.

He stepped across the threshold and raised his voice: "Brother Man, come out quickly, there is a letter from your sister!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the young boy who was practicing calligraphy in the study ran out.

"Where is it, where is it?!"

Because I was a little anxious, I accidentally got the ink on my little face when I put the brush down, just like a little cat.

Ever since Brother Man entered the academy, he has become more and more old-fashioned. Such a side... Shen Er and Li Xiuniang haven't seen each other for a long time.

When they saw each other, the couple looked at each other and couldn't help laughing, but there was a hint of sadness in their eyes.

...The house used to be so lively. Since the eldest and second brother went out to work hard, and Sister Nian also went to Zhongdu, the house has become cleaner and cleaner.

Brother Man took the letter, took his parents into the study and sat down, carefully opened it and took out the contents.

There were several paintings inside the letter, which felt thicker than before.

"Is this a painting?" Shen Er held the drawing paper and said, as if thinking of something, his eyes lit up, "Did Sister Nian even learn to draw?"

While talking, lay one pair on the table.

The majestic main entrance of Yuehan Academy appeared in front of a family of three.

Looking at the four words "Yun Jinglong" on the building's door plaque, Shen Er couldn't take his eyes away.

"Yuehan Academy?!"

"This is Yuehan Academy!!!"

I was so excited that my voice floated.

Brother Man didn't even bother to read the letter, he stared at the painting with his bright eyes, "This is Yuehan Academy, so majestic!"

Viet Han College is the first college in Vietnam, and of course it is the most coveted place for all students.

The young boy stared at the painting, his eyes shining brightly, he clenched his fists and said seriously and confidently: "I must enter Yuehan Academy!"

Shen Er touched his son's head and said in a pleased tone, "Father believes in my son."

His three sons are not stupid, and one of them will have a big future. When the time comes, he will take his wife to live in Zhongdu, which will save them from always worrying about their sister.

After reading the painting, Brother Man opened the thick letter.

[Dad, mother, brother Man, happy New Year!

Everything is fine with me in Zhongdu, I just miss you very much.

I felt relieved when I received the letter and knew that you were fine.

I will go back to see you next spring. Wait for me~

Also, the emperor has granted marriage to Xiao Jinzhi and I. If my parents knew... wouldn't they be relieved?

Today, my eldest brother, Xiao Jinzhi and I came to Yuehan College. It is very grand and different. The teachers in the college are very nice. The food in the cafeteria is delicious. The accommodation is also good. There is also a racecourse, which is big and luxurious...

There are also quite a lot of activities in the academy, including Cuju, archery, pot throwing, polo, etc. I heard it is very interesting.

I asked Xiao Jinzhi to draw some pictures. You can take a look. The academy looks good in winter. It should be very different when spring comes. I will take another look then and tell you about it when I get back~

I don’t know how Brother Man is doing in the academy. Your parents say you work very hard and your little breasts are gone!

I can't imagine what Man Ge'er would be like without a small breast.

It is right to work hard, but you must also pay attention to your health. You are still young, so don’t push yourself so hard...

Brother Man is the youngest in the family. With my sister and two brothers here, the most important thing is that you are happy!

Let’s talk about this first, looking forward to being reunited with my parents and Brother Man.

——The homesick Shen family Niannian, smiling face.jpg]

After talking for a few pages, Shen Er and others seemed to see Shen Nian appearing in front of them, and the smiles on their lips disappeared.

Brother Man narrowed his eyes with a smile, read it a few more times, folded the letter and put it away carefully.

"Dad, Mom, I'm going out for a walk."

He always stayed in the study reading and practicing calligraphy. Shen Er and Li Xiuniang wished he would go out more often.

"Go." Li Xiuniang said with a smile. She felt it was a little cold outside and took off the black fur cloak hanging on the side. "Put it on and be careful to catch the cold."

This cloak was sent by Shen Nian.

Wearing it on the fair-skinned and handsome Mange, it exudes a bit of nobility, like a pampered young man.

Although they live in the village, the food and clothing are actually of the highest quality.

Shen Nian was never stingy towards his parents and Brother Man.

Brother Man left the house, and as soon as the villagers saw the smile on his face, they knew he was reading his sister's letter.

"Brother Man, did you receive a letter from your sister?" said Dapeng, who had grown a lot taller in just half a year.

This kid is willing to endure hardships. Liu Feng taught him a few moves and practiced them non-stop for a long time.

Shen Nian learned about this from Brother Man's letter, and asked his father to send him a book on martial arts moves.

But Dapeng was so happy that he practiced martial arts more and more diligently. In a short period of time, he looked much stronger than the children in the village.

Hearing what his friend said, the handsome young man Man Geer nodded reservedly, "Yes."

Guoguo opened her eyes curiously, "What did sister Nian'er say?"

The other children also looked expectant.

Brother Man raised the corner of his mouth and said: "My sister said she missed us, and she also visited Yuehan Academy for me, asked Brother Xiao to draw a picture for me, and told me a lot about Yuehan Academy..."

Few people are indifferent to the charm of Yuehan Academy.

A group of boys and girls were very excited and urged: "Brother Man, Brother Man, tell us about it too!"


The next day.

Shen Nian got up early and looked forward to going to Prince Qing's Mansion in the afternoon.

While having breakfast, Yuan came.

I corrected a lot of bugs, and I was very confident at first, but it turned out to be an invalid check hahaha.

Thank you little cuties, I love you. It’s midnight and I wish you sweet dreams~~

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