Being a Lady of an Influential Family

Chapter 598 Extra Story: The Miao Miao

Chu Miao's life was divided into three stages by her.

The first part is the days when she was a child on God Bless Island. She knew that she was the heir of God Bless Island since she was a child, and she controlled the future of God Bless Island.

But she also knew from an early age that she was weak and sickly and would not live long. Uncertainty about the future and fear of death have always been entrenched in her small body and heart. Occasionally, when she sat upstairs and saw other children playing happily in the house from a distance through the window, she even felt that death was not such a terrible thing.

The second part is the days when she came to Daxia with Sister Sa Sa. At first, she was a little apprehensive. She had never stepped out of God's Blessed Island, and she didn't know what she would face in the future.

But the education she received since she was a child taught her what it means to be "everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty".

However, all of this couldn't make up for the fact that she was attracted by the bright light when she saw Leng Sa. She was extremely envious of such a dazzling woman, and was even more delighted by the kindness in her eyes. With little struggle, she agreed to follow them to live in a new place.

After that, she followed that beautiful and dazzling woman to the capital of Daxia, to Yongcheng, and then spent the warmest and most enjoyable time in her life in Yongcheng.

Then, she grew up.

At the age of eighteen, the Fu family returned all of her private property to her as promised.

As if overnight, people suddenly discovered that she, who was originally protected by the Fu family and lived a peaceful life, had more things than any unmarried girl in Daxia.

She owns property that cannot be squandered even in a few lifetimes. Even though the original Anxia Kingdom has successfully transitioned to Daxia, and the emperor and royal family no longer exist, Daxia officials still recognize her as a princess. A fixed amount of money is still allocated to her every year for living expenses, although she is not short of money.

This is as compensation for her unconditional abandonment of God's Blessed Island.

Most importantly, she is also Governor Fu's adopted daughter, Fu Fengcheng and Leng Sa's younger sister, and the aunt of the young master of the Fu family.

So, on the day when she just turned eighteen, countless young talents she knew and didn't know appeared in front of her, and tried every means to court her courteously.

Of course she knew that there were many sincere people among those who pursued her, and she also knew that with the support of the Fu family, even those with ulterior motives would never dare to really hurt her and had to support her. But for an eighteen-year-old girl, what she needs may not be a million dollars, but a normal and peaceful environment.

This may sound hypocritical to outsiders, but it was Chu Miao's true thoughts at the time.

When she felt anxious or even depressed because of these things, sister Sa Sa hugged her and said softly: "Miaomiao, the Fu family and sister will always be your support. But, sister also hopes that you will remember that no matter where you are In such an environment, as long as your heart is strong enough, no one or anything can hurt you."

"Don't worry, your age is just the time to enjoy your youth, and you shouldn't be entangled in things that haven't happened yet, wasting the beautiful spring for nothing."

"As long as I'm strong enough, no one can hurt me?"

"Yes, I know Miao Miao is a strong girl." Sister Sa Sa smiled, "Just like your ancestors."

"Sister, can you tell me the story of Princess God Bless again?" she asked.

In fact, she has long been familiar with the stories of her ancestors, and the records about her ancestors on Shenyou Island are more complete than any historical materials in Daxia. It can be said that after the return of Shenyou Island, the historical materials provided have filled a large gap in the history of Great Xia.

And these she has heard from her elders since she was a child, and has been studying since she was a child.

But she always felt that what Sister Sa Sa said was different from what others read in books. It's not that the content is different, it's just a feeling. As if she knew them and understood them, she could easily understand what they were thinking when they made those choices in the environment at that time.

"Okay." Sister Sa Sa smiled softly.

Three months later, Chu Miao officially bid farewell to everyone in the Fu family and embarked on the road of studying abroad.

The first stop for Chu Miao to go abroad was Ilia. In this era, both transportation and communication are far less convenient than decades later. Once she leaves the familiar environment, she becomes unknown.

She entered the No. 1 school in Ilia, just like every ordinary foreign student, and spent several years of student life happily. The classmates around her only know that she is from Daxia, and her family has some assets. In school, she took an active part in activities and had a relationship. Although it ended in a breakup, she didn't feel very sad.

Sister Sa Sa said that every experience will enrich one's life and become a memory worth recalling in the future. As long as one's heart is strong enough, no one can hurt her.

During this period, she also returned to Daxia, and Sister Sa Sa also made a detour to visit her because she was going abroad for business. When she returned to Daxia, she was no longer bothered by those courteous pursuits and courtships, and was able to interact with them calmly.

At twenty-one, a university graduate, she left the country for Sassi after completing her circumnavigation of Ilia. It was also during this period that she wrote her first travel notes.

She hopes to tell everyone the scenery she has seen through her pen, ink and camera, and let those who have no chance to go abroad know what the outside world looks like.

At that time, Daxia was already a powerful and peaceful country, just like she went to Ilia to study abroad. Because of the peace of Daxia in recent years, many students from various countries began to study in Daxia. Daxia has more exchanges with other countries than before, and a young, beautiful and wealthy Daxia girl is welcomed by people abroad.

She has traveled to rich and prosperous big countries like Iliasassi, as well as many poor and backward small countries. She once sat alone at the end of the world to admire the beautiful aurora, and she also took pictures of people struggling to survive in war-torn countries. She once traveled thousands of miles to return to China because she wanted to celebrate the birthday of her relatives in Daxia, and she also had the surprise of meeting an old friend in another country.

Eighteen-year-old Chu Miao went abroad to study because of anxiety and uneasiness, and Chu Miao, who returned at the age of twenty-seven, is already a strong and calm independent woman.

In the winter of the sixteenth year of Daxia.

Chu Miao sat in front of the glass window of the cafe on the street, looking out the window at the people hurrying on the road and the fine snow dancing in the sky, the air that was exhaled lightly condensed a thin layer of mist on the glass.

Unlike the cold outside, the store is so warm that people don't feel the slightest bit of cold.

She had just finished talking with the editor-in-chief of the publishing house about the publication of her next book, but after sending it away, she was a little lazy and didn't want to move.

Winter in Beijing is always extremely cold, who wants to leave this warm room?

"Jun Miao?" A somewhat blunt male voice came from behind, Chu Miao turned around reflexively and saw a tall and handsome young man standing three steps away from him.

The young man was extremely tall, and the casual jacket he wore made him taller and taller. He has handsome and profound features, but he has a pair of dark green eyes, obviously not of pure Daxia bloodline.

Chu Miao blinked, before hesitantly said: "Linus?"

"Long time no see." The young man walked up to her, "Can I sit down?"

Only then did Chu Miao react, feeling a little guilty, "Please sit down."

After the young man sat down, Chu Miao looked at him before asking, "You...why are you in Daxia?"

The young man looked at her, and his dark green eyes seemed to soften a bit.

He shrugged, "I are from Daxia, come to Daxia to have a look, maybe you can be found."

"..." Chu Miao felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, she didn't expect that he would make a special trip to Daxia to find her as an ex-boyfriend who had broken up.

Linus seemed to be aware of her emotions, and quickly smiled again: "Just kidding, I actually helped my grandfather come to Daxia for business, but I found your book in a roadside bookstore just after getting off the boat, I think We should meet."

He has the appearance of a Daxia person, and he speaks a good Daxia language. Although it is a little blunt because it is not commonly used, it does not have the strange emphasis that many foreigners speak, and the pronunciation is very standard.

Chu Miao said: "Welcome to Daxia."


The atmosphere was still slightly awkward. After all, Chu Miao's predictions for the future did not include reuniting with her ex-boyfriend.

When the waiter delivered the coffee Linus ordered, he took a sip before saying: "I am very sorry if... I have caused you trouble, I think you may not want to see me?"

Chu Miao shook her head, "No, I was just a little surprised, I didn't expect you to come to Daxia."

Linus is the youngest son of Duke Sassi Garfield Augustus. Although he is a member of the royal family, neither the Sassi throne nor the duke title has anything to do with him. Because according to the law of succession of the Sassi royal family, Linus is ranked nineteenth in line of succession, and he has two older brothers and one older sister.

Perhaps because there is no pressure from being an heir, Linus is free and somewhat less like a member of the royal family. The place where Chu Miao and him met was not in Sassi, but in a small country in the midst of war one year after leaving Sassi.

Both of them were traveling long distances and were trapped in that country by the sudden war.

During that time they fled the center of the battlefield together, looking for a way out of the country. In a country that is completely disordered and itself poor and backward, they can't even find an opportunity to use their original identities.

No one cares whether the two foreigners are princes or princesses of a certain country, and those people don't even know where Sassi and Daxia are.

So the two had no choice but to flee through most of the country to a relatively safer neighboring country like ordinary refugees, and then find a way to go home from there.

At that time, Chu Miao only thought that Linus was a Daxia native with foreign ancestors living abroad. Of course, the facts were correct. She just didn’t expect Linus’ mother to be the Daxia whom she once met once. The Duchess of Xia descent.

Linus also thought that Chu Miao was just an ordinary Daxia girl who traveled there, although he felt that this girl was a bit too courageous.

For three whole months, the two walked together, and when they finally reached the border of the neighboring country, they officially became lovers.

Frankly speaking, Chu Miao felt very happy about this relationship.

After arriving in neighboring countries, they did not go home immediately, but chose to continue their journey. It was not until half a year later that they finally disagreed in a discussion about the future.

Although she has been wandering outside these years, Chu Miao firmly understands that one day she will return to her home. It was also at this time that she knew that Linus was a member of the Sassi royal family. And he is not a distant relative, he is the grandson of Sassi who is currently abroad.

This is almost an unsolvable contradiction, and they decided to break up after a month.

After the breakup, Chu Miao was still sad for a while, because she and Linus really got along very happily. But she didn't regret her decision. She liked him, or loved him, but she loved her home more.

Dasheng is her home, the place where wanderers will always be attached to.

Chu Miao thought that they would never see each other in this life.

"I don't seem to have heard that the Sassi royal family sent members to Daxia." Chu Miao was stirring the coffee, looking for topics.

A member of the royal family of Linus's level should not have any news if it is for official business.

Linus smiled and said, "You know my grandfather's family was originally from Daxia, and my grandfather wanted to return to Daxia to make some investments. My father and mother ordered me to come and help."

Chu Miao nodded slightly. The Duchess' natal family, the Xie family, was an Anxia businessman who moved to Sasi more than a hundred years ago.

The generation of the Xie family only has one daughter, the Duchess, so Mr. Xie appointed Linus who has no inheritance rights as his heir.

Linus also has a big name called Xie Zhi.

"You are my guest when you come to Daxia, just tell me if you can help me." Chu Miao said.

Linus nodded with a smile, "I'm worried that I'm not familiar with Daxia's capital, I hope I won't trouble you."

"Will not."

"So we're still friends?"

"Naturally." Chu Miao smiled.

"Ah, mother, look, it's Aunt Miaomiao!" On the street outside, the exquisite and cute little girl suddenly cried out in surprise as she looked at the glass French windows on the street.

The woman who was holding her little hand and the boy who was following her looked inside together, and sure enough, they saw the beautiful woman and the handsome man sitting opposite each other and talking about something.

"Aunt Miao Miao."

With the sound of jingling bells, the door of the cafe was pushed open, and then the girl's cheerful voice sounded, but deliberately kept the volume undisturbing.

As soon as Chu Miao turned her head, she saw a beautiful little head behind the decorative table in the back seat.

"Xiaoxiao, why are you here?" Chu Miao asked in surprise.

Fu Yunxiao smiled and said: "Not only am I here, but my mother and brother are also here. Aunt Miaomiao, are you secretly dating?"

"..." Chu Miao couldn't help having a headache, and glanced at Linus who was sitting opposite, but saw that the other party was also looking at him with a smile.

Fu Yunxiao stepped forward and put her arms around Chu Miao's neck, and whispered, "Aunt Miaomiao, this uncle is very good-looking, even better than the previous ones." Fu Yunxiao was talking about those young people who wanted to pursue Chu Miao. Gentlemen.

"Miao Miao."

Leng Sa walked in with Fu Yunqi. Fu Yunqi still had several bags in his hand, obviously he was just shopping with his mother and sister.

"Aunt Miao Miao."

"Sister, Yun Qi, why are you here?"

Leng Saxiao looked at her and raised her eyebrows, "Are you bothering you? Why don't you introduce me?"

Chu Miao sighed, "No, this is my friend Linus Augustus. Linus, this is my sister Leng Sa, these two are Yun Qi and Yun Xiao."

Linus had already got up, bowed slightly and said, "Ms. Leng, it's nice to meet you, as well as this gentleman and young lady."

Leng Sa asked: "Mr. Augustus is a Sassi?"

It's not that this surname belongs to the Sassi royal family alone, but the most famous one with this surname is indeed the Sassi royal family, and this Linus doesn't look like an ordinary person at first glance.

Linus nodded and said, "Exactly, my mother's surname is Xie, you can call me Xie Zhi."

"It can be seen that Mr. Xie speaks Daxia very well." With just a few words, Leng Sa could almost confirm Linus's identity.

Looking sideways at Chu Miao slightly, Chu Miao nodded helplessly.

Linus has been in Daxia for two months, and he usually reads books and newspapers, so he also feels that the beautiful lady in front of him is very familiar.

Fu Yunxiao looked at Linus's dark green eyes curiously, blinked her big bright eyes, and asked softly, "Uncle Xie, are you chasing my aunt?"

"Xiaoxiao!" Chu Miao almost wanted to cover her face, if it was just a normal relationship, maybe it was just a joke and passed away. But the relationship between her and Linus is really a bit embarrassing.

Linus didn't want Linus but didn't feel embarrassed, just looked at Chu Miao with a smile and said with a smile: "Yes, I just don't know if Ms. Jun Miao is willing to accept my pursuit?"

Jun Miao?

A trace of surprise flashed across Leng Sa's eyes, and before her daughter could speak again, she said, "Okay, Xiaoxiao. Let's not bother Miaomiao and Mr. Xie, don't you want to eat cake?"

"Okay, mom." Fu Yunxiao is an extremely smart little girl, and she immediately understood what her mother meant.

He stood up and walked to his mother and elder brother, and waved to Linus obediently, "Let's go first, goodbye Uncle Xie."

"Goodbye." Linus thought this little girl was very cute, and of course, his "ex-girlfriend"'s family looked pretty good, including the teenager who was staring at him sternly.

Seeing the group of three leave, Chu Miao secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Linus frowned slightly, feeling distressed, "I think that Ms. Leng looks familiar, is she a movie star in Daxia?"

Chu Miao said: "She can indeed be regarded as a star, but she is not a movie star. Haven't you heard of her name? Her name is Leng and Sa."

Although Daxia speaks well, it is not his first mother tongue after all. When Chu Miao introduced the word Lengsha earlier, Linus actually did not match the pronunciation of these two words with the specific words.

Now being reminded by her, Linus suddenly felt that the coffee he just drank was a bit bitter as he thought about the appearance of the beautiful lady just now.


It seems that his pursuit will be even more arduous and long-distance.

In a luxury apartment in a place where foreigners live in the capital, Linus is sitting in front of the window, frowning and watching the heavy snow blowing outside.

"Master, is there any trouble bothering you?" The well-dressed Sassi butler came in with tea and asked with concern.

Linus glanced at him, "Winkel, do you know the main purpose of my visit to Da Xia this time?"

"Of course." The steward said: "Big Xia has been developing very fast these years. Both His Majesty the King and the Duke hope to make friends with Da Xia. Mr. Xie also hopes to develop the market of Da Xia so that he can return to his hometown in the future. In addition, you want to find you lover, and pursued her again."

Linus was very distressed, "I originally thought that the conflict between us would not be difficult to resolve. She doesn't want to settle in Sassi permanently, but I can move to Daxia."

The butler asked, "Have you encountered any problems again? The reason for your breakup has been resolved. The Duke and Madam don't mind if you settle in Daxia. Are you worried about not being able to find that lady? Maybe we You can ask the Daxia official for help."

Linus shook his head, "No, I've found her. But, I think her family might not be willing to accept a suitor with Sasi royal blood."

The butler was puzzled, "Why?"

Whether it is wealth, status, or his own conditions, Master Linus is impeccable.

He was even willing to give up everything in the royal family for his lover, leaving his family and friends to settle in Daxia. Wouldn't that young lady and her family be moved by this?

Linus said: "Because, I found out that her family... has an outgoing president, an incumbent president, a commander-in-chief of the Great Xia Armed Forces, and a female entrepreneur and military expert. Maybe there will be another in the future. Two generals, she was even a princess once."


There is a saying in the Great Xia that the right family is right, but I don’t know why, I always feel that the distance between Master Linus and that lady is farther than that lady is just an ordinary commoner.

As soon as Chu Miao came home, she was besieged by people. Fu Anni was the first to jump up and hug Chu Miao, "Honestly speaking, when did you have a boyfriend?"

Chu Miao looked at Leng Sa who was sitting on the side watching a good show, then at Fu Yunxiao who was looking at her with her chin fluttering and her big eyes blinking, and Fu Yunqi who was sitting on the side but also staring at her helplessly.

"I said it's really just friends, do you believe it?" Chu Miao asked without any hope.

Fu Anni and Fu Yunxiao shook their heads in unison. The aunt and nephew were obviously twenty years apart, yet they were somewhat similar.

Leng Sa smiled and said: "Miao Miao and that gentleman should have met in Kentia the year before last, right?"

Chu Miao was a little surprised, "How do you know?"

Leng Sa said: "Your two books from the year before last... were a bit different. At that time, I wanted to ask you, but I was afraid that you would be sad if you lost love, so I didn't ask."

Although Linus was not mentioned in those two books at all, Leng Sa always felt that someone was missing in the battlefield diary, especially the faint sadness at the end of the book, which was not at all purely for the sake of People in the war are sad and worried.

As for the other one, the rare one is a novel, and it is also a novel with a BE ending.

This is the novel, Chu Miao's best-selling work so far, and I don't know how many girls' tears she has earned.

Chu Miao was speechless.

Leng Sa sat over, put her arms around her and smiled, "Tell me, what's going on? Did you scum him or did he scum you?"

Chu Miao was a little hesitant, and Leng Sa made a shocked expression, "Could it be that you really scumbed him? He came to collect debts?"

"Wow!" Fu Yunxiao said, "Don't worry, Aunt Miaomiao, Xiaoxiao is on your side. Let my brother drive him away! But..."

Fu Yunxiao tilted her head in confusion, "But, Uncle Xie said he wanted to pursue Auntie? Could it be that he wants to lure Auntie home first, and then secretly torture you?"

"..." Chu Miao touched the little girl's head, "You are still young, so read less novels."

Fu Yunxiao blinked, "I don't read novels, that's how the movie Aunt Annie took me to watch last week."

"Fu Anni!" The three looked at Fu Anni together.

Fu Anni was also very wronged, "I didn't know the content of the movie before watching it. Ahem, isn't it Miaomiao's boyfriend we're talking about now?"


The focus shifted to Chu Miao again.

Chu Miao had no choice but to confess, "We talked for a while, but we have already broken up."

"Mr. Xie doesn't seem to think so." After listening to Chu Miao's narration, Leng Sa said: "I don't think he is an impulsive person, since he will come to you again, he should have considered the situation between you, right? Or has he already thought of a solution?"

Chu Miao said: "He just found out my true identity." It wasn't that she deliberately wanted to hide it, but it didn't make any difference whether she said it or not. Having said that, it was just one more reason for them not to be together.

Leng Sa said: "It seems that you still have a crush on him."

If it is really meaningless at all, the most straightforward reason is to just say "I don't like him", instead of finding various reasons to convince yourself that the two cannot be together.

Chu Miao was a little depressed, "It's okay...he is indeed the best boy I've ever met."

Fu Anni clapped her hands and said, "Sister-in-law, it seems that we should prepare the dowry."

Chu Miao glared at her angrily, "You should worry about yourself first, Sister Annie!"

Fu Anni said leisurely: "At my age, there is really no need to worry."

"The adoptive father doesn't think so." The marriage between Fu Anni and Chu Miao was about to become Dujun Fu's two heart problems.

Especially when he saw Fu Anni, who was over 30 years old and still running around, Dujun Fu felt a pain in his heart.

On the other hand, he felt that it was Fu Anni, the elder sister, who led Chu Miao badly, which caused her to remain unmarried at the age of twenty-seven.

I have to say that today's fast-changing world is really a challenge for an old man like Dujun Fu.

Leng Sa said: "Okay, let's take a look first." Stretching out his hand to stroke Chu Miao's hair, he said softly: "Don't worry, we are here no matter what. The traffic will only get faster and faster in the future , even if you really marry into Sassi, don’t be afraid.”

Chu Miao nodded, leaning on Leng Sa's shoulder and whispered: "I like home, no matter how far I go, I still want to come home."

"Well, home will always be here."

The next day Linus came to visit the Fu family personally with a gift, no matter because of his relationship with Chu Miao or because of his identity, the Fu family would naturally not neglect him.

Even Governor Fu, who hadn't returned to Yongcheng, took the time to meet him. After talking with Linus alone, Governor Fu showed some liking for this young man.

It doesn't seem to object to Linus, a foreigner, pursuing his adoptive daughter, so Linus is naturally relieved.

He also acted very sincerely, frankly saying that although he is the Prince of Sassi, he has no inheritance rights and will inherit his grandfather's family in the future. The Xie family immigrated overseas in the middle of Anxia, ​​and now seeing the prosperity and stability of Daxia, Mr. Xie also has the heart to return to his hometown.

If he can successfully pursue Chu Miao, he can accompany Chu Miao to settle in Daxia in the future.

Governor Fu is very satisfied with this. Even if there is no right of inheritance, the benefits and advantages that members of the royal family can get are incalculable in a country where the king is in power. Once Linus settles in Daxia, no matter how rich the Xie family is, they are just businessmen after all.

Even though Chu Miao is from the Fu family, the benefit Linus can get is not directly proportional to what he gives up.

If the Fu family didn't object, Linus felt relieved.

He is not worried about the relationship between the two of them. He believes that although two years have passed, Chu Miao still has feelings for him.

I thought it would take a lot of effort to convince the Fu family, but it turned out to be much easier than expected.

Linus also understood in his heart that the reason why the Fu family did not embarrass him was because they really loved Chu Miao and hoped that she would be happy.

"Your family is so nice."

Since getting the tacit approval of the Fu family, Linus officially started his pursuit again.

Send flowers, invite, send gifts every day, pick up and drop off anytime, anywhere.

Such a move naturally attracted the attention of many people. The young talents who had been eyeing Chu Miao suddenly found that they had another fierce competitor.

And this opponent is obviously very unusual, because Miss Chu treats him very differently from others. Chu Miao has always been straightforward with her suitors, and will never leave anyone with thoughts, basically a direct rejection.

For a while, the young talents in the capital were wailing.

Chu Miao smiled and said, "Of course they're fine."

"My family is also very good, my father and mother like you very much, and so does my grandfather." Linus said: "When I returned to Saxi, my grandfather scolded me severely, saying that I was an idiot. "


"I gave up my beloved because of a little difficulty." Linus said seriously, "My father also said that if I gave up without even trying to find a solution, I deserve to be broken in love."

Chu Miao was a little helpless, but they couldn't say anything about this.

Besides, she was the first to bring up the breakup.

Although it is great and romantic to say that it is great and romantic to give up everything for love, but Chu Miao thinks that it is impossible to do it, and naturally she will not force her significant other to do it.

"this is not your fault."

"So, are you willing to accept me again?" Linus asked softly.

Chu Miao looked at him and asked, "Because I gave up everything in Sassi and came to Daxia, is it really worth it?"

Linus bowed his head and kissed the back of her hand and said, "When Kentia saw you standing in front of me with a gun, I knew you were my only partner in this life, and you were worth everything to me."

Chu Miao remained silent, and Linus continued: "Besides, it only takes one and a half months from the capital of Daxia to the capital of Sassi, and we can go back to visit them at any time. Maybe when my elder brother inherits the title and father's job, we can still Invite them to live in Daxia. My grandfather has been studying for a lifetime and wants to return to Daxia, and my mother will definitely miss my grandfather."

Chu Miao smiled faintly, "I don't seem to have anything to refute."

Linus was delighted, "So, you accepted me?"

Chu Miao smiled and said, "Such an excellent man still loves me so much, why don't I accept it?"

Linus was overjoyed, and couldn't help but put his arms around the woman in front of him, "My grandfather will arrive in Daxia in three days, would you like to pick him up with me?"

Chu Miao was startled, "So fast?"

"Soon? Mother's telegram said that grandfather left a month ago." Linus asked puzzled.

Chu Miao smiled, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll accompany you."

"Grandpa will be very happy to see you." Linus hugged her tightly and said, "When grandpa arrives, we can come to the propose marriage?"

"..." Chu Miao was speechless.

Linus looked at her with some disappointment, "Can't you?"

Seeing his pitiful appearance, Chu Miao couldn't help but chuckled, leaning on his shoulder and whispering, "Yes."

Linus was overjoyed, couldn't help cheering in Sahi language, hugged Chu Miao and turned around a few times before stopping.

The two snuggled together, forehead to forehead, intimate and warm in the sunshine of early spring.

"I'm Chu Miao, please give me more advice in the future."

"I'm Linus Augustus, you can call me Xie Zhi in the future. No matter where you want to go in the future, I will be by your side."

(~ ̄▽ ̄)~Dear friends, this article is completely over. Thank you for your support~~ I will write Lan Mengmeng in the next book, I hope to see you again~~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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