In addition to reporters, those present at the press conference were also major battery manufacturers and some freelance media people.

Among the manufacturers, there are Xiamen Tungsten New Energy, Shanshan Energy, Mengguli New Materials, Bamo Technology, GEM, Dangsheng Technology, Changchun Lithium and the emerging company CATL.

These companies are very concerned about the development of the domestic battery industry.

Even if Fengyi Technology is just a small company.

However, the other party dared to arrange the press conference in the Magic City Sports Center. This is a kind of courage.

As the saying goes, if you don't have diamonds, how can you take on a porcelain job?

Most companies are still willing to believe that Fengyi Technology may have something.

And they can also see each other's depth from this press conference.

If the other party's technology is excellent, they will definitely express their intention to cooperate with the other party as soon as possible.

However, if the other party is just a Xibei guy, that's a different matter.

Except battery manufacturers.

There is another one this time, and that is Boss Jia, who has just released the LeTV super phone and is now laying out his own LeTV ecological chain.

At this time, Boss Jia was in a state of triumph.

The valuation of LeTV Group has hit new highs repeatedly, and, LeTV TV, LeTV Mobile, and LeTV Box are all in full bloom.

It's just that he doesn't know what his mentality is, and he actually came to attend a press conference of a small company.

However, as a billionaire, his arrival still brought a lot of heat to the press conference.

As for the international battery manufacturers invited this time, including Panasonic, Samsung, etc., all seats are vacant.

It is obvious that these major international manufacturers look down on small businesses like Fengyi Technology.

I don't want to send anyone over at all.

Soon, the time came to half past seven in a blink of an eye.

Amid the commotion below, the product launch conference organized by Fengyi Technology at a huge expense finally began.

Ever since Steve Jobs held an Apple mobile phone conference wearing a T-shirt, jeans and PPT.

It seems that everyone is following the same example and regards this form as a process of press conference.

However, today Fengyi Technology is different.

As soon as they came up, five refrigerators, five cabinet air conditioners, and five 50-inch TVs were moved to the stage.

In addition, there was a large timing display above, with a red light on.


Just when everyone in the audience didn't know what was going on.

Suddenly, these electrical appliances started up.

If they only used electricity to start these appliances, everyone would just think that Fengyi Technology was trying to impress people.

However, the sharp-eyed People have discovered a surprising fact, that is, all electrical appliances are not plugged into sockets.

Their plugs are all plugged into something similar to a car battery through a multi-purpose socket, and the battery is placed on a wooden table. There are no wires or anything like that.

As a result, such a small battery can power so many appliances.

At this time, some people have calculated that the power of a large refrigerator is about 200 watts.

Five cabinet air conditioners, even if they are 2.5 horsepower, are 9,000 watts.

As for TVs, five 50-inch LCD TVs are 1,000 watts.

This means that the total power of these appliances is about 11 kilowatts. The power of the ordinary car battery is impossible.

However, this black box, which is smaller than the car battery, keeps all the electrical appliances running smoothly.

There is no PPT. There is no CEO wearing jeans talking about performance.

They are just telling everyone in the audience a fact.

"Our batteries are so awesome!"

At this time, Boss Jia sitting in the audience also widened his eyes in surprise.

"No, how much power does this small battery have?"

"What exactly is Fengyi Technology?"

"Fake, it must be fake, magic, this is magic...!"

Some of the people in the audience were shocked, some were skeptical, and some were excited.

However this is only the beginning.

As time passed by at the press conference.

People finally know what the timing display that appears above means.

Although no one spoke.

However, everyone present, including reporters, was tired of waiting for an hour or two.

It wasn't until two and a half hours that one of the electrical appliances stopped running.

During this period, staff allowed some people to check the condition of electrical equipment.

Everyone, including Boss Jia, came on stage. They could be said to have watched everything on the stage up close and checked the wire connections.

Some people are deeply afraid that this is a magic trick, because magic can also be like a miracle.

However, all magic is ultimately fake.

Some skeptics simply do not believe that Longguo's battery technology can reach this level. They think that Fengyi Technology uses some kind of magic-like fraud.

But they came and checked, and many people even lay on the ground to check whether there was extra power supply.

The result was naturally disappointing to them, as there was no extra power supply at all.

It's not a blinding trick like magic.

The performance parameters of that black battery far exceed all current lithium batteries.

(PS:I beg for flowers, rewards, and evaluation votes for my new book. Your support is the author’s motivation! )

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