Arms Dealers From Hogwarts

Chapter 8 The Quidditch Boutique

The next day, early morning.

The bright sunlight shone through the window and fell on Jemini's face. Jemini frowned under the sunlight, and then got up sleepily.

Sitting in confusion on the wide bed, there was a lot of traffic outside the window on the left of Jemini, and outside the window on the right was Diagon Alley, which was full of people. I am now in the suite at the Leaky Cauldron.


By the window, Hedwig cooed to Jemini, the sun had risen high, and it was going to sleep...

Jemini took a serious look at Hedwig: "Your routine is not healthy."


Hedwig rolled her eyes at Jemini and stuck her head under the wings.

It scoffed at Jemini's words, as an owl, his work and rest time is very standard!

Seeing that Hedwig didn't want to talk to him, Jemini shrugged and got up to wash.

The equipment in the bathroom is very strange. Whether it is a washbasin or a bathtub, the shape is the same as that in the Muggle world. The difference is that these equipments have no water pipes connected to them, but they can still release water.

"Good morning, Mr. Fox."

Going downstairs refreshed, he saw Old Tom standing behind the bar, wiping a dirty wine glass and smiling at himself with his big mouth full of cracked teeth.

"Good morning, Mr. Tom."

Jemini sat at the long table in the center of the bar, and a scruffy witch waved her wand and delivered a steaming breakfast.

Sausage, fried eggs and milk.

This simple, boring and monotonous breakfast of the British can't be avoided by Muggles or wizards.

One thing to say, Jemini is now nauseated by the greasy smell of the sausage. In contrast, he would rather eat strategic materials such as compressed biscuits and tin cans sold in weapons stores.

But he didn't waste the sausage - it's also a good choice to keep it for Hedwig.

After eating, Jemini walked through the small patio behind the Leaky Cauldron, all the way to Diagon Alley.

Diagon Alley is more lively today than it was yesterday, perhaps because Hogwarts is about to learn.

There are a large number of children around the entrance of a magic joke shop called Bouncing and Playing, ranging from 11 to 12 to 17 or 18 years old, and the business seems to be very prosperous.

However, Jemini is not too interested in prank toys such as magic jokes, and his attention is more in the nearby Quidditch boutique.

Behind the glass window is a beautiful broom. The broomstick is painted with gold-red lacquer, and at the top is a row of small golden characters: Nimbus 2000, which is placed on a wooden shelf, constantly attracting the attention of passing children.

Pushing open the store door, Jemini walked into the store.

"Ha~ welcome."

The store manager is a big-bellied wizard, dressed in a burgundy wizard robe, with several large gem rings on his hands, looking like a nouveau riche.

"Did you come to see the broom, dear." The store manager looked at Jemini and smiled: "Please feel free to watch it, but please don't touch it at will, okay?"

"Thank you very much for your generosity." Jemini smiled gently.

The store manager obviously didn't treat him as a guest, but it's no wonder, from the price on the shelf, the cheapest broom here costs about sixty or seventy Galleons. Who would have thought that an eleven-year-old child could be rich How about buying a good broom?

But even if he didn't treat Jemini as a guest, the store manager also showed good self-discipline. From this point of view, it's not without reason that the store manager can open such a magic world 4S store.

"Are you a freshman at Hogwarts this year?" the store manager asked with a smile.

"Yes, I'm a freshman this year." Jemini nodded.

"Oh wow,

really not bad. The store manager clapped his hands excitedly: "A polite kid like you, I highly recommend you to go to Hufflepuff, haha, that's where I graduated. "

"Although there are always people who say that we are mediocre, mediocrity is not necessarily a bad thing, and there are many excellent wizards from Hufflepuff." The store manager spreads his hands: "For example...I~"

Jemini smiled, the store manager is quite interesting.

"Thank you very much for your advice."

"You're welcome, child."

"I would like to ask, what is the price of Nimbus 2000?" Jemini asked.

"Oh... I've always been asked recently, and you know, this latest broom—and the fastest at the moment, attracts attention." The store manager laughed: "I can tell you The thing is, its lowest price can be down to 200 Galleons, of course, this is the lowest and lowest situation, in general, its price should be around 230 to 270."

Jemini nodded slightly.

200 Galleons, if converted into pounds, is about 1,000 pounds. The two-month salary of ordinary people is not too expensive, but it is not cheap.

Although 200 Galleons may seem like a small amount, the value of money depends on its era and social environment.

The current UK was in 1991. At this time in China, the per capita wage was only 70 to 80 yuan, and the exchange rate between the British pound and the soft sister currency was far from being as low as it was three decades later.

What is the concept of two hundred Galleons now? The salary of an ordinary person in the UK for two months is 10,000 yuan in China in this era.

In this era when watches, bicycles, and sewing machines are still the three essential items for marriage, two hundred Galleons is not a small number, and this will not change because it is in the UK and the magical world.

You know, after the Weasley brothers got the financial support of Harry's Thousand Galleons, they opened a magic joke shop in Diagon Alley in a very short time, and their lives took off on the spot.

"So far, the total sales of Nimbus 2000 has reached three times as much as all other top brooms combined, I have to say, this broom is really good, it is the fastest broom I have ever seen. "

The store manager sighed.

Jemini nodded, looked around the store, and finally looked at a black broom in the innermost part of the room, which was a very delicate-looking broom.

"That one is..."

"The Velvet Arrow, an unpopular boutique, was produced in 1940. It was my favorite before the Nimbus series came out. Of course, I love it now, but it can't keep up with the current market. It's a pity."

The store manager sighed, then as if he had remembered something, he laughed and said, "But I heard from the Bardmore family that they seem to want to make some big moves in the past two years, and let me do it early. Get ready, have you heard of the Badmore family? The famous broom family, they are never after money, but perfection."

Jemini knew, velvet arrows... the Budmore family...

Judging from the name, the Firebolt that was born later should be made by the Bardmore family, right?

Turning his eyes to the weapon store, Jemini called up the data on the broom.

Nimbus 2000.

Price: 90 Galleons.


Price: 270 Galleons.

three times less...

According to the introduction column given by the weapon store, the reason why the price of Firebolt is high is because there are metal accessories forged by goblins, which is the most expensive part of itself.

In contrast, traditional brooms do not have this consideration. Because of the cost, the Firebolt seems to be the first to incorporate the alchemy technology of the goblin into the broom, and it is no wonder that the price is so high in the weapon store.

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