"Each first-year freshman can bring a pet to Hogwarts, owls, cats, toads, etc. Of course, if you want to bring some less popular animals, it is not impossible, but I personally recommend that you bring an owl ."

In the bustling Diagon Alley, Professor McGonagall walked in front of everyone and spoke quickly.

"The owl has always been the most trusted friend of wizards. It can help you send some letters. During school, you can also buy Diagon Alley's products and snacks through the owl by mail order. Just give them money and tie them around your legs. Put it on the list and they'll be nice to bring back what you're buying."

"If you want to choose a partner you like, you should be able to find your favorites in the two stores of Ella Owl Store and Magic Zoo."

Bringing a few people to the Ella Owl Shop, Justin quickly picked his partner - a majestic eagle owl, a type of owl.

Jemini's eyes fell on a cage behind the window. There was a snow-white owl in the cage. At this time, it was sleeping with its head under its wings.

There are four or five white owls in the store, but this one is snow-white, not variegated. It is a very beautiful snowy owl. Of course, its price is also worthy of its beauty - a full twenty-five Galleons , which is not a small amount.

Jemini calculated the time. From the time he received the letter, it should be a few days earlier than the time when Harry Potter came. This snowy owl is probably the later Hedwig.

The little thing is very pitiful, and was hit by the death curse in the last part.

Jemini leaned to the side of the bird cage, perhaps feeling something, the big white bird in the cage raised its head, and looked at Jemini curiously with its big round eyes.

"Very good, you will be called Hedwig from today, and you will be my bird from now on."

Jemini shrugged and picked up the cage.

Jemini didn't even think about keeping this cute little thing for the savior - he was in the arms business, not charity.

Everyone is first come first served.

"Gu~" Hedwig nodded, looking cute.

"It looks so beautiful." Hermione leaned over to Jemini and gave Hedwig an admiring look.

"Hermione, what do you want to buy?" Mr. Granger asked gently, touching Hermione's tousled hair.

Hermione shook her head: "Forget it for now, I just entered school, for me, learning is the most important thing, I think I don't have much time to keep an owl, I think maybe my homework will be let alone. I'm busy."

"Very good idea, Miss Granger." Professor McGonagall nodded and looked at Hermione admiringly: "If you deliver letters, there is an owl shed in the school, or you can ask other people's owls. Generally speaking, it only takes a few minutes. Nat, they'll be more than happy to help you out."

"The owl... will also receive money?" Jemini's eyes were full of weirdness.

"Of course, where there are wizards, there will be owl sheds, and these little guys can buy some snacks from the head of the owl shed - dead mice or something, they are very smart."

"Okay..." Jemini twitched the corners of his mouth.

With the help of Professor McGonagall, the three Jeminis quickly bought everything they needed for admission.

"Very good, everything that needs to be bought has been bought." Professor McGonagall nodded with satisfaction, taking out three tickets from the bag and handing them to the three: "This is the ticket to Hogwarts. , you just need to go to King's Cross Station, platform 9?, and get on the Hogwarts Express on September 1st."

"Platform 9? Does King's Cross have such a platform?" asked Mr. Finlay politely.

"The dividing wall between platforms nine and ten,

It is the entrance to platform 9? "Professor McGonagall nodded: "Just go through the middle of that wall. "

Everyone nodded and didn't ask any further questions. After all, they had just passed through the walls in the patio of the Leaky Cauldron in the morning, so there was nothing to be surprised about.

"Then, I'll leave next, and I'll ask you to help me send Mr. Fox back, okay?"

Professor McGonagall asked politely.

"That..." Jemini opened his mouth: "I plan to stay at the Leaky Cauldron for a while to learn more about the magic world."

Professor McGonagall refused, but finally nodded: "Well, if you must, but I hope you can write to that alcoholic priest."

She wasn't very worried about Jemini's thoughts. The contact during the day showed that Jemini had a mature way of thinking and was very assertive. Even if he sent him back, it was estimated that he would come back by himself.

He has his own ideas, and the corresponding action, and the most important thing is - he still has money...

Smart people will not easily integrate into the wizarding world because of an admission letter from Hogwarts. If this smart person is still a helpless existence, it will be even more so, so let Jemini see it with his own eyes. , It is also a good thing to know.

After saying goodbye to everyone, Jemini came to the Leaky Cauldron to open a room and stayed temporarily under the warm reception of Old Tom.

The price of the room in the Leaky Cauldron is very reasonable. Ten silver coins can be used for a day, and it also comes with unlimited hot cocoa for breakfast and dinner. Converted to Muggle currency, it is only about three British pounds. Hotels in Melon World are much cheaper.

During the day, Jemini discovered that in the magic world, the cost of food and accommodation does not seem to be expensive. Although magic cannot create food out of thin air, with the help of magic, it is also a very easy thing to obtain food.

Not to mention accommodation, there is a wizard travel agency called "Terrorist Tour" in Diagon Alley, where they sell tents, and you can get a top-level luxury tent with three rooms and two halls for only 30 Galleons.

In order to be safe, Jemini didn't buy a lot of covetous things before. He plans to go to Diagon Alley again tomorrow and buy something that interests him.


In the bird cage, Hedwig blinked her beautiful big eyes.

"Sorry, I'm not used to being in a cage." Jemini smiled gently and reached out to open the bird cage.

As soon as the cage was opened, Hedwig flapped her wings and flew to Jemini's shoulder.

Reaching out and gently touching Hedwig's hairy little head, Jemini laughed: "Wait a minute, I need to write a letter to Mr. Dean to report safety."

Saying that, Jemini took out a pen and paper from the non-marking stretch bag, wrote a note, and wrote an address on the back to show Hedwig a look. Hedwig took a serious look at the address on the note, and then Open the bird's beak and catch it.

"It's hard work for you, I'll treat you to something delicious when you come back," Jemini said.

Hedwig cooed and flew out along the open window, and the white figure slowly disappeared into the night.

'Mr. Dean, good evening.

I've bought all the supplies I need for school and am writing to you at a wizard hotel called the Leaky Cauldron, there's a lot of interesting stuff here, and I heard there's a squeaky whiskey, I'll try it when I get a chance I'll bring you a bottle.

Considering that I will live in this world in the next few years, I plan to stay here for a while to learn more about the world. I will go directly to the school after a while, please don't worry about me.

This snowy owl is my partner and messenger, just give him the reply.

I wish you good health.

——From a certain Gemini fox. ’

This is Jemini's note.

He takes his name from the constellation Gemini because he was born on the first day of the sign, May 21st.

About an hour later, Hedwig flew back to the room with the Dean's reply.

‘Understood, pay more attention when you are alone. ’

This is the reply from the dean of the priest. The note has a faint smell of wine, which is very his style.

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