Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 16 Les, who knows a little about magic

The train picked up speed little by little, and the couple Lupet and Granger standing on the platform gradually turned into three little black dots whose faces were unclear. Then the train turned a corner and all three people disappeared.

Hermione sat back in her seat and took out a heavy tome from her bag.

"Hogwarts: A School History is about Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and its history. I love reading it. You can read it if you have time."

"I've read it, and it's very interesting to understand what happened to the four founders in the subsequent era."

Les didn't lie. After seeing this book in Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, he bought it without even a second's hesitation. This book was also the first book he read in Diagon Alley—— Although the book contains more than a thousand pages, Rice finished the tome in just two days and one night.

While reading this book, the thousand-year history of Hogwarts unfolded in front of him like a scroll, giving Les a glimpse of what Hogwarts looked like after he and his friends left.

It is like a sapling, growing up little by little and becoming what the planter wants it to be.

"Really? That's great -" After learning that Les had read "Hogwarts: A School History", Hermione was so happy that she couldn't suppress her desire to discuss the contents of the book with Les. , but before she could speak, their conversation was interrupted by two uninvited guests.

The door of the carriage suddenly opened, and a silver-haired girl as delicate as a doll appeared at the door of the carriage pushing a pile of boxes.

It was Daphne, the older sister of the Greengrass sisters whom Les had met at Boginbok.

"Every other place is full, can I sit here?"

Although it was a question, Daphne didn't think she would be rejected at all. She pushed the pile of boxes into the box without waiting for Les and Hermione to agree. It wasn't until she walked in that she noticed that the person sitting in the box was The man I met in Knockturn Alley before.

"It's you!?" She was extremely surprised.

In Daphne's opinion, there are no serious people in Knockturn Alley, and the same is most likely true for Rice and Rupert, but who would have thought that Rice was actually a student at Hogwarts? What’s even more outrageous is that he is still a freshman!

How ridiculous is it that a man who was chatting with his father in a shop specializing in selling dark magic items in Knockturn Alley has not even reached the age of going to school!

Her mouth was open enough to fit a baguette into it.

"The world is such a small place, isn't it?" Les welcomed Daphne's arrival.

It is better to have a box full of acquaintances than a large group of strangers with strange origins.

"Yes, the world is such a small place!" Daphne sighed from the bottom of her heart.

She decided to write a letter to her father as soon as she arrived at school, telling him what she had experienced on the train today. She bet that her father would not be able to guess who they met.

She grabbed the top piece of luggage with both hands, stood on tiptoes and lifted it to the luggage rack with great difficulty.

Les silently took out his wand and pointed at the pile of luggage that was half a person high. The luggage floated into the air and landed steadily on the luggage rack, neatly arranged in a row.


"Did you just use a levitating spell?" She asked immediately after Les had packed up his luggage and sat back in his seat.

"Of course"

"But I didn't hear the spell being recited..." Hermione said with some uncertainty.

What just happened happened too fast, and she couldn't be sure whether Les was chanting a spell, but she was sure that Les was using the levitation spell they would learn this semester.

"Oh, really? Maybe you didn't notice - Daphne, where is your sister? Why didn't Mr. Greengrass come to see you off?" Les tried to blur the subject.

Silent casting and wandless casting have almost become his instinct, but considering his age and the difficulty of these two kinds of casting, this operation is a bit too amazing, which for Les who does not want to attract too much attention. Not a good thing.

Hope no one notices.

Les glanced at Daphne without any trace, and saw that she didn't seem to pay attention to what he had just done. He couldn't help but feel relieved. At the same time, he secretly decided that he would still have to pretend in front of others in the future, even if he said something casually to fool him.

"My sister is not yet in school, and she is two years younger than me. My father took my sister to the hospital today, so I came here alone - I have our house elf with me, so it's not that bad. .”

She said it wasn't that bad, but Les could still catch a hint of regret on Daphne's face. She was silent for a moment and then said: "Thank you for the candle. It works very well. My sister has slept very sweetly these past few nights and has never had nightmares."

It’s not easy for the girl Daphne either.

Hermione could hardly sympathize with Daphne's experience, and now all she could think about was the spell Les had just used.

After Daphne finished speaking, she couldn't wait to ask: "Have you previewed the spells you will use this semester in advance? I feel like you know all kinds of spells very well..."

"No, I just know a little bit."

This sentence is completely unconvincing.

Seeing Les admit that he "understands" spells, Hermione suddenly became interested: "I also tried to learn a lot of spells during the holidays. Is there any magic that you are particularly good at?"

Les blinked: "You ask me what I am best at, and my answer is that I am best at preserving the magic of ice cream."


Hermione thought there was something wrong with her hearing for a while, but when Les took out three large boxes of ice cream with a hint of white steam from somewhere, she suddenly felt that she had heard correctly.

"Try it?" Les picked up a box of yogurt ice cream and pushed the other two boxes towards Hermione and Daphne.

"How did you do it? I remember it was clearly mentioned in Gamp's five basic principles of transformation that food cannot be transformed out of thin air." Faced with Rice's operation, Hermione exclaimed, feeling that she was well-informed. Daphne's eyes widened as well - she had never seen such magic before.

The basic principles of the wizarding world were overturned in front of them.

"It's not conjured out of thin air. I simply combined a few not-so-complex spells to achieve this effect. I said I know a little bit about magic."

The freezing spell is just a simple application of the traceless expansion spell.

A series of shocks made Hermione and Daphne numb. They carefully picked up the ice cream from the table and each tasted a little.

The cold sweetness told them that all this was true.

Most importantly, this ice cream is really delicious.

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