All Things Wrong

Chapter 324: Shock

"Father..." When Fermette’s brain was in chaos, Ed’s here slowly woke up, a little weak and said, after all, he lost too much blood, he was also lucky, followed by the deserters. Go, but accidentally encountered the search team of the First Legion, a total of six cavalry, here Ed can not run, can only fight **** the scalp, the result was injured, but the fourth moment of the critical time General Bronte also ran to this side, just to see Ed was surrounded, Blount was good, killing several cavalry to save Ed, and grabbed two horses, the two rushed to the main city for an hour As a result, the relationship between Ed’s injury was slightly delayed for a while, and now he arrived at the palace.

Ed’s injury was really heavy, especially the abdomen’s knife. He almost wiped out his intestines. Now he used a little cloth to tie it, but he still couldn’t stop bleeding. Aide’s riding on the road several times. The painful loss of consciousness has just been taken to the palace.

"What's the matter! How come you come back!" Fermette said nervously, Ed is the head of the Fourth Army. How could he get back here and suffer such a heavy injury? Let him realize that he may have lost his life, but it is impossible. The fourth army on his side is almost all the troops, more than 70,000 people, and at least tens of thousands of people on the side of the Mozu. The Second Army, how could it be lost, and even if it is lost, how could it be so fast, the soldiers who came out in the morning, it will take a few hours for the army to arrive there, and now it is just after noon, it is tens of thousands of troops. Where did you lose when you first arrived?

"Father...the big things are not good..." Ed said weakened here. "We lost, and the Fourth Army was defeated."

"What, this is impossible!" Fermette was excited at once, and pulled Ade, who was seriously injured. "The 70,000 army, the second leg of the two sides, how could it fail! ,what happened!"

"Oh..." Ed was pulled to the wound. Showing a painful look, but still said: "Yes... is the first legion..."

"The First Legion?" Felmet said strangely, "How could it be the first legion? How did Wilham do this?"

"Not Wilham, I saw it, it is... Anthony. Gala." Ed said here.

"What, Anthony? Isn't he missing?" Fermette said with amazement. "When did he return, how would he return to the First Corps?"

"Ha ha ha ha... hahahaha..." Suddenly King Rein laughed here. "Shawn, the God of War of the First Legion is back. What should you do now?"

"This is impossible. Why is it missing so suddenly!" Felmet here is also a panic. However, his psychological quality is relatively good, and he was immediately shocked. Now the situation is not very bad, and there is room for turning. In the city of God's Blessing, there are 20,000 Royal Guards and 20,000 of the Fourth Army's reserve. They are all their own people. It is not a big problem to rely on these people to hold the city. Although there are many people across the street, There should be no supply, as long as you can drag a little time, there should be a turnaround.

"His Highness, this is not something you are worried about, you have seen it. I have no time to spend with you, how, you have to decide or let us go." There is really no time for Filmt. Now, the most important thing is to immediately calm down the internal affairs and then organize the defense.

"Self-cut? Hehe." Rein smiled here. "I want to pull you on the road."

"Is it? Come and kill the Queen." Fieldt said with a wave.

"You dare!" King Rein here shouted loudly. His relationship with the Queen was very good. Now he heard the other side killing Heather, and he was anxious and angry.

"Give me the most cruel way to kill the Queen!" Fermette smiled and added.

"You...!" Lei was so angry that he suddenly spit out a blood, and suddenly his momentum dropped a lot.

"Look at what, start." Felmet said here, "We have no time to drag Ed to the treatment."

"Report!" This is a soldier who is running in the doorway and nervously said.

"What is it?!" This place is not good, because he has long been taken care of, no major things do not come in, and now must be a big event.

"There are a lot of cavalry in the east gate. The captain suspects that it is not our troops. Now I have already resisted the army. I sent a letter to the army and asked the adults to dispatch the reinforcements quickly." This soldier is one of the guards at the East Gate, because the East Gate School I saw that the cavalry was not his own cavalry, so when I was looking for someone to go down, I also told people to report to Fermette.

"What, so fast!" Fermette here knows exactly what the opposite is. The first legion cavalry started, it is definitely their army, but I did not expect it to come so soon, the calculation time should be After the fourth army, the horses did not stop directly to come here, when Anthony became so decisive, he did not give him time to breathe.

"Costner, let's take the defense to the East Gate!" Fermette said immediately.

"Yes!" The npc, a general of the side of Filmt, immediately said his hand.

"Adults, adults, big things are not good!" Just saying, another soldier ran in and rolled in, even asked without asking, directly shouting, "There are a lot of cavalry in the inner gate! The soldiers resisted Live, has rushed towards the palace!"

"What!" Fieldm was really panicked. It was too fast. It didn't give them time to react. Now it has already rushed to the palace. That is to say, it is already at the door.

Immediately pushed away the soldiers on the ground, here, Fermte rushed directly to the ladder at the entrance of the palace. Sure enough, he immediately saw the cavalry rushing towards them all the time, and the front position, It was the conspicuous red armor, which was the armor of the former Imperial Marshal Mofas.

On the side of Li Huailin, because the inner city defense was not timely, the breakthrough was very fast. There was no letting a few gatekeepers figure out the situation. The cavalry here had already worn the past and went straight to the palace hall. .

"Strange, how can today's guards be so lax?" Wilham said suddenly and strangely.

"Where are you going to see the excitement?" Li Huailin said casually. "Wow, you see a lot of people in front."

Everyone looked to the front. It was like this. The steps in front of the palace here are now full of soldiers, all of whom are fully armed with the Royal Guard, and at the bottom are the ministers wearing official uniforms. The minister seemed to be going to the palace, but it was blocked by the Royal Guards. Even a few officials were surrounded by many Royal Guards, almost holding them away.

Seeing a lot of cavalry suddenly appearing here, the eyes on both sides were attracted. I don’t know what happened on both sides. Which side of the cavalry came here?

"General Wilhamm! General Wilhamm! Fast, go up and protect the King's Highness." Suddenly a minister recognized the former Wilham, and immediately rushed out and shouted at Wilham. " This family of Fermette rushed into the palace with a lot of soldiers, I am afraid they are going to rebel!"

"I rub, so smart?" Although Li Huailin knows that Felmet seems to be doing something to the king, but did not expect it is today, the schedule is too tight, but this is not the right thing.

At this moment, in front of the palace gate, Philmte just walked out of the gate and was seeing Anthony.

"His Highness! Fillm!" Wilham's eyes are good, and immediately I saw Philmte in front of the palace, pointing to him and talking to Anthony. After all, Anthony has lost his memory, and can't recognize it for the time being. people.

"People are just fine!" Anthony said with a smile, afraid that he could not find anyone, and he didn't know where to go. Now that people are in the palace, it would be better to go straight to the net, so he immediately waved and said: "Down, rush Go in!"

The steps of the palace are really high. It is very difficult to ride on horses. It is a trouble, so Anthony here has chosen to fight directly, although the advantage of the cavalry is gone, but there are many people here. Now the naked eye looks like a total of more than 2,000 soldiers on the steps, plus up to 1,000 people in the palace, and the first legion and the second legion here are still crowding into the inner city, the pile of people are putting The opposite side is dead.

"Go to the east of the Guard Camp and call the reinforcements." The squad on the squad said that the opposite person immediately began to attack and said that he did not expect this to happen. I thought it would have brought 3,000 people. However, other people are still waiting in the guard camp. Now it’s a headache. Although the guard camp is also in the main city, the team will have to go to this side for half an hour, and the number is only 10,000. The following Anthony's people have already seen tens of thousands of people, and the back is still rushing in. How many people are still confused about Philmette.

"Kill it up!" Anthony yelled and pulled out his own sabre. The first one rushed into the crowd, a red light flashed, and the soldiers of the dozen or so Royal Guards around felt the body. A hot, the next second has split into two, almost an instant, Anthony tore a gap.

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