All Heavens and Myriad Realms System

The Goddess Collection System of All Heavens and Worlds/The System of All Heavens and Worlds Chapter

Like a father, like a son, and years later, this guy's son also inherited his character.

"So I'm very fortunate to have met you, Chen!" Howard exclaimed.

"Your level of complimenting others is obviously much worse than your level of sweet-talking and hooking up with girls." Chen Muyang helped Howard, who was still a little dizzy, to go out, only to see Steve being with a sexy man in military uniform. The blonde is kissing.

"Steve, is this your girlfriend, very beautiful, very sexy, very suitable for you." Chen Muyang smiled.

For some reason, Steve wrapped his arms around the blond beauty's slender waist and said, "Yes, she's my girlfriend."

Chen Muyang whistled and said, "Congratulations on winning the US captain, ma'am, you will become a woman that all women in the US envy."

The blond beauty put her arms around Steve's waist and smiled happily.

Sure enough, women are born actors.

"Steve, you are here to get the equipment, I'm ready, come with me for 20." Howard had basically returned to normal at this time, and said to Steve.

Although Howard took great pains to design and manufacture a lot of shields for Steve that he thought was very useful, but just like fate, Steve took a fancy to the shield made of vibranium at a glance.

If he didn't get the ready-to-finish Edman alloy formula, Chen Muyang might take the shield first, but now Chen Muyang doesn't care anymore.

After getting the Edman alloy formula, Chen Muyang has been insisting on researching it. He not only wants to research the Edman alloy, but also research more metals with unique properties according to the formula.

When it comes to the Edman alloy formula, the U.S. government should not have found out that it has been obtained by itself.

Marlon MacLean is a scientist who cooperates with the government, and he is still researching things like Edman alloys, so the U.S. government has closely monitored him.

Chen Muyang also relied on the metal obtained from the center of the earth as a stepping stone, so that the US military who wanted to get more information from him agreed to see Malone himself.

The conversation process was in a state of monitoring, but they could only monitor the sound, so that Chen Muyang could find an opportunity to turn the shadow clone into Ma Long and the shadow clone to talk normally. people, including Howard, who was there at the time.

Chen Muyang was very happy when he thought that he had joined the US military.

In fact, Zhenjin is also good. If you have the opportunity to go to Wakanda, you must get some extraterrestrial meteorites.

The hole dug by himself was filled by himself, so Captain America was destroying Hydra's weapons factory for the next period of time. He and his team fought heroically and destroyed many Hydra factories, making Schmidt feel distressed and want to vomit blood.

Victories have also boosted the Captain America's prestige to new heights.

The girlfriend who was admitted by Steve in front of Chen Muyang and Howard has now become his real girlfriend, and this guy can be said to be truly glorious now.

At the end of the latest operation, Steve's good friend Barnes fell off a cliff during the operation, and can basically be considered dead.

However, Chen Muyang knew that Barnes did not die, but was sent to the Soviet Union. After brainwashing, he was transformed into a Winter Soldier, also known as the Great Winter Soldier by netizens.

Although Barnes was sacrificed, the gains were huge, capturing Zola, the chief scientist of Hydra.

Colonel Phillips personally interrogated, and learned from the mouth of Schmidt's crazy plan, and this plan is about to be implemented, it can be said that time is pressing.

Now, the only way is to kill Schmidt in advance and let his plan die, otherwise the whole world will be ruined.

"Where is he?" Steve, who was depressed because of the death of his good friend, suddenly burst into flames of revenge.

Colonel Phillips was overjoyed. Just waiting for you to speak. You didn't disappoint me, Steve.

"In Hydra's last base, that base is here, in the Alps, five hundred feet underground!"

The operation started, and Chen Muyang participated in it on the grounds of protecting Carter.

After waiting outside the base for a long time, they finally got the signal from inside, and the large army immediately launched a charge.

Carter stood at the back with a sniper rifle, and the soldiers aiming at Hydra fired a lot of shots. The sniper rifle refined and strengthened by Chen Muyang has been greatly improved in terms of accuracy, stability, range, and power. one gun.

Chen Muyang was very vigilant beside him, for fear of a stray bullet coming. You know, it's an energy bullet, and its power can annihilate a living person with one shot, which is much stronger than a bullet.

Even if Carter is wearing the amulet he gave, he can only resist at most once, so Carter is still very dangerous.

The fighters who charged in front were constantly being annihilated by energy bombs, and not even the slag was left.

When they rushed in, the base was already in chaos.

Carter put away the sniper rifle and took out the pistol, which is better here.

The real fierce battle unfolded on the runway, and those Schmidt loyalists desperately organized the Allied forces to buy time for Schmidt 097 to take off.

Our Captain America, even a super soldier, can't outrun a plane that's already activated.

At the critical moment, Chen Muyang chased after Schmidt's car: "Steve, get in the car!"

Steve jumped into the car, and Chen Muyang quickly accelerated to chase after the plane. Fortunately, there was a turbocharger on the car, otherwise, he really wouldn't be able to catch up with the plane.

The car quickly approached the plane, Steve squatted on the hood of the car and jumped suddenly, and immediately jumped onto the landing gear of the plane.

Chen Muyang slammed on the brakes, the car turned around instantly, and the turbo boost became a tool to help the car slow down.

The car finally stopped on the edge of the cliff, Chen Muyang prayed for Steve in his heart: "I hope you sleep comfortably."

Coming to the central control room of the base, the Allied soldiers have completely controlled the place and are waiting for Steve's information.

After a long time, Steve's voice suddenly sounded on the intercom: "Notice, I'm Captain Rogers!"

"I'm Colonel Phillips. How is your situation?"

"Schmidt is dead, this plane is heading for New York, it's going very fast, and most importantly, it doesn't look like it can land safely, so I'm going to crash it into the water! Colonel, please help me speak to Rowling. Sorry."

Chapter 99 The first lesson scared people to pee their pants

A rustling voice came from the intercom, and everyone was silent for a while.

Chen Muyang did not stay in this world much, sent Peggy and Natasha to the Goddess Palace and returned to the real world.

The day after the return, there was a class in the Sculpture Department.

Chen Muyang finished his professional class first. Zhao Xiaomeng and Ji Yuran originally wanted to come to see him in class, but they both have classes and can only wait for the opportunity later.

Chen Muyang came to the classroom of the Sculpture Department. Unlike other classrooms, this classroom does not have fixed desks and chairs, but movable desks and chairs. The desks are made of metal frames and solid wood table tops. Even heavy carving materials are not afraid of pressure. bad table.

There were a lot of people. In addition to the students of the sculpture department, there were some who didn't seem to be students at all. Chen Muyang was probably a reporter.

Indeed, this time, the school even hired a student as a visiting professor to teach students. This is the first case in the Chinese education sector, so it caused an uproar in the society, and it is normal for reporters to come.

Chen Muyang walked to the desk with a cloth bag, put the cloth bag next to the desk, and then smiled: "I think you all know who I am, and I also know who my students are, others can Stay here, but must not interfere with the order of the lecture, otherwise I will invite him out without hesitation."

Wow, this little teacher is really a bit different.

"Since I am in this position, I have to take responsibility, so I will teach you carving next." The students and reporters cheered up.

Let's see what amazing stuff this guy can teach.

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