Alien Knights

Chapter 196: Royal Family Invitation Party (Part 2)

Seeing that the enthusiasm of the people gradually calmed down, the leader of the Golden Skylark took off his hat with his right hand and put it on his chest, stretched his left hand back, and bent his right knee, and performed a standard Good-Day salute to the king. After receiving Todd's gesture of raising his hand, he straightened up and said loudly to the audience: "In the name of the Holy Son, I announce the official start of the party! First, Miss Barbara, who is well-known in the troupe, will present a solo for you all!"

A woman in a bright corset, dressed as a bard, walked onto the stage holding a Saltley salami.

According to the usual practice, she first bowed deeply toward the second floor, then sat on the long bench that had been prepared, and started the final tuning of the strings.

The "spotlight" alien gathers the light in its hands and hits the performers in the center of the stage; the assistant holding the stained glass makes the light colorful and dreamy.

Unlike the gorgeous and extravagant music styles on the western plains, and the solemn and solemn singing techniques in the eastern sanctuary, Barbara, who was born in Lone Rock City in the south, has an ethereal and ethereal quality to both her piano and singing, as if she could slowly draw people's souls into dreams.

"I went on a pilgrimage to Muxi"

"Take a bouquet of carnation flowers and dedicate them to the people on the other side of the sea"

"Bright blue knight sword, born in the flames of war"

"Regardless of life or death, please let me return to my homeland"

"Adorn the vestibule of my hometown with full sea pink flowers"

Barbara played and sang the instrument in her hand, but her eyes went beyond the audience to a familiar figure at the edge of the hall.

"Lone Wolf" Randall leaned against the wall, folded his arms and disappeared into the darkness. This hero, well known to the people of Muxi, was looking into the eyes of the singer on the stage without saying a word.

In the aisle not far from him, Rachel carefully read the report in his hand, and asked in a low voice, "Has Terrence recovered from his injuries?"

A young woman dressed as a scholar nodded and responded, "That's right, not only that. The Jade Society jointly submitted an application, hoping to set up a separate department for Terrence in Muxi College, with the main research direction being physics and heterogeneity, and invited His Majesty to be the department chairperson, and Terrence himself to be the vice chairperson. And..."

Seeing the angry expression on Rachel's face, the woman unconsciously lowered her voice, and finally stopped talking.

"what else?!"

The woman didn't dare to meet Rachel's eyes, and said in a low voice: "The Jade Society hopes to intervene in the affairs of the biochemical factory, claiming that the kingdom can use their academic ability to increase the factory's production and upgrade its technology."

Rachel's face was ashen, and under the full force of the "mind force" ability, the paper in her hand suddenly turned into powder.

The woman lowered her head, looked at the ground, and continued to report: "Lord Rachel, there are a few more things. There is a hermit village in the northern mountainous area, which has moved into Muxi City, hoping to obtain asylum. In addition, Sidney's autopsy report came out..."

White confetti fell like snowflakes, Rachel turned and left the aisle, and left a sentence: "Keep an eye on those guys from the Jade Society! You can handle other things yourself!"

Barbara's song ended, and there was thunderous applause in the theater hall.

People stood up one after another, paying their most sincere respect to this famous performer and singer in Muxi City.

Taking advantage of the ten-minute gap between the host's gags, Barbara stepped off the stage for a short rest, and returned to the stage with the other actors of the repertory troupe.

The play performed by Gold Skylark is called "The Wanderer in Paradise", to the effect that a pious peasant woman thinks a smooth-talking wandering scholar is a messenger from heaven, and asks him if he has seen her dead husband. The wandering scholar told the peasant woman that her deceased husband was poor in heaven, so the peasant woman gave ten silver moons to the wanderer and asked him to hand them over to her deceased husband.

The current husband of the peasant woman was very angry when he came back and learned of the incident. He rode to chase after him, but the horse was also deceived by the scholar. He trekked home from the swamp with difficulty. The peasant woman was very happy and told him, "I will not treat you badly after you die."

This drama is witty and humorous, and many places can make people laugh out loud. It is a very popular work in Muxi City.

However, the work satirizes religious utilitarianism and secular ignorance very implicitly, and has been criticized and criticized by many church personnel.

The head of the Golden Skylark once considered replacing this work with another "In Praise of the Divine Comedy", but was strongly opposed by the popular lead actor of the troupe—Barbara.

Although this approach destroyed the structure of the play, it minimized the "religious risk".

After all, Master Shengzi is watching, isn't he?

Every actor in the Golden Skylark Troupe always sneaks a glance at the balcony on the second floor when they go on stage. Everyone told themselves in their hearts that the legendary King Muxi was watching their performance. The performers put forth all their energy and performed to their best level, coupled with excellent props and excellent scripts. There were bursts of cheers and laughter in the hall from time to time, and even some of the guards who were in charge of guarding would occasionally applaud in a low voice.

In the auditorium, compared to Sabrina's concentration and immersion, Clarence seemed a little less interested.

The former glanced at the latter, and asked, "Don't you think tonight's drama is not bad?"

Clarence smiled and shrugged.

Sabrina added: "I have seen the "Recreational Troupe" from a hundred years ago, and the "Helloa Troupe" from more than 60 years ago. The performance of this troupe is already quite good."

Clarence looked at the actors bouncing around on the stage, opened his hands slightly, and said with disinterest: "I'm not interested in this kind of story written by others. Think about it, there is a person behind all this, using the so-called plot to tell you when to be sad and when to laugh. Isn't this a rather boring thing?"

Sabrina looked at the other party with "you are hopeless" eyes and said: "I have known you for more than 70 years, and you are just a simple tragicist."

"Life is a play, which begins with your own cry and ends with the cry of others. Laughter and joy are just innocuous halftime, and tragedy is the destiny of each of us. But for me..." Clarence looked at the joy, anger, sorrow and joy behind the pink and ink on the stage, and leaned his back towards the seat: "I am more interested in the most authentic response of people to fate. the abyss?"

Sabrina looked disgusted: "Sooner or later, this kind of thinking will destroy you."

Clarence shook his head and changed the subject: "Look at the guards and spectators tonight, don't you see anything?"

Sabrina looked around: "It doesn't seem to be different."

Clarence's tone sounded a bit awkward: "Although the number of guards has not changed, the number of 'successors' has decreased. Also, most of the officials in the audience who belong to the military department of the kingdom are not present. So, what does all this explain?"

"You should know that what I hate the most is guessing! Just tell me the answer!"

"The Muxi Knights should have left the kingdom." Clarence looked at the drama on the stage that was drawing to a close, and said with a smile, "Next, we have to find a way to arrange a 'secret talk' between me and King Muxi."

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