"Going to the arena now? Let's go to dinner later!"

Cyril stared at the boy in front of him and suggested sincerely.

Although study time is precious, Wu Jing is equally precious!

It's not that his will is not firm, but that the other party has given too much!

Nicholas Little Sheep Cavendish had a wrong intuition, and he vaguely felt that an invisible hand was waving a sickle.

So, he asked cautiously, "How much magic power do you have now."

Cyril hesitated for a moment, and felt that he could not deceive customers for the sake of good reputation.

He replied honestly: "Cough, now the magic power is only 10."

As soon as he finished speaking, Nicholas Cavendish immediately picked up: "Then come to me when your magic power is restored!"

After he finished speaking, he walked out of the classroom with two attendants.

Although the pace is still steady, it reveals a sense of escape for no reason.

Cyril sighed and covered his chest, feeling rather regretful.

Oh, Wu Jing is not easy to earn!

But Cyril soon perked up again.

As long as he restores his magic power and defeats Nicholas Cavendish!

With the pride of the other party, you will definitely not be convinced, and then you will challenge yourself again and again.

Thinking of this, Cyril felt very happy, and walked happily to the restaurant to cook.

After dinner, Cyril spent a few hours in the library, then packed up before two o'clock in the afternoon and rushed to the classroom for the history of magic.

History of Magic is taught by Professor Bennett Theron.

Cyril was impressed by the wizard.

First, the clock-in timer set up by the other party at the entrance of the library is eye-catching.

Secondly, this professor with a long white beard made a fresh appearance at the opening dinner with his own background music.

"Good afternoon, little ones."

Bennett Tyron stroked his beautiful long white beard and smiled kindly at the class, looking very kind.

"Good afternoon, Professor."

Many people had a good impression of this gentle old professor, and they replied in unison.

Bennett Tyron glanced at the way most of the wizarding apprentices were sitting, looking at the quills in their hands as if they were planning to take notes at any time.

He smiled slightly, blinked mischievously, and took out a slender brown wand.

He stretched out his arms and swung his wand sharply, and the tip of the wand emitted a bright spot of light that enveloped the entire classroom.

Cyril only felt that the bottom of his **** was suddenly empty, and the seat was suddenly taken away.

He suddenly fell onto a large soft feather-like object.

He looked down and saw a thick and soft woolen carpet under him.

Cyril looked around, and the whole classroom was completely different from before.

From a classroom with neat and tidy chairs to a warm living room.

The apprentices sat on the thick carpet in this living room.

Outside the living room window was fluttering cotton wool like snowflakes.

The fireplace in the living room was burning brightly and warmly, and the stacks of firewood made a "crackling" sound.

In the cupboard by the fireplace sits an old gramophone whose needle is turning slowly and leisurely.

A soothing female voice came out: "Mary has a little lamb, snowballs like hair..."

Professor Bennett Theron smiled at them from an exotic rocking chair by the fireplace.

The wizard apprentices looked at each other, speechless in surprise.

"Well, it seems that something is missing?"

Professor Bennett Theron once again stroked the white beard unhurriedly.

He looked around, made a sudden realization, and smiled: "Ah, I should have some more hot tea and cookies."

He waved his wand again.

A lot of tea sets and dinner plates with rose gold edges suddenly appeared, stopping in front of the wizard apprentices in twos and threes.

The plate is filled with cranberry biscuits with a sweet aroma, as if they were freshly baked.

Professor Bennett Theron also stopped in front of him with a cup of black tea and a stack of cookies.

He took the black tea with milk and took a sip, then picked up a small cookie and ate it, with a very relaxed expression.

"Aren't you going to have a piece? Kids?"

Professor Bennett Tyron looked lovingly at the wizard apprentice below, and commented: "I think the taste is very good."

The class of this professor of history of magic is indeed much easier than in the morning.

Wizard apprentices drank black tea, ate cookies, and listened to an erudite old professor around the fireplace to tell the story of the turbulent adventures of the ancient wizard, and they were a little reluctant until the time for get out of class ended.

Especially when Professor Bennett Theron announced that there would be no homework after class, the class cheered.

"The History of Magic is definitely going to be my favorite class!"

Paris Geller said with emotion.

What he said was good, after all, the rest of the courses were difficult.

Such as Magic Pharmacy.

However, just after taking the first class of potions, many apprentice wizards looked disheveled.

After all, their first class wasn't making some magic potion (they didn't even use a cauldron), but dealing with all sorts of disgusting potion raw materials.

Including but not limited to:

Peel the slippery green-ringed rattlesnake, remove its fangs, and take out its gallbladder, and try to make the best use of a green-ringed rattlesnake; Resist the feeling of vomiting, don't accidentally kill it with too much force; squeeze out the venom gland juice of the spotted toad, you have to be careful, if it breaks free and jumps out, you have to lie on the floor of the classroom and look everywhere...

Wizard apprentices wear brass goggles. The lenses on the goggles are made of unknown materials, which can effectively prevent the contamination and attack of magic materials.

They turned the screw button on the back of the goggles as instructed by the potions professor.

Immediately afterwards, Cyril heard the inaudible sound of gears turning, and then he saw a fine leather mask recorded in the goggles fall down, tightly wrapping him cheeks.

So in the potions classroom, you can see a large group of wizard apprentices in black robes, protective gloves, masks and goggles on their faces, carefully grasping with one hand With the slippery crypt worm, the other hand holds a short sweet potato strip in front of the crypt worm's mouth to lure them.

Please drool, Crypt Worm Dads.

The apprentice of the wizard is suffering.

After finally collecting the saliva of a test tube of crypt worms, the new wizard apprentices who had just started to be beaten in the potions class had to clean up their mood on the verge of collapse, and turned their heads stiffly to find The potions professor receives a spotted toad that is as ugly as a crypt worm.

"Said only the drool of the crypt worm!"

Potions professor Selena Pousons frowned at the test tube handed in by a wizard apprentice.

The wizard apprentice turned pale with fright and shivered.

Merlin's smelly socks! Let him pass! He didn't want to see that **** again!

"I emphasized that this is a course that pays attention to details! It requires enough patience and meticulousness!"

Professor Selena Pusens said with a serious expression.

On the outside, she is undoubtedly an extremely beautiful young witch, with thick, seaweed-like dark green long curly hair that is very charming.

Many old wizard apprentices are wondering why Professor Selena Pusens' hair is still so lush under the ravages of all kinds of strange potions.

This is really the envy of many wizard apprentices who stay up late to study and cause their hair to thin.

Their final conclusion is that Professor Pusens may have mastered the legendary hair growth potion!

However, at this time, this beautiful witch could not let the wizard apprentice in front of her pay any attention to her beautiful face.

The apprentice wizard was staring at the suspicious blue-gray mixed in the center of the white liquid in the transparent test tube.

That's what the potions professor emphasized before they started

"The snot of the crypt worm."

The apprentice wizard murmured.

"So, redo."

Professor Selena Poussin did not pay any attention to the tearful eyes of this wizard apprentice.

She took out a chubby crypt worm from the cage beside her again and put it in the trembling hand of the wizard apprentice.

"If the test tube you hand in again is still mixed with crypt worm snot..."

Professor Selena Poussin took a deep look at the wizard apprentice in front of her and said with aggravated tone: "I will think that you are dissatisfied with my class."

No apprentice wizard can leave the Potions classroom with a smile.

Cyril held his breath and blushed, and finally ground the sneeze grass into powder, Kankan completed all the tasks for the get out of class before the end of the class.

He got a rare smile from potions professor Selena Pousins.

"As expected of an S-level wizard apprentice, I'm very optimistic about you."

Selena Pusens took the small jar of sneezegrass powder in Cyril's hand, nodded with satisfaction, and said to him.

Nicholas Cavendish, who heard this, almost burst the spotted toad in his hand.

Cyril tried to force a tired smile at his potions professor.

"Thank you for your encouragement, I will continue to work hard."

To be honest, he just wants to go back to the dormitory to take a bath, and then spread out on the bed, so as to calm down his complicated mood of being tossed with various potion raw materials.

When the wizard apprentices struggled to complete their potions class homework after class, they walked out of the classroom that left them with a psychological shadow.

The apprentice wizards just sighed at the thought of writing several pieces of parchment after class about the detailed handling of these potion materials and their effects in different situations.

Why put Potions after History of Magic!

The contrast is too stark!

Is this just another slap to the sweet date? ? ?

While Cyril was having lunch in the dining hall of the academy, he saw the eyes of many old wizard apprentices glancing at them, and kept looking at each other with a fascinated smile.

When he finished eating and got up and passed by two old wizard apprentices, he heard them say: "Oh, look at the haggard faces of these freshmen, it seems that they have just been boiled by Professor Pusens. Take a potions class."

The use of the word "boil" is really spiritual.

The course after that is not so cruel, but it is not easy.

In the herbal medicine class, they remembered and identified the large three-dimensional images of various herbs projected by the crystal ball.

By the way, the original words of the herbalist professor are-"You can't let you little trolls spoil my herbal cuties. So learn this first and then talk about it."

The professor of herbal medicine is Madison Herb, a wizard with curly blond hair.

If Cyril remembers correctly, the way this professor appeared at the opening dinner was to slowly walk out of a huge flower bud.

“…that’s the whole point of narcissus root.”

Professor Madison Herb tapped the crystal ball with his wand to turn off the projection effect.

"Next, let me select a few wizard apprentices to test and teach you how well you are."

He picked up the list beside him and glanced at it quickly.

The heart of the apprentice wizard in the classroom also raised.

"Nicholas Cavendish!"

Professor Madison Herb caught a glimpse of a name and read it out.

"I know your father Augustus Cavendish. His research on witch circles is very good. He recently published a paper in the latest issue of "Magic Research".

The professor of herbal medicine looked up at the young wizard apprentice.

He squinted his eyes and said: "Of course, this does not mean that if you do not answer in my class, I will give you a reduced penalty."

"Sure, ask questions, Professor."

Nicholas Cavendish stood up, he clenched the quill in his hand, and puffed out his chest.

"Two questions. The first: the environment that the narcissus likes? The second: the commonly used medicine for the narcissus I just mentioned?"

Professor Madison Herb asked.

"Daffodils like light, water, and fat. Often used as analgesics, professor."

Nicholas Cavendish breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the question and answered confidently.

"Good. Sit down."

Professor Madison Herb nodded.

He continued to point people up to return to the question: "Sapier Warner! How to make narcissus root powder?"

"Uh...this...sorry, I don't remember, Professor Herb..."

A red-haired boy murmured.

He reached out and scratched his head roughly, making his messy hair even more unbearable to look directly at.

Professor Madison Herb let out a sneer from her nose.

He looked at Sapier Warner and said, "Are you a goldfish head? I just said that before I turned off the crystal ball!"

As a result of this unanswered wizard apprentice, the entire class has been implicated - they have an extra assignment to copy class notes in addition to the paper.

Every Wednesday, Cyril and the others need a full day of spells.

The professor of magic spells is the middle-aged wizard with short black hair and a small beard.

He showed the magic of magic spells: the same spells use the element of fire, and different magic runes show different effects.

Most apprentice wizards can only get a small, unremarkable fireball by using ordinary fireball.

And the magic spell professor first created a cluster of small flames, then a fireball, and then the flames suddenly jumped high and turned into a long huge fire dragon in the classroom Rampage.

The moment the fire dragon brushed over his head, Cyril seemed to feel the astonishing heat wave flashing past.

Sorcerer's divination lessons every Thursday are a bit of a headache for Cyril.

It turns out that it may be true that the system says he has no talent for divination.

Cyril couldn't really see anything from the movement of the stars.

However, this does not prevent him from needing to memorize the entire galaxy map as well.

Jenny Webb was accepted as a student by Joanna Prodict, a professor of wizard divination after her first class.

Cyril remembered that the professor was a young and beautiful girl when he attended the opening dinner.

However, she turned into a kind old lady when she first took a wizard divination class.

And in the second week of class, she turned into a beautiful lady again.

Time flies by.

Cyril's daily schedule is almost the dormitory-classroom-library three points and one line.

Whenever he left the library at night, he could see many apprentice wizards doing their homework on the long table.

The high stack of reference books on the table signalled their far-off sleep time.

Fortunately, there are no classes scheduled for the weekend, allowing the wizarding apprentices a respite from their heavy schoolwork.

Cyril and a few friends like to bring books to the lake to do their homework on weekends.

Here you can see the snow-capped mountains in the distance.

The winter sun shines on the calm and clear lake, sparkling waves, very refreshing.

Cyril had little chance to meet Mr. Scott outside of his busy schedule.

The head of the academy seems to be erratic, and Cyril has never met each other in the academy.

Cyril even felt that he was the only one living in that rose hut on weekdays.

He breathed a sigh of relief for this, but also had a little regret that he couldn't tell why.

Two weeks passed quickly.

Cyril always remembers what Mr. Scott said when he started school, that the extra magic study course would start two weeks later, in the dean's office.

So, on Monday night of the third week, he came to the door of the dean's office alone.

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