Cyril packed up his meager possessions and magical objects before going to bed last night: his alchemy pet snake Green;

A beautiful wand made of millennium laurel branches and the magical dream-eating tapir; a membership card of the Black Rose Chamber of Commerce, which was won at the Black Ring Competition, with 920 witch crystals in it ; a necessary camouflage mask for social fear;

Several remaining medium healing potions;

Two books with unknown but rich and detailed content - "Cooking Handbook of Strange Creatures" and "Seeking Yourself rather than Seeking a Doctor - On the Identification Method and Efficacy of Herbs"; a night flint with lighting function ;

A deck of tarot cards that increases divination accuracy by 10%.

By the way, there is also a rose necklace that cannot be removed from the neck.

The items purchased at Whale's Head Lane yesterday were stored in a mysterious space of Mr. Scott.

Cyril took everything, walked out of the room, and came to the deck of the airship.

"Good morning, Lawrence. Hope you slept well last night."

Addison Morgan appeared out of nowhere, and suddenly said hello to Cyril.

Cyril, who had just been interviewed by him yesterday, was caught off guard and trembled when he heard the voice.

"Good morning, Morgan! You look in good spirits too!"

Cyril blinked and greeted him.

"Of course, getting enough six hours of sleep every day will help you be more energetic during the day and better able to carry out various activities."

Addison Morgan pushed up his glasses and replied.

"However, this data will change in different ways under the action of various recovery agents. How it is will be subject to follow-up experimental research."

He paused, then added rigorously, then took out the equipment from the pocket of the protective cloak.

Don't come back early in the morning and ask one hundred thousand why!

Cyril muttered inwardly when he saw the notebook and pen he took out.

Fortunately, Addison Morgan only greeted Cyril politely.

Then he looked at the scenery outside the airship, and kept writing and drawing on the notebook with the pen in his hand.

Probably caught a glimpse of Cyril's curious look, Addison Morgan kindly explained: "I'm going to Snowberg Wizarding Academy soon, and it is beneficial to keep records of relevant data. Build a comprehensive understanding of the academy.”

Cyril nodded vaguely.

He couldn't help but ask: "There should be a lot of Snowberg Wizarding Academy materials in the library? There should be a library in the academy, right?"

Addison Morgan paused when he heard this.

A flash of embarrassment flashed across his young face.

I really forgot that there is a library…

He reached out and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, the thick lenses concealed his look.

"But first-hand information is also very important."

Addison Morgan quickly found a reason as a note, and his serious expression gradually relaxed.

Cyril stopped disturbing the record work of this data madman, and turned his head to appreciate the surrounding environment.

The scenery is beautiful and magnificent, the sky is wide and the scenery is charming.

In the distance, there are endless snow-capped mountains.

The background of the snow-capped mountains is a clear blue sky with layers of white clouds surging like waves.

The white flowing clouds and the majestic mountains are intertwined, and there is an indescribable shock.

The golden morning light spreads on the snow-covered mountains, gently pushing away the chill that has not dissipated overnight.

The angular ice and snow seemed to soften and soften under the gentle sunlight.

"It's beautiful."

Touched by this magnificent scenery, Cyril couldn't help but let out a sigh of admiration.

Addison Morgan didn't know when to stop his pen.

He looked at the scene, his face full of admiration.

Airships are extremely fast.

Not long after, the seemingly unreachable snow-capped mountains seemed to appear not far in front of them.

The airship did not slow down, but instead, like a fearless eagle with outstretched wings, dashed straight towards one of the tall snowy peaks.

Seeing the distance from Xuefeng getting closer and closer, the wizard apprentices on the deck couldn't help clenching their fists and sweating in their hearts - this, what if this collided? !

However, with their exclamations, the airship went straight through the snowy peak.

Before everyone could blink, there was already another scene in front of them, and the airship came to the back of Xuefeng.

This is a fairytale green meadow surrounded by a world of ice and snow.

The ground is verdant, dotted with small houses with pointed roofs.

On the other side, large and small lakes are like dazzling sapphires, embedded in the green grass.

The sun shines on the lake and sparkles.

Of course, the most striking thing is a giant castle tower standing under the high snow peak.

The smoky gray tower is solemn and solemn, towering into the sky, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

The next moment, Cyril heard the sound of a burst of explosions - there were fireworks blooming above the spire.

Although it is a daytime firework, it clearly shows a silver-green pattern in the eyes of the wizard apprentices-"Welcome to Snowberg Wizarding Academy"!

The fireworks stayed for about half a minute before disappearing suddenly.

At the same time, the airship swooped and stopped lightly in the open space in front of the gray tower at an incredible descent speed.

During the period, the wizard apprentices standing on the airship did not feel the slightest bump.

It must be the power of magic.

The airship equipment of the Black was slowly folded up, and it became a grim and tall cruise ship again.

Several long stairs suddenly appeared on either side of the cruise ship.

"Okay, wizard apprentices, disembark. I wish you success in advancing to official wizards in the future."

Papiet's butler's voice echoed throughout the ship again.

The ignorant new wizard apprentices took all their belongings, took a deep breath, and walked off the cruise ship.

At this point, they started a new life at Snowberg Wizarding Academy.

A group of wizard apprentices stood on the stone paved floor in front of the gray tower and looked at each other, staring nervously at everything around.

Cyril noticed that the element concentration here is extremely high, and various types of elements are very rich.

Being here, there is a feeling of relaxation and comfort all over.

Meditation here will surely boost your spiritual power.

It is indeed the Wizarding Land!

Cyril sighed in his heart.

"Okay. Come with me."

Wizard Black in a long black dress also walked slowly from the cruise ship and said to the freshmen.

His voice matched his appearance, exuding a sense of queenly dignity.

The wizard apprentices are like well-behaved little quails, following wizard Black and entering the tall gray tower.

They passed through the thick ornate marble hall and came to a circular hall.

The lobby is decorated with an elegant sense of time.

A short-haired witch in a black robe saw them coming, raised her head and walked over quickly.

The witch looks extra dashing and handsome.

She was wearing a black wizard's robe, and the corners of the robe fluttered when she walked, and her walking posture also gave people a sense of force.

Her eyes were extremely sharp, her eyes swept away, and many apprentice wizards lowered their heads subconsciously.

"Good work, Chris."

The witch nodded slightly towards Chris Black at the front of the line.

Her voice is a little low, but she has a nice, androgynous, neutral voice.

"Christina, the rest is up to you."

Chris Black breathed a sigh of relief.

The little puppet figure on his shoulder also cracked a slightly terrifying smile, and repeated in a hoarse voice: "The next thing is left to you."

Chris lightly tapped the puppet man's head with his hand, and took another look at the group of new wizard apprentices.

His eyes stayed on Cyril for a while, and he saw the other party's seemingly more delicate and beautiful eyebrows, which were meaningful.

Then he walked away with graceful steps.

"Okay, apprentice wizards, I'm Christina Black, your future professor of magical theory."

As she said, she swept her eyes slowly over the wizard apprentices present.

"First of all, I have to say, welcome to Snowberg Wizarding Academy. From now on, you are a member of the Academy, your words and deeds represent the reputation of the Academy, please Always remember who you are."

Christina watched the apprentices nod their heads, and continued: "Of course, if you can cleverly bypass the rules to achieve your goals, that's great. But if there aren't enough If your strength tries to challenge the rules and is finally caught, believe me, there are a large number of labor activities in the academy that will teach you to be a new person."

"For new wizard apprentices, the academy provides benefits for you in the first year - all courses and facilities are free, and in the second year, the price of a course is 1000 witch crystals ."

Christina said lightly.

The apprentice wizard was in an uproar, and everyone let out a stunned gasp.

Cyril sighed, he knew there was no free lunch!

"So, wizard apprentices, cherish the opportunity to study in the first year! The same is true for libraries, laboratories, arenas and other places. As for the fees, the guards at the gate will tell you."

Christina continued, ignoring the rustling of the wizard apprentices.

However, when she spoke, everyone spontaneously kept quiet.

"If you have shown outstanding aptitude in a certain aspect through your studies, you may be favored by some tutors and accept you as a student, you will be able to obtain resources and teach more naturally than other wizard apprentices many."

Christina glanced at the excited look on the faces of the wizard apprentices and raised her eyebrows.

"As for the allocation of dormitories, the small wooden huts outside are your dormitories. Four people live in one building, and wizard apprentices of the same level live together. The list of dormitories is here, and the map will follow later. They will be distributed to you in wizard robes and crystal balls."

Christina said, and took out a curved black wand from her pocket.

She flicked her wand, and a huge flat parchment appeared above the wizard apprentices.

Everyone crowded to the front to see their dormitory allocation.

Cyril carefully scanned from top to bottom, but could not find his name.

He felt strange in his heart, squeezed to the front again, and read the parchment again, but still could not find the familiar words "Cyril Lawrence".

However, when Cyril was about to step up to ask the wizard Christina Black, the other party spoke again: "Okay, there will be an opening dinner tonight, please before seven o'clock in the evening Get here on time."

Before Cyril had time to interrupt her, Christina continued: "Now, the wizard apprentices I read the list, please come forward and take your wizard robes and crystal balls. The welfare uniformly distributed by the Wizarding Union is a reward for all of you who have passed the wizard's apprenticeship grading test."

She waved her wand again, and two large brass boxes appeared out of nowhere on the ground.

Christina opened two boxes with a "pat--", which contained neatly stacked black plain-faced wizard robes and crystal balls, and some stacks of parchment next to them map.

"The apprentice wizard can leave on his own after picking up the items."

Christina reminded in advance, and then said:

"The first, Bruno Marshall."

A tall boy with a ruddy complexion hurried forward.

He was very nervous, his palms were sweaty, and his hands were rubbing on the trouser legs.

Christina waved her wand again, a set of wizard robes, a crystal ball, and a map slowly floated to Bruno Marshall.

The boy quickly caught them before they fell.

"Thank you, Professor Black."

He said loudly, and there was some uncontrollable excitement in his voice.

Christina nodded slightly and said, "Next, Warren Abraham."

Warren looked much calmer than Bruno Marshall.

His charming face reminded Christina of her brother Chris.

However, her hands kept moving, and the wizard robe, crystal ball and map flew in front of Warren.

Warren took it and politely thanked the short-haired wizard.

He stepped aside, unfolded the wizard robe and compared the size, the length and width seemed to fit well.

"Next, Grace Abraham."

Cyril heard the names of all his classmates present.

Other students left one after another, Warren and the others greeted Cyril before leaving.

In the end, Cyril was left with a solitary wizard apprentice.

He looked up eagerly, and met Wizard Christina's slightly complicated eyes.

Before the short-haired witch could speak, there was a familiar and elegant male voice from Cyril: "Looks like I just arrived."

Cyril turned his head and saw Mr. Scott with a reserved and polite smile on his face.

The handsome man in the black wizard's robe appeared silently, and his words made both of them focus on him.

Brian walked towards Cyril and smiled lightly.

Then nodded politely to Christina Black.

The man with white blond hair is calm and relaxed, and the dark blue eyes behind the monocle are deep and charming.

He looked very comfortable and greeted Christina: "Good day, Professor Black."

The magnetic male voice is a bit leisurely.

Christina twitched her forehead.

Her gaze veered vaguely at Cyril and the head of the academy.

The short-haired witch thought that the dean asked herself to keep the S-class wizard apprentice named Cyril Lawrence to the last one without making arrangements...

At this moment, Christina suddenly understood what "Dean Brian found a pet" when he talked to his brother Chris in the crystal ball last time.

She could not help frowning slightly, her expression a little disapproving.

This is a rare S-class wizard apprentice!

If the dean is on a whim, you can destroy the other party without much effort.

Christina met the sight of the dean who is now Chief Scott.

Seeing the warning in the other's eyes, she couldn't help sighing in her heart.

"Chief Scott, this student is up to you, please take good care of him."

Christina said, she couldn't help but bite the word "care" a little harder.

"Of course, as you wish."

Brian showed a polite smile, and the curvature of the corners of his mouth was very standard.

Christina glanced lovingly at Cyril, who had a pair of beautiful almond eyes and didn't know what was going on, sighed again in her heart, and disappeared together with the two brass boxes in situ.

Cyrillic: ? ? ?

I haven't finished my enrollment, and the dean just left! ?

His map, wizard robe, and crystal ball, that's all, pop, gone!

Cyril couldn't help but look at Mr. Scott, who was the only one still in place, his big almond eyes filled with confusion.

Seeing this, Brian let out a chuckle from his throat.

"Okay, come with me, you live with me."

The handsome man's voice is very nice, like the low voice of a cello, the bass strings vibrating gently.

He said unhurriedly, the magnetic voice gently landed on Cyril's eardrum, but it seemed like a bomb had dropped in his heart.

Cyrillic pupil earthquake.

His voice trembled: "You together?"

Brian nodded.

Cyril swallowed and asked in a low voice, "It's just me... and... you?"

His white fingers pointed to himself and to each other, looking like a bunch of silly, fluffy cubs.

Brian was pleased by Cyril's expression, he chuckled again, and nodded again patiently.

Cyril was dazed, thinking quickly in his heart.

Mr. Scott is Dean Bryan's same-sex lover, and now he lives with Mr. Scott, he and Mr. Scott are also the same sex, Dean Bryan really won't mind ?

The other party really won't give him poison after knowing it! ?

"The Dean...will he agree? Don't you two live together? I mean, we two men live together, isn't it not good..."

Cyril looked strange, he hesitated to confirm.

Brian raised his eyebrows and hesitated for a moment, what is the relationship between the two?

He hesitated for a moment, and said, "Why would the instructor disagree?"

Cyril was stunned, and bowed his head in shame.

It was he who wanted to go wrong and use a careful person to save the belly of a gentleman.

I didn't expect Dean Brian to look like a handsome man more than a villain, but he was actually such a generous and tolerant man!

Then his apprenticeship life after that should not be too miserable!

Cyril breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

The author has something to say: Cyril: Tutor dbq, I am too young to understand your adult world!

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