As soon as Cyril went out the next day, he found someone pretending to be looking for something in the corridor on the sixth floor, while looking at him vaguely.

He guessed it was probably the influence of the boy last night, and felt a little funny.

Cyril pretended not to notice, and his face remained calm.

He imitated Mr. Scott's alienated and arrogant expression, pretending to be a stranger.

When he walked to the restaurant on the first floor, he heard some strange rumors mixed with the chatter around him.

What "shock! The horrific murder case that went viral in the whole Rose Manor, scared the children silly!".

What "Late Night Horror! What is the screaming in the middle of the night on the corridor on the sixth floor?".

What "cruel life insight, why do young boys break down and shout at night?".

Cyril was in a mixed mood.

There is an illusion of being a villain in the novice village by surprise.

When he heard that "the black-hearted magic items that the poor other party has worked so hard to loot have been robbed...", he even ate three fluffy cupcakes and was shocked.

This is outrageous!

He ran away before he even made a move!

He didn't even know what magic item the other party had.

Is this the legendary "touching porcelain"?

You do bad things, I will take the blame.

Cyril had mixed feelings.

The day goes by quickly.

Nothing happened on the last night.

The freshmen all know that they are about to leave the continent of Atlantis where they were born and raised, and go to the unknown and mysterious continent of wizards.

There is an invisible agitation in the air, mixed with complicated emotions.

The sun is rising as usual.

Cyril woke up and saw a letter beside the bed.

The letter tells the freshmen to go to the southwest of Rose Manor.

The back of the letter also features a lifelike hourglass.

At this time, the upper part of the hourglass is still full, and the thin black dots leak from the middle connected part to the empty lower part of the hourglass.

This is a reminder that they need to get to their next destination before the top half of the hourglass runs out?

Thinking of this, Cyril froze slightly.

In his impression, the southwest of Rose Manor is a high fence.

Behind the ordinary fence is a solemn and solemn city wall, and the heavy city wall is engraved with the traces of the years.

Cyril calculated the flow rate of the hourglass and gave them about three hours.

So he washed up in a hurry, and went to the restaurant downstairs to have a full meal.

Today's restaurant music is a slightly sad track.

Of course, this did not affect Cyril's appetite.

Under the "destruction" of the system's large number of bizarre playlists, Cyril still accepts this level of music well.

When he finished eating and walked to the southwest of Rose Manor, he found a wide opening in the center of the city wall.

It was as if the two walls that had been closely intertwined before slowly moved a road to both sides.

Some noisy human voices came from the front, and Cyril seemed to smell the smell of a sea breeze.

Wait… sea breeze?

"Hi Cyril!"

Warren Abraham caught up with Cyril from behind, greeted him, and came to him.

Warren's eyes swept across the two thick gold foil books in Cyril's hand, and did not stop with great restraint.

"Hi Warren, good morning!"

Cyril smiled at him and replied politely.

They walked side by side for a while, and the feeling of the sea breeze became stronger and stronger.

Then they stopped at the end of the road.

"I never imagined that Rose Manor is actually by the sea!"

Warren sighed in surprise.

"Probably shielded the surrounding sea with magic, so we couldn't feel it at the Rose Manor."

After he finished speaking, he fixedly looked at the sea in front of him.

As the son of an illegitimate son of a lord who was born and raised in Philadelphia, he did not have many opportunities to travel to other towns. This was the first time he saw the sea.

The azure blue sea shone with silver light under the sun, and the waves rushed to the shore one by one.

There are seagulls flying in the high sky.

A huge steam brass cruise ship is docked on the shore.

There are no other ships around, this is obviously Cyril's destination - the cruise ship that is about to take the newborns to Whalefall Island.

The whole vessel has a metallic icy color, lingering a cold and austere feeling.

The tall chimneys and masts are striking.

Cyril also looked at the cruise ship in surprise.

After all, he never heard the whistle of the cruise ship in Rose Manor.

At this time, the new students can already be seen on the cruise ship.

"Come on, get on board."

Cyril and Warren looked at each other and walked towards the cruise ship.

At the door of the cabin stood a puppet in an elaborate costume.

If you didn't look at his bare head, he would have thought this was a decent gentleman.

The puppet wears a black satin suit.

White shirt with stacked fancy ruffles and silver embroidery on the front.

A twisted scarlet brooch is pinned to her breast pocket.

The puppet figure held a long black cane in his hand, and when he sensed someone was coming, his head without facial features twisted slightly and looked at Cyril and Warren.

Even though there were no eyes on the puppet's head, Cyril felt inexplicably being watched.

This look is very polite and does not give people a sense of offense being peeped.

He also quietly looked at the puppet in front of him.

"Good morning, two lovely freshmen! Welcome to the 'Black', I'm Papeet, the housekeeper in charge of your meals on board."

It uttered a flat, unwavering mechanical sound, uttering words and sentences like brass gears turning rhythmically.

Cyril guessed that the puppet man without facial features in front of him should be making noises from his abdomen.

He blinked, looked calm, nodded politely, and said sincerely, "Thank you for your hospitality, Mr. Papeet."

Cyril's voice was calm and polite, as if the opposite was really a well-trained housekeeper, not a special puppet.

Warren gave Cyril a quick glance.

He also reacted very well, and also politely expressed his thanks to the puppet: "Thank you for your hospitality, Mr. Papeet, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Gentlemen, your manners are appreciated."

The puppet nods in relief, and with white gloved hands takes out two brass door cards from a thin pocket.

Cyril keenly noticed the transparent threads on his gloves that disappeared instantly.

"This is your room key card, I hope you cherish the days on the 'Black' cruise ship. I wish you a good trip!"

The puppete nodded slightly towards them and pointed to the direction of the room.

Cyril took his brass door card and glanced quickly.

This is a blank card.

The next moment, he felt a slight magic fluctuation flashing on the brass door card.

A line of beautiful writing appears on this brass door card - "Cyril Lawrence, First Class, Room 22."

"Thank you again! Goodbye, Mr. Papeet."

Seeing the words "First Class", Cyril's eyes lit up and his tone became more eager.

He said goodbye to the puppet and went to his room.

The brass door card in Warren's hand on the side also has his own name and room number written on it, which is also a first-class room.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and felt that it was a wise choice to befriend Cyril.

Cyril went to his room to part with Warren.

At this time, a brass door plate was hung on the door of his room, with Cyril's name and room number written on it, and the handwriting was exactly the same as the brass door card in his hand.

There is a card slot where the card can be inserted in the position of the door lock.

Cyril inserted the brass door card he got from the puppet, only to hear the sound of a "click-click-" gears, and then he reached out and pushed the door open.

Cyril doesn't know what the other cabins are like, at least his first-class room is very good and the decoration is luxurious.

On the ceiling are beautiful crystal lamps.

The walls are decorated with intricate and elegant patterns, and the bed is lined with neatly folded silk quilts and goose down pillows.

The leather couch and walnut square table are on the other side.

There is a small glass window looking out to the deep blue sea.

Cyril groped the room carefully.

There is nothing strange about it except that there is no trace of dust anywhere in the room (even in the corners).

Upholding the trust in the brass door card with magical fluctuations, Cyril put the two books he was carrying on him under the pillow.

One is the Strange Creatures Cookbook that he found on the first day.

The other one is "Seeking a doctor is worse than seeking oneself-On the identification method and efficacy of herbal medicine" which he found last night.

Compared with the author's personal style and special preferences, the second book is more serious and academic.

Although the author of this book still reveals a strong contempt for the various wizard potions on the market (this can also be seen from the title of the book), but the book contains It includes a detailed introduction to various herbs, which can make up for Cyril's knowledge blind spot.

Of course, Cyril, who is currently a novice wizard apprentice reserve, is the blind spot of knowledge... the sea of ​​stars.

【This shows that your room for improvement is huge! 】

The system consoled.

Stored the book, Cyril thought about whether to take the night flint with him, then left the room and went to other places on the cruise.

The first class cabin was very quiet, and it was not until Cyril came to the wide deck that he saw many new students.

Cyril walked to the edge of the deck, lying on the side of the ship and looking down.

The boat has not yet opened, and the water is calm.

White waves hit the boat gently, making a soothing sound.

The moist sea breeze brushed against Cyril's cheeks.

The wind carries a tinge of salty taste unique to the sea.

Farther, the sea and the sky meet, and the dark blue water and the light blue sky merge into a straight line.

Cyril looked at the surrounding scenery, and as soon as he turned around, he happened to meet the gaze of a boy with short brown hair.

Looks a little cooked…

Cyril narrowed his eyes, suddenly remembering the terrified face of the boy who disturbed his dream the night before.

The coward looks exactly like the one in front of him.

Cyril gave him a "friendly" smile.

The boy turned and ran.

Cyril quickly estimated the running speed of him and the boy in his heart, and regrettably found that if he chose to catch up, he would probably not be able to catch up with all his energy.

But the next moment, he saw a puppet who suddenly appeared, stretched out a hand and firmly grasped the fleeing boy.

The tall puppet figure held the boy like a chick.

Cyril originally thought it was Mr. Butler Papeet, but when he took a closer look, he found a difference.

Although both puppets have round egg-like smooth heads, Butler Papeet is dressed in a gentleman's suit, and this puppet is wearing a guard uniform.

"No running on deck!"

The puppet's emotionless machine sounded.

It pointed to a brass bulletin board standing on the side, which clearly wrote some rules on the cruise ship:

【1. It is forbidden to attack any service personnel on board!

2. No running on the deck!

3. Fights are not allowed except in casinos!

4. No loud noises on board!

5. No food waste!

6. Refill at any time, those who break the rules will automatically drop the cabin! 】

Cyril saw the boy tremblingly finish reading the words on the notice, and hurriedly took out his brass door card, looked at it and burst into tears.

It certainly doesn't look like a good cabin, and the corners of Cyril's mouth are slightly raised.

"Hi Jenny, Loz!"

Cyril retracted his gaze to the boy, and happened to see the Webber brothers and sisters approaching, and he took the initiative to greet them in a good mood.

"Hi! Cyril! You're so fast! When we came out, we saw that there were many people still trying their luck at Rose Manor, so we went for a spin."

Jenny spread her hands helplessly and continued: "It's obvious that she came home empty-handed."

Cyril glanced at the envelope in Jenny's hand, the hourglass painted on it had about an hour left.

He then reminded the Webbs to look at the brass bulletin board.

"No wonder someone just tried to take someone else's first-class room and was pulled down by the puppet! So, everyone can finally stop their days on the ship."

Jenny breathed a sigh of relief.

Cyril nodded in agreement, finally ending the life of staying up late!

He deeply condemned the arrangement of putting the exploration mission at night.

Is this kind of underworld work and rest to choose the champion of staying up late in the freshmen!

In the past few days in the Rose Manor, he has blue dark circles under his eyes!

Afterwards, Cyril bid farewell to the Weber brothers and returned to his room.

He was just about to take out the book "It is better to seek medical treatment than to seek oneself-On the identification method and efficacy of herbal medicines", when he thought about it, he stretched out his hand and spread out the "Strange Creatures Cookbook", from the catalogue I found the article "Marine Life" and read it carefully.

Cyril watched and remembered, and time passed without knowing it.

The top half of the hourglass on the stationery he set aside gradually emptied.

There was a loud whistle from outside the room as the last few black dots slipped through the narrow connecting pipe in the middle of the hourglass.


The cruise has started.

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