Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 246: Fighting

Chapter 248 Battle

After admonishing over the horn for a while.

The captain of the [Alter Mobile Force] ignored the civilians around him who were ready to watch the fun.

Wait for the deployment of various equipment around.

He looked at the expanding vortex in the sky, and shouted directly, "Launch!"

The voice just fell.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!"

A series of rockets, like fireworks, carried a dazzling tail flame.

Fly towards that maelstrom at supersonic speed.

When they approached, the huge gravitational force disrupted their flight trajectories in an instant.

Even the electrical signals started to fail, and the console lost control of them right away.

But this situation had already been considered in advance.

The detonation time of the missile is all set in advance according to the distance.

"Boom boom boom..."

A dazzling flame cloud bloomed in the sky, dyeing it a beautiful orange-red.

It looks like a burning cloud.

The loud sound of the explosion and the air flow it set off directly shattered all the glass of buildings in a radius of hundreds of meters.

Many soldiers close to the blast site suffered tinnitus and temporarily lost their hearing.

Looking at the swirling clouds that were shaken away, the captain's serious face did not look relaxed at all.

He could clearly sense that the most important energy among them was still very high.

There was even a further boost due to the explosion of the missile.

Just when he wanted to increase his strength and shoot another round, an inexplicable suction burst out from the singularity.

The undissipated energy around,

It was absorbed in an instant.

A vacuum is formed there.

The singularity originally hidden in the center of the vortex was revealed.

A sphere of several meters in diameter at that moment.


With a clear cracking sound.

Under everyone's attention, the singularity slowly cracked into countless pieces.

A dark void was formed in the empty sky, as if someone had drilled an eye on the other side of time and space.

One after another figure, without waiting for the hollow to stabilize a little, they can't wait to get out of it.

And it turns out they did nothing wrong.

After they came out, it didn't take long for the hole to heal automatically, and there was no trace of it again.

The figure that came out first said angrily, "Fortunately, there was an explosion, or I almost got stuck..."

Then, he gently sniffed the air around him.

Similar to the face of a mantis, there is a face full of intoxication:

"The smell of a lot of weak people really makes my appetite..."

Invisible malice swept the audience directly.

All the soldiers present, whether standing outside or sitting in the vehicle, all felt an inexplicable chill.

The moment he felt this fluctuation, the captain immediately shouted loudly: "The whole army is attacking!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

"Da da da da..."

"Boom boom boom..."

Many soldiers did not hesitate to press the trigger and various buttons frantically.

Missiles, shells, and even bullets, all modern thermal weapons.

Facing those figures, it was like raindrops from a torrential rain, covering the sky and covering the earth.

Even the sky seems to be covered by their huge numbers.

In the face of this battle, one of the median demons just smiled disdainfully:

"It's a primitive method..."

Any demon, no matter how inexperienced or incompetent, will automatically acquire some knowledge from his bloodline as long as his strength reaches it.

Coupled with the knowledge gained from devouring all kinds of souls over the years.

Even if they have no interest in doing academic research, they are just cramming and storing plundered knowledge.

From a purely theoretical point of view, any qualified median demon can still be an expert in an ordinary interstellar civilization.

Even if he can only copy and copy the knowledge in his brain according to the script, there is no independent research at all.

After all, as long as the wind is strong enough, pigs can fly.

The memory of tens of thousands of other creatures is stuffed into the brain, even if these demons only know a general idea, that is enough.

Therefore, they naturally despise this relatively primitive technology displayed by Fae Star.

The biggest weakness of these weapons was seen at a glance.

After the demon chanted a few magic incantations at random, a huge circle of thunder and lightning began to spread rapidly with him as the center.

In an instant, the demon that shrouded the scene continued to expand toward the outside, and it stopped after spreading for a distance of nearly a kilometer.

All the missiles, shells, and bullets that came into contact with it along the way were instantly detonated or forced to destroy the internal structure and become dud bombs.

And after they are detonated from a long distance, the destructive power caused is like a breeze blowing in the face to the median demon present, and there is no impact at all.

A few stray bullets and shrapnel could not even cut their skin.

Looking at this scene, whether it is the soldiers and civilians on the scene, or the satellites in space, the dignitaries of various national institutions who are observing them, all look like they have seen a ghost.

But those demons frowned involuntarily.

Because they suddenly felt that the pressure of the surrounding planes became stronger.

If the original strength was only 1, then the current strength is at least 3.

Let their power immediately be reduced by nearly 90%.

And this is the biggest trouble of forcibly entering another world without being summoned.

There are no temporary ID cards issued by local residents.

Planar consciousness naturally excludes them.

"It seems that a blood sacrifice is required..."

Just when they were considering whether to avoid these armies first, and then look for trouble after the blood sacrifice was completed.

A certain force that had been hidden in their bodies and secretly affected their judgment began to agitate.

The peculiar patterns were automatically reflected in their pupils.

The scales on the surface of the body also slowly emerged with the same pattern, which was the imprint of the Death Calamity Flower.

An inexplicable force took over their bodies at this moment.

The power opposite to the plane's oppressive force is automatically given to them.

The plane suppression force that made them feel a little difficult at first was blocked most of them in an instant.

The strength of the whole body has also recovered to about half of the remaining strength.

Then, that power silently receded.

Their self-awareness also recovered again, but they didn't feel anything about what happened just now.

And lost some memory of not long ago.

And all of this took less than a second from start to finish, and even the natives present did not feel anything wrong.

Without even realizing it, they just lost their sense of self.

At this moment, I feel that I still have about half of my strength left.

The demons present were all extremely satisfied.

"The repressive power of this plane is not strong, and it is even a little weak. It's a good surprise."

After catching a piece of shrapnel flying towards him with his tongue and chewing it in his mouth, one of the median demons looked at the troops who were about to attack again, and said contemptuously:

"Kill them all first! Don't get in the way!"

After he finished speaking, before the other demons agreed, countless dark green poisonous mists automatically drifted out from his body, turning into a sea of ​​fog that covered the sky and covering the surroundings.

Thanks: 100 starting coins for Clean Time! 1000 starting coins for the wind in the jungle!

I feel that my chapter names are so low, I just can't think of a chapter name that is crazy and cool, so angry...

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