above the sky

Chapter 99 Touch The Stars

The status of the White People in Port Harrison is completely rooted in Elder Pude alone. It is not only a personal friendship with Viscount Grant, but also Elder Pude's personal strength - Hilliard believes that the other White People are not ignorant, they must be very clear. For the authority of the elders of Pude, they only have the part to obey, and it is impossible to refute.

But for the right of the 'future elder of the white people', there must be fools and greedy guys who will feel unwilling and try to attack Ian, the 'default elder heir'.

"Of course there is. I can clearly see that the Captain Red Guard looks down on me quite a bit."

Picking up a piece of oyster and swallowing the meat with a jerk, Ian lacked interest in this kind of thing: "He thinks what a psionicist is, anyway, there is no inheritance, no resources, no matter what, it is the first energy level—— And I'm too young, how can I shoulder a big responsibility, he, the sublime who fought hard for the white people and fought bloody battles for the family and the natives, is the real person who bears the responsibilities!"

"That alchemist, Mining, doesn't care about this, but she is dissatisfied with the fact that Elder Pude did not teach her everything. She is the niece of Elder Pude, and secretly satirized her uncle several times. Kung Fu was passed on to the 'outsiders' and not to her."

"Haha." Hearing this, Hilliard also laughed, and he felt a little nostalgic for this contradiction of too much life: "But the knowledge of aether armed that Elder Pude taught you came from Viscount Grant. The Viscount agrees that he cannot pass it on privately under any circumstances."

"Not to mention." He stretched out his hand and rubbed Ian's rain-soaked hair. The source material transpired, drying the water: "The inscription, if it doesn't, it won't. She's definitely not as smart as you."

"It's boring anyway."

Ian shook his head, and he let the old knight straighten his growing white hair expressionlessly: "The captain is very friendly to me, because my psychic can see which catches can be sold more. Money, maybe it has something to do with my father, he was the first to light up the green favor sign directly for me."

"And his nephew, Uncle Sai Nan, has a good relationship with me, so he supports me quite a bit."

The essence of the sublimator is the power of life, and it can only be stored in one's own body, and the structure of hair is simple, and the body structure that can be repeated and superimposed is a good material for storing the source.

Ian can easily hunt those wild beasts that contain essentia, which allows him to obtain a large amount of essentia at a young age. No matter how much exercise, it is difficult to consume all of them, so he can only store as much as possible.

As for Elder Pude's vaccinating behavior, Ian can understand, but he is quite uninterested.

He can fully understand the importance of interpersonal relationships and the necessity of various tricks, but he is too lazy to use his brains in this regard, because it is actually a waste.

When he was still on Earth, he was the most standard nerd character. He usually studied, read, stargazing, researched and made handmade models.

Singing and having dinner with classmates is a waste of time. He would rather stay at home and spend eight hours building a model of the Defender of Truth-class battleship, rather than going out for a social gathering.

It has changed a bit after work, but that's only because Ian understands that, and having a good relationship with people, you can save more time by relying on the relationship at a more critical time - and occasionally meet a friend, that is a double of happiness.

Because of this, even if he was not interested, Ian did not refuse the invitation of the elders of Pude to meet the elders of the white people in turn.

"How was it resolved in the end?"

Hilliard was very interested, and he asked Ian about the final result: "Even if Elder Purd doesn't take you as his heir, he won't allow anyone else to show 'dissatisfaction' with his choice...even if you don't want to be The future leader of Bai Zhimin, he will not accept the fact that someone dares to disobey him now."

After all, whether Ian will take over in the future is one thing, but the elder himself has another 20 years to live.

Disobedient now, it will be fine when he is really old!

"Elder Pude has shown them the legacy of 'my' Wave Singer."

Ian said simply: "Elder Pude has appointed me, and it's up to me to decide who can practice the legacy of the Wave Singer in the future. After all, it's the reward I got from Viscount Grant, which is very reasonable."

"Captain Reid has softened. His inheritance is a bloodline atavistic, because his energy level is too low to pass it on to his children - he has three children."

"smart people."

Hilliard nodded slightly: "No one will have doubts now."

"But..." the old knight said slowly: "Do you really want to be the elder of the white people?"

"Yeah." Putting down the fishbone in his hand, Ian said lazily, looking at the surging shoreline on the other side: "To be honest, teacher, this kind of thing is really boring... But if I were the elder and Leader, many things must be convenient."

The boy stared at the surging waves in the distance and the shadows of the fishing boats that could be vaguely seen in the distant sea. He couldn't help but feel a little emotional: "In the end, humans are social animals, and the more people, the more powerful they are."

"If I'm just an ordinary sublimator, at least I can guarantee the safety of myself and Alan."

"If I were Elder Bai Zhimin, I would have the confidence to improve the ship's structure and make the shipping industry in Harrison Harbor more advanced. It is no longer limited to the offshore waters, and can develop fishing and commerce, and explore further afield."

"If I were the governor of Port Harrison, I could try to improve the structure of the alchemy artillery and fire cannons, calm down the wars in Nanling for so many years, and build a prosperous city."

"In this way, the surrounding environment will be safer. Without wars and vendettas, I will have less trouble and can study what I want with more peace of mind."

Ian's words were as plain as exposition, without confidence, and without declarative tone, but as a matter of course, like eating and drinking, just because everything was taken for granted to him.

But Hilliard believed it completely, and didn't think his student's idea was even the slightest inappropriate: "Indeed, you can do it."

After a moment of silence, Hilliard spoke again.


This time, the old knight's tone was slow and erratic, with a long-lasting nostalgia: "If you say... you are a general of the empire, a governor of a province."

"Even, the Emperor of the Empire."

"What would you do?"

After speaking, he waited.

"Haha, then there are more things to do, but it must be faster than me thinking and doing it by myself."

Ian didn't think there was anything strange about this topic, he laughed, then raised his head and thought about it: "I don't understand the military, the general is not easy to say, but it is always more powerful than the governor of the semi-administered district of Port Harrison, I may use the pretext of military improvement to study alchemy artillery, alchemy rockets and the like, which can be regarded as a good foundation."

"Isn't there news from the businessman recently that a floating battleship is being built in the capital of knowledge? I think I can try it too. They are all rocket ships, and I can do it."

"As for the governor of the province, there are too many things that can be done. Let's build a material science research center first. I have to concentrate on studying the inscriptions, and the deconstruction and reconstruction of the ether weapon must also be planned... The things that can be done are taught. There are too many, and I feel like I have to make a list all of a sudden.”

"As for the Emperor..."

Having said this, Ian fell into deep thought, and he frowned and fell silent.

And Hilliard waited patiently,

He doesn't think that his students' meditation and silence are due to fear of the emperor's dignity. In the past few months of living together, he already knows that his students are really pure without any fear and natural worship, and he is only faithful to his own heart. .

There's a power in Ian, that pure curiosity is enough to change the world, it just needs a little help.

He believes in this and is willing to help his students achieve it.

But first, the old knight wanted to know, deep down in Ian's heart, true desire, ambition...

and dreams.


After about a few minutes, Ian thought a lot, conceived a lot of ideas, wanted to say a lot of things, Ian opened his mouth, but found that he didn't know where to start.

His plans, his checklist, his schedule, his research projects... all mixed together and stirred his mind.

In the end, the boy just sighed, raised his head, and looked at the sky covered by overcast clouds.

Staring at the dim sky where the rain is falling, Ian said softly, "Sure enough, I still want to."

"I want to touch the light of the stars with my own hands..."

The rainstorm intertwined into a dark silver curtain between the sky and the sea, and the water flowed along the wide eaves of the giant tree by the sea, forming a flowing curtain, dripping on the waterproof canvas ceiling of the camp, making a murky sound.

Hilliard and Ian stared silently at the sky, where lightning seemed to flash across the sky in the distance.

Clouds rolled over.

"Let's go."

Hilliard stood up: "It's time to continue training."

"Yeah." Ian cleaned up the food leftovers he had eaten, and he had regained his strength.

So the master and the apprentice continued to exercise until the sun went down.

Until night falls.

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