above the sky

Chapter 90 Reef Devouring Sea Otters

Harrison Port is located under the Great Rift Valley, along the Ewok River, on the side of the Baisen Mountains, and on the coast of the South China Sea. It is a rare highland in the coastal area. While it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, the surrounding land is also extremely fertile and suitable for farming. , with all the basic elements of a large city.

The only reason why Port Harrison has not yet developed into a metropolis in the south is its remoteness—between the port and other big cities in the empire, there are winding and difficult mountain roads, steep and wide rifts, and rushing rushing roads. Great rivers, and jungles full of cannibal natives.

Indeed, the more remote the place, the more lucrative commerce is.

All kinds of rare fish caught in Port Harrison, all kinds of jungle herbs, rock salt and rare mines of Baisen Mountains are all special products that can be sold at high prices outside.

In addition, fleets from Canaan Moor occasionally come here to sell their own goods... and if they want to buy ordinary elf specialties, the merchants have to climb over the towering Faft Mountains. Only smuggled from the level of the Karan Mountains, this is not only a problem of beheading, but also a problem of being frozen to death by the wind and snow of the Karan Snow Mountain.

In contrast, among the humid and hot mountain jungles of Nanling, there is at least one official road for walking.

But even with so many advantages, other than the powerful large caravans, ordinary small and medium-sized chambers of commerce would not dare to come to Harrison Port.

There are not too many reasons, mainly because of Warcraft.

The farther away from people, the deep in the deep mountains where the jungle is lush, the more monsters, the stronger, and the less afraid of people.

If you don't have enough defense against the force of the monsters along the way, you will try your luck and run the business casually for profit, and the final result will definitely become the belly of the monsters in Nanling.

It is remote, there are many monsters, and it is extremely difficult to develop, so there are few people. That's why Port Harrison remains a remote port on the frontier to this day.

But, on the other hand, if there is enough strength to hunt monsters, then the southern border can be considered a good place.

Located in the northeast of Harrison Harbor, there is an inland reef area. When the tide is low, a large number of coral reefs will emerge from the water, forming a labyrinth-like reef group. If someone accidentally enters it at that time, or intends to catch rare fish in the reef group. If you get it, then he will never be able to leave it again.

Because, in this area called 'Illusionary Labyrinth Reef Group', there are more than fifteen different amphibious and marine monsters inhabiting. In the colorful coral fortress, there are steep water cliffs and fissures undercurrents, and A dangerous phantom plant named 'Labyrinth'.

Labyrinth algae is a peculiar symbiotic algae. It does not take root on the bottom of the sea, but symbiotically lives with a low-level monster 'fortification coral'. This coral can build a strong fortress in the sea and build a boarding place for it. , providing nutrients.

Labyrinth algae secrete neurotoxins that converge into sea fog, creating illusions that lure dangerous sea animals that could damage coral reefs away from the reef, or trap them and become their own nutrients.

In addition, labyrinth algae is also the natural enemy of starfish. Labyrinth algae can penetrate its leaves into the starfish's stomach sac to secrete venom, melt it from the inside to the outside, and absorb it.

Nanling people have always kept a distance from the labyrinth reefs, and even protected them a lot. Even if the products here are extremely rich, the core skeleton of the fortified coral is one of the best building materials and even weapon materials, but it is also a large number of fish in the offshore area. In the long run, destroying the ecological balance of the reefs will not be worth the harm.

However, hunting a few monsters occasionally can be considered part of the natural balance.

Terra 766, December 17, afternoon.

Three months after the Great Southern Storm.

A flat yellow sandy beach intersected with the coastal jungle, and behind a thorny bush, a small figure was waiting.

The sea breeze from the sea blew past, and the damp and cold air made the leaves rustled.

Ian lurked behind the bushes, ignoring the fine barbs on the leaves and trunks of the surrounding plants and trees. The white-haired boy's seemingly slender and tender skin had a light layer of blood, but the barbs that were strong enough to pierce the thick skin of beasts touched the When the boy's skin hit the rock, it was repelled, and the sharp thorns curved slightly.

I have to say that the seascape of Nanling is really beautiful. Looking at the seascape in the distance, the wicker-like flowing clouds drift in the direction of the wind, cutting the blue sky, and at the junction of the sea and the sky, the towering clouds and mountains are suspended above the sea. Reflecting golden sunlight.

But the boy did not enjoy the leisurely leisure of enjoying the sea view. His breathing slowed down, his heartbeat slowed down, and his eyes were firmly fixed on the dark sea otter that was close to the reefs in the distance.

The group of sea otters that had just returned from foraging looked rather lazy, floating lazily on the water to eat.

Strictly speaking, the reef-devouring sea otters are not real monsters. Just like there is only one monster fish king in the tidal fish group, only the most powerful sea otters in the group are the real 'reef-devouring sea otters'. ', into the field of Warcraft.

Ian can clearly see that in a group of sea otters about one meter five in length, there are several giant sea otters over two meters in length. They have slippery, tough, fireproof and waterproof dense fur, and skeletons as strong as reefs. , and front teeth big enough to bite steel.

These monsters that look more like bears than sea otters are floating on the sea at the moment, crushing hard shells comfortably and eating the shellfish meat.

As its name suggests, reef-devouring sea otters feed on coral reefs in addition to common seafood such as shells and sea urchins, because their warcrafted skeletons and core muscles require the reef skeleton of fortifying corals, a special metal-based cell and The corresponding material can be formed.

In order to defeat the coral's guardian labyrinth, the reef-devouring sea otter also has a strong detoxification ability.

Among them, the most powerful sea otters can even turn their skin into a hardness close to the skeleton of a coral fortress in a short period of time. It can't be broken even by slashing with a sword.

And this sublimation ability called 'the body of pure rock' is the goal of Ian this time.

One of his 'potion ingredients'!

"The most powerful reef-devouring sea otter is also the leader of the group... um, it's a bit difficult to deal with, it doesn't have any weaknesses in its entire body."

Using his vision to observe the sea otters floating on the coast, Ian glanced at them and could see a large area of ​​gray-white common sea otters, only three of which were surrounded by blue light and mist, which could be called monsters.

Of these three, there is only one of them, the 'dark blue' that meets his needs.

Generally speaking, wild beasts will have many dark wounds because of their fighting for years and months.

Even if not, because of unhealthy diet or imperfect bloodline, most of them will have some 'weaknesses'.

The improved 'precognition horizon' can help Ian perceive the exact location of those 'weaknesses'.

After a long period of weakness since two months ago, Ian has finally stabilized his psionic powers again.

The psionic nature of precognitive vision is the convergence of all Ian's desires.

He was eager to understand the brand new different world of Terra, so when he heard the names of places outside Harrison Port and the great changes that the whole world was about to encounter, because of the expansion of the world view, his psychic power was stimulated to improve and arrived at the The realm of the first-level psyker.

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