above the sky

Chapter 21

Taking advantage of the cool breeze in the morning, Ye Cheng once again set foot on the road to Linhai City. Thinking that the clues of the Xuanming Sect were in the Guangsheng Church, he no longer hesitated, running his Lei Qi straight to the lower plate, and dived forward. , legs like a deer, bouncing forward and rushing forward, like a dragonfly touching water. Every time the toes are about to touch the ground, they bring out a trace of blue light, and the body slowly starts to float, as if it is no longer touching the ground.

Ye Cheng found that the consumption of this rhythm was almost ten times less than the previous rush, so he no longer hesitated and rushed towards Guangsheng Church....

After walking and stopping along the way, finally, in the afternoon, they arrived at Linhai City. At this time, Ye Cheng discovered that he still had some energy left in his body. Could this be Qing Gong? He couldn't help but smile, and then began to investigate the surrounding situation.

Guangsheng Church is just a small place outside the third ring road in the city. It is not very popular, but because of this, it has become a branch point of the Xuanming Sect. Ye Cheng looked at the dilapidated church in front of him from a distance, standing in the corner of the city. The mottled outer wall was covered with messy plants. The once golden spire was now eclipsed. There seemed to be no trace of human activity. He decided to wait until dark. Then quietly moved in to investigate.

Soon, the sky gradually darkened. Ye Cheng came to the intersection of the church again and found that there was still no light, so he quietly walked forward. Seeing that the door of the church seemed to be unlocked, he pushed the door open and went in. With a creak, the door was pushed open, seemingly without any trace, and the vibration of opening the door scattered some dust to the floor.

It seems that the benches and podiums in the church are very old, and the murals on the walls are also blurred due to the erosion of time. Ye Cheng didn't stay too long and walked straight into the back door of the church. Seeing that there were only two offices and a garden at the back door, Ye Cheng searched the office for a long time. Except for seeing the same card, he could not find anything else. Clues related to the Xuanming Sect, and finally returned to the front hall with some disappointment. After driving all night, I felt a little tired, so I decided to rest on the bench to adjust my breath.

After absorbing the spiritual power of more than ten giant beasts, Ye Cheng's Qi sea has become more and more full, and he seems to have a breakthrough. After just operating the Little Zhoutian for more than ten minutes, he feels that his body has recovered again. Ye Cheng felt that his spiritual power had reached a bottleneck and he could no longer absorb spiritual energy. Ye Cheng's thoughts moved, and a burning sensation appeared on his forehead again, and then Ye Cheng came to the space of incarnation.

The incarnation looked at Ye Cheng with surprise. I didn't expect that you would be able to take the initiative to see me again so quickly. It seems that your latest absorption has brought you a lot.

Incarnation carefully felt Ye Cheng's situation and smiled slightly,"Very good, it seems that you are already in a bottleneck period. Work hard!"

Ye Cheng was worried about being kicked out again, so he quickly asked with a smile,"Incarnation, I I would like to ask you, is there any technique that can be used to find clues?"

"clue? Don’t you have a magical power yourself? You touch your forehead."The incarnation said.

Ye Cheng quickly reached out to his forehead, thinking of this exquisite vertical eye pattern.

"This is your natal magical power that was brought to you when it was delivered to you, and it is also the key to my being able to meet you. This is the power of the Celestial Eye. If you carefully sense the meridians, you will find that a new one has been reconnected at the Yintang point. If the meridians of the body are penetrated by Yu Qi, you can use the celestial eye, and this is where Zi Mansion is."

"This magical power can help you sense surrounding things, help you defend yourself from enemies, and even communicate with gods."

"This god is talking about you, right?"Ye Cheng reacted suddenly.

The avatar smiled slightly and did not answer,"This Heavenly Eye is an important medium for passing on the mantle of the Great Emperor. Otherwise, the inheritance will really be extinct. Go ahead and work hard to eliminate demons and defend the Tao!"

Ye Cheng's consciousness was driven out of the Zi Mansion again. Ye Cheng was speechless for a while, as if the in and out of his consciousness was not controlled by him. After coming out, he followed the prompts again and mobilized the true energy in his body to flow to Yintang point. Then, that The vertical eye pattern appeared again, and then Ye Cheng's vision was as if a thermal sensor scan was added. Traces of various spiritual powers appeared in front of his eyes. With the distance of his sight, Ye Cheng could directly detect tens of meters. As expected, clues were found about the spiritual power of the area at a tombstone in the garden.

Ye Cheng hurriedly walked towards the garden and found that this tombstone was newer than the others, and there were indeed traces of frequent touches on the back. Ye Guo decisively pushed the tombstone. Suddenly, the tombstone tilted to the side, and the ground behind him slowly opened a gap. At this time, there was light coming from the underground.

It was actually underground. No wonder there was no trace. He closed his eyes at the moment. He walked quietly down.

No one would have thought that there was such a large secret room hidden under the church. Ye Cheng crept down slowly and walked closer to the secret room. Suddenly, the sound of someone speaking came from

"Brother, how long are we going to stay in this damn place? There was nothing to eat or drink, and there were monsters running rampant everywhere outside."A young voice complained

"This is the order from above. Just listen carefully. Isn’t that recent refuge point a battle with monsters every day? We will go there in the next two days and serve them. Do we still have to worry about food and drink?"A deep voice came, it seemed to be a middle-aged man, he made a grunt while speaking, he seemed to be drinking.

"What the eldest brother is saying is, Xiaoqi, I heard that the shelter is a material center, and you will have whatever you want by then." A cunning voice laughed.

Ye Cheng discovered through the eyes of the sky that among the three, only that one was called The energy in the eldest brother's body is extremely violent, while the other two are much worse. Thinking of this, Ye Cheng closed his eyes and decided to take action when he found an opportunity.......

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