above the sky

Chapter 10

After everything was done, it was already late at night. Ye Cheng continued to pack Zhang Shaoling's belongings, opened his master's backpack, and found the green crystal that his master had controlled during the day. Looking back on the day's experience, Ye Cheng couldn't help but sigh at the vagaries of life.

Suddenly, a picture appeared in his mind, which was the small crystal in his hand on the day he woke up. Ye Cheng opened his eyes and looked carefully at the crystal in his hand. Isn't this the crystal I picked that day?

Before he had time to think about it, Ye Cheng flipped through another map in his backpack. When he opened it, he saw that it was a worn-out map of Linhai City. There were many marks circled with pens on it. When he looked carefully, he found that there were some small print marks on it. 1.2.3

What do these mean? Ye Cheng thought for a while, the master didn't have time to tell him anything, so he might as well wait until tomorrow to show it to Uncle Lin.

Ye Cheng lay on the bed, unable to fall asleep for a long time, and suddenly remembered the inner breath observation and the operation of meridians that Uncle Lin taught him. Then he closed his eyes and began to carefully appreciate the changes in his body.

Ye Cheng kept in mind the four-character mantra"Qi follows the heartbeat" and used his mind to induce the Qi in his Dantian. He felt that the Dantian was like a huge furnace emitting white Qi flow to the body. He then tried many times to slowly pull the Qi in the Dantian, and finally finally The Qi current slowly begins to lead out, toward the perineum, through the anus, then upward along the Du meridian, directly to the Niwan Palace on the top of the head, then downward to Yingxiang, slowly downward, connected with the Ren meridian, and finally sent back down along the abdominal cavity Dantian.

During the whole process, Ye Cheng had already spent 80% of his energy. He felt that the cycle of the cycle was over, and the Qi in his body seemed to be like a connected river. The Qi flow began to flow out faster, according to the route of the cycle, time and time again. land. In the process of operation, the body also begins to slowly absorb the thin energy molecules in the air. Ye Cheng's palms and soles are turned upward. The energy in the air begins to flow from the three yin of the hands, the three yang of the hands, the three yin of the feet, and the three yang of the feet. , slowly flowing into the Dantian.

In this way, feeling the slow movement in his body, Ye Cheng slowly began to enter a state of cultivation.

After an unknown amount of time, a bright light penetrated into the room from the window and shone on Ye Cheng's body. At this time, Ye Chengcai slowly opened his eyes. After practicing this night, he seemed to be more energetic. Thinking of the unknown whereabouts of his parents, Ye Cheng felt angry, Xuanming Sect! I must make myself stronger as soon as possible, and then go out and find my parents!

Ye Cheng quickly got up, tidied up, then took the master's relics and went to find Lin Zhenghao......

Dong Dong, there was a knock on the door. Lin Zhenghao was discussing with Lin Wei and Li Chengyan how to prepare for next week's raid. Seeing that it was Ye Cheng, Lin Zhenghao paused the discussion and motioned for Ye Cheng to come over.

"Uncle Lin, morning! I disturb you so early."

"It's okay, Xiaocheng, what's the matter? Lin Zhenghao said

"When I was sorting out my master's belongings yesterday, I found these two things and wanted to show them to you."

Ye Cheng took out the green crystal and the old map. Lin Wei saw the green crystal and said in surprise,"Green crystal?"

"Yes, I have something else to tell you. I seemed to have dug up a very small green crystal, and then I woke up that night."

"What, are you telling the truth?" Lin Zhenghao said in shock.

Ye Cheng scratched his head,"I don't know exactly whether this is the case, but I did dig a small piece of green crystal the night I woke up."

"Dad, we will know if it works or not. We will try it out and we may be able to solve the burden of the converter. Lin Wei said.

Lin Zhenghao also realized that something was a little messed up, nodded and said,"Yes, we will test it soon.""Then Lin Zhenghao opened the old map and looked at the place circled in red pen.

"1.2.3...What does it mean? Lin Zhenghao asked, looking at Ye Cheng.

Ye Cheng shook his head and said nothing, and also looked at the details on the map carefully.

"Oops, Mr. Lin, I think this must be an area where monsters are distributed. Of course, it may also be a survival point."Li Chengyan said carelessly.

"What is the survival point? This is the monster distribution point. You see, this is the Leshan Valley. The place where we are is not marked, and the places marked 3 are all written with green armor."Fortunately, Lin Wei observed carefully and said to the map.

Lin Zhenghao nodded,"Yes, I think so too......., with this, we can also judge the surrounding situation very well. He turned to look at Ye Cheng and said,"Ye Cheng, you really gave me too many surprises." Can this be a backup for us?"

Ye Cheng said:"Of course you can. I will do whatever I can to contribute to the base.

Lin Zhenghao showed a pleased smile,"Xiaowei, let's go and test it now to see what the function of this green crystal is.""

"Okay, I'll arrange the testing work now."Lin Wei picked up the crystal and nodded.

The test began soon. After Lin Zhenghao's careful consideration, he selected four converters for the test. They saw four people lying on the observation platform in a cross shape, with the green crystal in the middle. spar

"The experiment is expected to last 1 hour, please enable energy detection throughout the process."Lin Wei picked up the microphone.

Everyone was nervously waiting for the results of the experiment. They saw that 20 minutes after the experiment started, the four people and the crystal began to respond. The total energy data on the screen showed that the energy of the crystal was gradually decreasing, and 4 people began to experience small energy fluctuations in their bodies

""Xiao Cheng, try to use your inner breath to feel the changes ahead." Lin Zhenghao suddenly turned around and faced Ye Chengdao.

Ye Cheng nodded, quickly followed the instructions, closed his eyes, and found that the green crystal was emitting a weak green fluorescent molecule. At this moment, it is slowly entering the bodies of the four people. After entering the bodies of the four people, the green light spots quickly dissolved and then disappeared.

"This green crystal stone may help us awaken most people, so that our base can truly develop and grow. Xiaocheng, you have really helped us a lot."

Ye Cheng smiled humbly and said nothing.

The experiment slowly came to about 50 minutes, and the four people began to react. Some showed painful expressions, and some kept shaking their heads. Suddenly, the four people opened their eyes one after another. His eyes showed orange pupils.

Seeing this result, Li Chengyan breathed a sigh of relief,"It seems that Ye Cheng's idea is right!"Then people were arranged to comfort and train the newly awakened people.

The attentive Lin Wei suddenly shouted:"Look, the crystal is getting smaller, it feels like half the size!"

It was only then that everyone realized that the green crystal consumed so much, but it was worth it if it could wake up 4 people.

"We must find a way to find more green crystals and strive to awaken all the converters in the base. Lin Zhenghao said seriously.

Thinking of the mineral vein occupied by the giant centipede, Lin Zhenghao thought to himself, it seems that a raid is inevitable!......

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