A War Between Spies

Chapter 738: Nothing to say

Just said that there is a possibility that someone will go out, and the black devils really cooperate.

But Brian in the words can't be happy, and can't help but sigh.

Someone came out in a row, and from the perspective of the drone, there were seven of these people, and one of them was wearing bullet-proof vests, with two long guns and a fully armed off-road vehicle.

This time they changed their cars and replaced them with three off-road vehicles.

Waiting for all seven people to get on the bus, and the car is also driving out, Yang Yi whispers: "It doesn't look like it's shifting the hiding place, but it seems to be an attack?"

Xiao Yu Shen Sheng said: "If you don't see it, the person wearing the bullet-proof vest wears a low-light night vision device, while others don't have a night vision device."

"They really want to launch an attack."

After a faint remark, Brian frowned: "But who are they going to attack?"

Yang Yi was shocked, and then he said loudly: "Fuck, wouldn't it be to hit us?"

It's really possible, although Yang Yi has changed places, and it is a place that Kokdall doesn't know, but after all, Big Ivan can be regarded as a local snake. It is entirely possible that the ability to obtain intelligence is much stronger than what they judge.

Yang Yi couldn't help but start to get nervous. Think about the person with the night vision device. If he is the black hood, it is really stressful.

Brian said: "Look where they go. If it is coming in our direction, then prepare for the battle. When they come to us in this direction, they will inform Jetero. We should set a trap and wait. If they go to his place, look at who they want to attack."

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said: "Continue to clean up the traitors? I mean betrayed the traitor of Ivan."

"Is there still?"

"Of course, there are still a few in Kiev. One of them is still very important. Cochdalee was sent to protect people before, but I don't know if Jetero continues to send people to protect."

Brian nodded. "Look where they go. If you don't come to us, ask Jetero. Who is the traitor who is bought by them, who is more important and where they live."

The off-road vehicle has already set off, but looking at the route of the three off-road vehicles, they are not coming to Yang Yi, and the direction is not right.

After waiting for a while, Brian sighed and said: "Not coming to us, know who is in that direction?"

"Let me think about it, um, a traitor, Kokdall’s rebellion, he has a bunch of men, and he has a close relationship with Kirkdale and cia. Kirkdale sent someone to protect him, but later changed With cia to protect, it seems that Cork Dole was brought out after being caught alive, and Jetero had just contacted him during the day."

"Do you know that this direction is only this person?"


Just seeing the enemy's direction of progress, it is not certain where they will go, but watching the black devil's car, although there is occasional turn, but the whole is indeed toward the traitor, it can basically be considered that they are I have to clean up the traitors once.

When the journey was over halfway, Yang Yi couldn't help but say: "Can we set up an ambush waiting for them to drill? Know where they are going, don't do something?"

Knowing where the enemy is going, if you don't do anything, you feel that you are wasting your chance.

Brian looked at Yang Yidao: "Are you going to ambush the black devil, and then leave one or two live mouths to interrogate?"

Yang Yi immediately dejected her head: "No, I just said it casually."

It is not impossible to ambush, but it is best to get rid of all the people who have collected the black devil, and there is no one left. If you want to ambush but still have one or two live mouths, then forget it. This is a behavior of seeking death.

"You can inform Schultz."

Yang Yi picked up the walkie-talkie and whispered: "Black lightning, I told you today that there are several places that need to be paid attention to. The address on the street of Olevi, are you ready?"

"Of course, I have prepared. There are not only public cameras, but also a lot of cameras installed in the place where I live to monitor the situation on the street. After knowing the exact address and phone number, we can watch what happened."

"Very good! Monitor closely and pass the picture."

After Jetro’s monopoly, many things are much easier to do, and there are many conveniences.

Those who did not wait for the black devil arrived, Yang Yi, they can already see what the location of the black devil's target is.

Two pictures taken by the camera that can monitor the entire street outside were transmitted. Now the picture is quiet, and occasionally a car passes by, but the black devil will definitely be photographed as soon as he comes here, and It was taken in front of HD.

There are drones in the sky, and there are cameras waiting for the place where the black devils are going. This time it is stable.

It’s wonderful to keep the enemy’s whereabouts in control, and it’s very good~www.wuxiaspot.com~The black devil’s car is getting closer and closer, getting closer and closer until three cars stop. Then start from the car.

Yang Yi’s excitement and good mood continued until the moment someone got off the bus. When he saw a man wearing a bullet-proof vest and a black hood, he immediately looked at him.

The camera with night vision has two highlights when shooting the human eye.

Although there was a screen, but watching the person staring at himself on the screen, and then raising his hand, and then half of the flat suddenly turned into a dark, Yang Yi could not help but hit a spirit.

It was the black hood, and he raised his hand and knocked out a camera.

The other camera still works, but only works for a short while.

The two cameras were knocked out almost indefinitely, and the tablet was dark.

Yang Yi couldn't help but walk back half a step, and then he subconsciously sighed.

There is no aiming, no preparation, no warning. The black hood is twisting the head. It should be that after the camera is shot, the camera is destroyed by two shots.

But it’s terrible to play with it. It’s not too bad to play the camera. But it’s terrible to play two cameras that are not together.

Whoever said something casually, no matter what he said, someone should open it, let Schultz change the camera and ask Hans what the scene is, whatever he can.

But the people present were once again beaten.

Say what, how to say.

The camera is so big, I still don't realize that people are going to hit the camera, and the camera is gone. If there are two people standing, they have already been headshot before they can see the movements of the people. What else can you say?

Nothing to say.

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