80s Taoism

Chapter 200 The Small Landlord

The aging tea trees of more than 200 mu were originally a landscape of Meizi'ao Village, but after being contracted to farmers in 1980, the contractors believed that the tea trees belonged to the public, and the money they earned was their own. For these tea trees, basically only tea is picked and no fertilization is applied. So in the first few years, tea farms and tea factories came to collect tea, but later on, the tea trees soon withered, and the dealers who collected tea stopped coming. Up to now, most of the tea trees have died. There are even many tea trees that have been directly dug up by those contractors. This is something that Zhang Dechun, who contracted the gardening field at the beginning, did not expect.

Zhang Jiaohua wanted to dig up all these aging tea trees in the gardening field before the fruit tree saplings were delivered to make room for those fruit trees.

"In such a large place, if we want to dig it out in a short period of time, we need 400 workers. Each worker costs at least 5 yuan. We also have to cover a meal, and a pack of cigarettes per person per day. Calculated, it costs about 8 yuan. 400 workers will cost 3,200..." Zhang Manyin smoked vigorously when he said this. He didn't count this at first. I just feel that one hundred and fifty yuan, covering more than two hundred acres of land, is very cheap.

In fact, Zhang Manyin's calculations were too optimistic. The land of the gardening field used to be very fertile and the soil was soft. However, after being contracted by contractors for so many years, the soil fertility has already been overdrawn, and the land has become hardened. A worker can't dig tea trees on half an acre of land in one day. If it is not done well, the 800 workers may not be able to get it down. I'm afraid the cost will double. After the land has been dug, trees have to be planted. This is easier, but hundreds of workers may be necessary.

"If it doesn't work, we don't dig the tea trees, but plant fruit trees in the rows of tea trees. In this way, we only need the work of planting the trees, not the labor of digging the trees. It will take a few years for the fruit trees to bear fruit. Those tea trees are not a big deal at all. If they are done well, maybe we can pick some tea leaves and sell them. This is also a lot of money." Zhang Jiaohua thought for a while and said.

"This is also a way." Zhang Manyin's eyes lit up. However, Zhang Manyin originally thought that some crops could be interplanted in the garden. Now it seems that his idea may come to nothing.

"It's better to call Hua smart, and save thousands of dollars at once." Ma Donghua laughed.

Zhang Jiaohua has visited the gardening field many times in the past few days. There are still a lot of crops planted in the field, and it seems that the previous contractors are still not so willing to quit. Zhang Jiaohua was not in a hurry to let others take away the crops. Anyway, the fruit saplings haven't been shipped yet.

"Biaohua, with such a big garden, you have planted all the fruit trees, so you have to produce so many fruits. By then, the entire Gezhuping town may not be able to eat it all." The mute looked at the more than 200-acre garden, showing a shocked expression.

"You are stupid. The fruits grown are not only sold in Gezhuping Town, so it is impossible to sell them in Zijiang City? Zijiang City is so big, I don't know how many times bigger than Gezhuping Town. There are buildings everywhere, and there are cement roads everywhere. The road is also clean. Unlike Gezhuping Town, everywhere is very sloppy." Zhang Jiaohua's impression of big cities is completely limited to his hasty glance on the road.

"Don't people in the city just eat fruit every day instead of eating?" The dumb man made up his mind about the city based on what he saw on TV.

"People in the city may be able to eat better. Their stomachs are so big, it's like being pregnant with cubs." Zhang Jiaohua couldn't help giggling after finishing speaking.

"That's what they can eat. People in the city are so rich that they can eat so much fat." The mute sighed. There are not many people with potbellies in the countryside, because most of the energy intake is provided by the rice eaten every day. Fat provides only a minimal portion. Naturally it is difficult to gain weight.


A car horn sounded, and Zhang Jiaohua looked at the entrance of the garden, only to see a jeep parked at the entrance. The car door opened, and Luo Changjun got out of the car.

Zhang Jiaohua hurried over, "Uncle Rob, why are you here?"

"Beautiful, you are courageous. You managed to contract such a large garden at such a young age. If I hadn't met your village branch secretary in the town today, I wouldn't have known you had contracted the garden." Luo Changjun laughed.

"Uncle Rob, is the last case over?" Zhang Jiaohua asked.

"It's over. The last time was really thanks to you. I have been transferred to the county bureau now, and I am now the captain of the criminal investigation team." Luo Changjun smiled. The main reason why Luo Changjun didn't come to Meizi'ao for so long was because of work transfers, and there were a lot of things to do.

Luo Changjun was able to be promoted to the captain of the criminal investigation team so quickly, from a deputy to a full-time division, mainly because of the case in the last case. Although the amount of theft in Gezhuping Town was huge, it wouldn't make Luo Changjun promoted. Mainly because of the case committed by Miao Xinghe and others in Fujian. It was a major case supervised by the Ministry of Public Security. Hong Kong businessmen are involved, and the amount is particularly huge. So Luo Changjun was lucky enough to let him run into the case.

"Then you won't work in Gezhuping Town anymore?" Zhang Jiaohua knew that he might not have many opportunities to deal with Luo Changjun in the future.

"The studio is working there, but my child, Gezhuping Town, will return to Gezhuping Town on Sundays. I will also come to you often to play. By the way, I came here today mainly to tell you that I helped you contact a batch of navel orange saplings. It is also for poverty alleviation, and you don't need to spend a penny. The price of navel oranges is relatively high, and the planting is similar to citrus. , The decision is still up to you. If you want to grow something else, I will try my best to do it for you." Luo Changjun immediately called his friend when he heard about the gardening farm contracted by Zhang Jiaohua. I managed to get a batch of navel orange saplings.

"Then plant a navel orange tree. I heard that navel oranges are delicious." Zhang Jiaohua laughed.

"Then it's settled. I'll buy you 300 acres of saplings." Luo Changjun also went all out for Zhang Jiaohua this time. This time, Zhang Jiaohua played the most important role in solving the case. He did not report Zhang Jiaohua's situation to his superiors, which was harmful to Zhang Jiaohua, so Luo Changjun chose to make up for Zhang Jiaohua in other ways.

"Ah, so many." Zhang Jiaohua was also surprised.

"Didn't you also take over the barren hills? You planted all the places where the barren hills can be planted. The bigger the scale, the more people will come back to you. In the market for navel oranges, you can definitely rest assured in a short time." Luo Changjun is still very confident about this, because he specifically consulted experts in this field.

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