80s Taoism

Chapter 168 New Exercise

Running on bamboo plaques exercises the coordination and balance of the body. The bamboo plaque is not fixed, although it contains more than 100 catties of millet, it will still shake when running. It needs to be balanced with speed and body shaking. On the first day of practice, it is inevitable that the body will have difficulty coordinating. The old Taoist master didn't teach Zhang Jiaohua any skills, his motivation was to practice more.

That night, Zhang Jiaohua repeatedly ran on the bamboo plaque in his dream. The sand on the feet became heavier and heavier, and the grains in the bamboo plaques became less and less. Because there were only more than 100 catties of millet in total, after half a month, the inside of the bamboo plaque was empty, and Zhang Jiaohua already had more than 30 catties on his feet. It is not easy for ordinary people to run on flat ground, let alone on the bamboo plaque. Zhang Jiaohua also had to speed up, leaning his body as far as possible into the bamboo plaque, so as to prevent the bamboo plaque from being trampled over. But in the end, Zhang Jiaohua's body balance ability is not as difficult as the first time he trained on the bamboo plaque.

Zhang Jiaohua had been in the dream for more than half a month. I suddenly opened my eyes when I heard the sound of the cock crowing.

Zhang Jiaohua got up immediately, and immediately went outside to practice a stick of incense kung fu on the wooden stakes. By this time, Zhuang Gong seems to be of little use, but Zhang Jiaohua still persists every day. After practicing this, Zhang Jiaohua found a bamboo plaque from home and put it directly in the main room, and then brought a load of millet scattered from the barn to fill the bamboo plaque. Then I put sand in two snakeskin bags and tied them to my legs, and started running on the bamboo plaque.

The first time I ran, I fell off the bamboo plaque within a few steps. Although he had been practicing for more than half a month in his dream, in reality, his consciousness and his body hadn't been able to coordinate. When he fell, Zhang Jiaohua subconsciously dodged to the side, as if standing beside him was an old Taoist master holding a bamboo stick.

When going up, you need to start a few steps, and you can balance on it with a certain speed. After all, the width of the frame of the bamboo plaque is only a little, and if you stand dead on it, it will fall down immediately. But after running for a few steps, his feet were empty, his body tilted, and he immediately threw himself into the bamboo plaque. The body got into the valley, and the whole body was covered with grains. There are all kinds of thorns on the rice, sticking to the body, it is not comfortable at all.

Zhang Jiaohua got up and shook the rice on his body, but the rice on his body kept falling and scattered all over the ground. But Zhang Jiaohua is not worried at all that the rice will be wasted. The chickens and ducks have to be fed every day, and those that fall to the ground can be swept over to feed the chickens and ducks later. Zhang Jiaohua didn't notice that there was still a lot of rice sticking to his hair. He was already standing in front of the bamboo plaque, and was about to run up to the bamboo plaque again.

He rushed forward with a long step, and then ran quickly on the bamboo plaque, his eyes fixed on the frame of the bamboo plaque, and his feet kept running. This time, Zhang Jiaohua seemed to have found a little feeling, and his body seemed to be coordinating with his consciousness. The Zhuang Gong practiced every day is still very useful, and can exercise the coordination between the consciousness and the body. One lap after another, Zhang Jiaohua had already adapted to this rhythm, but his physical strength was exhausted very quickly. After running on it for a dozen laps, his breathing became disordered, and the clothes on his body began to be wet from the sweat gushing out of his body.

As soon as his breath became chaotic, Zhang Jiaohua's feet quickly became chaotic. A stagger fell from the bamboo plaque. He sat down on the bamboo plaque frame directly, panting continuously.

Fortunately, Jin Hu was there to support him just now, otherwise, Zhang Jiaohua would have fallen to the ground. Jin Hu and the others had already seen that Zhang Jiaohua couldn't hold on anymore, and at the moment Zhang Jiaohua fell down, he quickly supported Zhang Jiaohua.

The sun came out, and through the gaps in the tiles, beams of light appeared in the main room, and an oblate circle of light could be seen on the wall.

Zhang Jiaohua took a shower, changed into clean clothes, made breakfast, and went to school with his schoolbag on his back.

"Call for flowers, beg for flowers." The mute chased up from behind.

Zhang Jiaohua didn't stop to wait, nor did he slow down, allowing the dumb man to catch up quickly.

"You're walking too fast. I'm almost running out of breath." The mute ran over, complaining.

"I'm walking slowly." Zhang Jiaohua said disdainfully.

"I envy you. No one cares about you when you are alone at home. If you want to watch TV, you can watch TV. No one cares how long you watch it. My parents scolded me to death after I watched TV for a while." The mute was very distressed.

"Then forget about separating from your parents. You will support yourself in the future. You will cook and wash clothes by yourself, plant the land, feed chickens and ducks..." Zhang Jiaohua listed some of the things he did these days. Immediately the mute was left speechless.

The mute scratched his head, "Why don't I split up and go with you?"

"Not good." Zhang Jiaohua immediately and decisively refused.

"Forget it. If I separate from my parents, I'm sure I'll starve to death in a few days." The mute thought about the serious consequences.

When Zhang Jiaohua arrived at school, he took out the books in his schoolbag and began to read. This book was too attractive for him.

Days passed by like this, and a month passed in a blink of an eye. In February, when the weather warms up, peach blossoms are in full bloom in the village, and Meiziao turns into a pink world.

The whole year's plan lies in spring, when the early rice seeds are about to be planted, and various crops are about to start raising seedlings. Zhang Jiaohua is a very strong child, originally Zhang Youping planned to give all the land to his father Zhang Manyin and his eldest brother Zhang Youlian for planting. But Zhang Jiaohua tyrannically left an acre of paddy field next to the house. The vegetable field also left a ridge at the east end of the house.

Zhang Manyin came to Zhang Jiaohua's house on purpose at night, "Beggar, this acre of paddy field, or do this, the field, grandpa will plant it for you, and the millet harvested is your family's. Do you think it's okay?"

Zhang Jiaohua shook his head, "I can grow it myself."

"I didn't say you can't plant. Isn't it that you are still young now? Grandpa will help you plant, and when you grow up, you will help grandpa plant. We are an au pair." Zhang Manyin knew that his grandson was stubborn, so he could only change ways to get him to agree.

"No, I will help you when you get old. But I don't need your help now. Tomorrow is Sunday, so you take me to the seed company to buy grain seeds. Later, just tell me how to grow seedlings." Zhang Jiaohua insisted on doing it himself.

"The paddy field hasn't been plowed yet, shall I plow it for you?" Zhang Manyin smiled wryly.

"No. I can do it myself." Zhang Jiaohua still shook his head.

At this moment, Zhang Manyin couldn't help but get angry, "This is not okay, and that is not okay. It's like grandpa owes you. Forget it, forget it, whatever you want, I don't care about you."

Zhang Manyin left angrily.

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