Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 264 End of Commission

Ethan sat alone in the castle and thought for a while, and finally stood up.

He put the 20,000 gold galleons in the bag that were lying on the table.

Then, carrying a large bag of money, Ethan walked out of the castle, and Ethan walked towards the village.

Surprisingly, Reznov was standing at the gate of the castle waiting.

Seeing Ethan coming out of the castle, Reznov quickly waved to Ethan.

"Ethan, the villagers passed the proposal to help the werewolves!" As soon as he saw Ethan, Reznov hurried forward and told Ethan the latest situation.

"Great!" Ethan reluctantly smiled at Reznov.

"Sir Sapkov, can you see me now? I'm going to report this matter to Sir Sapkov." Reznov said to Ethan.

"Sir Sapkov has passed away one by one." Ethan told Reznov the fact.

"Oh my god! How is this possible?" Reznov was shocked by Ethan's words.

"That's it, and Sir Sapkov gave me control of the castle before he died," Ethan said to Reznov again.

"Ethan, what you said is true." Reznov began to look at Ethan with suspicious eyes. He felt that Ethan was really suspicious.

"I can prove it," Ethan said.

Then Ethan clapped his hands, and the castle door that was originally closed opened in an instant.

The lights in the castle also turned on one by one.

This is proof that Ethan has actually gained control of the castle.

Seeing this, the suspicion in Reznov's eyes diminished slightly.

The curse of castle control is a very strict thing. Generally speaking, if the previous castle owner dies without making a will.

Then the right to use the castle will be automatically inherited to the user's heirs.

If you want to transfer the inheritance rights of the castle, you need to sign a contract. When signing the contract, the original castle owner cannot be coerced or controlled by any spell.

If this is the case, castle control cannot be inherited.

Control of a castle is transferred only voluntarily to the previous owner.

But even so, Reznov's doubts still cannot be completely eliminated.

"By the way, there's one more." Ethan handed the bag filled with gold galleons to Reznov.

"This is the 5,000 gold galleons Sir Sapkov asked me to give you before he died, so that you can use the money to rebuild the village." Ethan said to Reznov.

"Oh my God!" Reznov gasped in shock, "This is too much!"

"This is what Sir Sapkov asked me to give you," Ethan said again.

Reznov looked at Ethan with extremely complicated eyes. At this time, Reznov had misunderstood Ethan. He even thought that Ethan had murdered Sir Sapkov by some means.

Then he took 5,000 gold galleons and tried to gag himself.

After a fierce psychological struggle, Reznov finally spoke.

"Ethan, I hope to see Sir Sapkov's body." Reznov finally spoke.

He still couldn't accept the fact that Sir Sapkov died so mysteriously.

"Okay, come in with me," Ethan said calmly to Reznov.

He had long known that Reznov could not be fooled so easily.

Following this, Ethan took Reznov into the castle.

Reznov looked at Ethan nervously. He was afraid that Reznov would suddenly turn around and kill him with a sword to silence him.

He understood that Ethan was very powerful and he was definitely no match. If Ethan wanted to kill him, it would be effortless.

Fortunately, Ethan didn't do that. In the end, Ethan took Reznov and Ethan into Sir Sapkov's bedroom.

Reznov looked at the decaying old man's body in front of him in shock. He recognized the body as that of the old Sir Sapkov.

"What's going on here, Ethan?" Reznov asked Ethan in a trembling voice.

What he saw was completely beyond his comprehension. He had seen young Sir Sapkov before.

He also knew the past history of the village and knew that old Sir Sapkov had died in the fire that year.

But now young Sir Sapkov disappeared, and the body of old Sir Sapkov lay in front of him again.

This kind of thing is completely beyond the scope of Reznov's understanding.

"I can explain it to you," Ethan said to Reznov.

Then, Ethan told Reznov the entire abridged version of the story about the dog-man incident, in which the information about the Ouroboros gathering was omitted.

Ethan only told Reznov that only old Sir Sapkov survived the fire.

In order to survive and live forever, old Sir Sapkov once again controlled the dog-man. He used secret magic to make the dog-man harm the villagers, and used the souls of the villagers to extend his life and regain his youth.

After listening to Ethan's story, Reznov sighed.

He never imagined that the tragedy in his village for so long was caused by the owner of this village, Sir Sapkov.

"Sir Sapkov repented before his death and gave you all the savings in the castle. I hope you can use this money to restore the village's vitality." Ethan said to Reznov.

Reznov stared blankly at the body of old Sir Sapkov, and finally sighed.

Naturally, he was very dissatisfied with old Sir Sapkov, but now he has no users even if he is angry with a dead man.

"Let's bury Sir Sapkov in the family cemetery." Reznov said helplessly.

Ethan agreed with Reznov's opinion, and together with Reznov, they wrapped Sir Sapkov's body and sent it to the Sapkov family cemetery.

Then he and Ethan dug a pit and put Sir Sapkov in it.

Then the two held a small funeral for Sir Sapkov.

"Mr. Ethan, I hope you don't tell the villagers the truth about this matter." Reznov said with a long sigh while looking at Sir Sapkov's tombstone.

"Okay, I won't tell others." Ethan agreed to Reznov's request.

By now, Ethan has sorted out everything about the dog-man incident.

Ethan and Reznov walked into the village tavern together. By this time, the tavern had already turned into a sea of ​​joy.

The honest and lovely Gaga's opinion was welcomed by everyone in the village.

At this time, there was a lot of various foods in front of him, which were all invited by the villagers.

Gaga was currently holding a lot of food and devouring it, looking very happy.

Although the mountain spirit does not need to eat, Gaga is a greedy guy and cannot refuse delicious food.

The little wolf boys sitting opposite him also looked at the big eater in front of them with their mouths open.

There were also a few children who from time to time took out a chicken leg from the pile of food in front of them and threw it into their mouths to rinse it a few times.

When the chicken leg is spit out, only a clean bone is left.

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