Chapter 25 In the unknowing ya, there is another hidden corpse (4/4)

"It's okay, Xiaoying, let's go back."

Luo Hao stretched out his left hand and put Xiaoying in his arms, and gently stroked Xiaoying's hair with his palm.

To comfort Xiaoying, that constantly produces fear in her heart.

Xiaoying, who was slowly in Luo Hao's arms, was not shaking anymore.

After recovering, he nodded.

The two of them were speechless all the way, pushing the wooden cart back home.

Xiaoying didn't mention the monster, and Luo Hao naturally wouldn't mention it.

After returning home, Luo Hao immediately washed off the black blood stains on his hands.

Then I took out the fructose that was dried today, sorted and cut the cubes, and then started to cook the ginger soup.

Xiaoying's body bones are actually worse than girls of the same age.

I don’t usually have much nutritional supplements. It’s only in the last year that Life has started to get normal. The cold wind blows my body in one night and my body is already frozen. If I don’t drink some ginger soup, it’s not good if I catch the cold.

"Come and drink some ginger soup while sleeping, otherwise, what should I do if I catch the wind and cold."

Luo Hao, who had prepared the ginger soup, handed the warm ginger soup to Xiaoying, who was sitting by the charcoal stove in the living room.

"Brother, what was that just now..."

"It should not be a human... Brother, you shouldn't be a murderer..."

Xiaoying took the ginger soup and blew the heat from the ginger soup. After taking a sip, she looked at Luo Hao.

"No, that thing is a monster."

"Brother didn't kill anyone, so we shouldn't tell anyone about this, okay?"

Before Luo Hao could answer, Xiaoying looked outside the door nervously, and then whispered to Luo Hao.

With less knowledge, sometimes the direction of thinking in my heart will be more simple.

Xiaoying, who has been working hard to live in the slum, still understands the laws of this world.

But I also can't believe that there will be such a monster, but in his heart, at least Luo Hao is absolutely not wrong.

Luo Hao is just to protect her.

The reason for not wanting Luo Hao to say it is also very simple, not wanting to encounter unnecessary troubles.

"I see, quickly drink the ginger tea."

"After drinking, soak your feet with hot water, and then go to bed quickly."

Luo Hao looked at Xiaoying's serious appearance, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

After living together for many years, I naturally understand what Xiaoying means.

He immediately assured Xiaoying.

After all, Luo Hao didn't plan to tell anyone about this matter, but about that monster.

Luo Hao already had some different thoughts and thoughts in his heart.

. . . . . .

At the same time, where Luo Hao solved the monster.

From the roof of the nearby shop, there were a few more people in grey clothes.

A dagger jumped down from the roof and came to the headless monster.

"Unexpectedly, in such a small town, there will be such a master."

"It seems to be a master of the flesh."

One of the burly gray-clothed men squatted down and touched the cracked ground with his palm.

With the light of the lantern, one can still see the surprise on this man's face.

"It shouldn't be a companion. A ghost monkey of the third rank, even a corpse can go to the Exorcism Hall for a hundred taels of silver."

"If you are a fellow exorcist, you will definitely take away the ghost monkey's corpse before you leave."

Hearing the words of his companions, one of the gray-clothed men carefully analyzed the surrounding environment and spoke.

"The captain's words are reasonable. Could it be that some family members came to this town by chance."

A woman with a thin body but a very pleasant voice rang.

"This is just a small town in a remote place. It's unlikely."

"Hurry up and clean up the scene. Anyway, we have to stay in the town for a few days, looking for clues on the scene."

"It's best to find that person, and forget it if you can't."

The leader shook his head and spoke to everyone.

The other people in gray also nodded immediately, and began to divide the work around.

Some began to fold a fire to check the traces left around.

Some began to take out a knife and shave something on the ghost monkey.

. . . . . .

On the second day, the sky only slightly lit up.

Today Luo Hao did not take Xiaoying to set up a stall outside the vegetable market as usual.

Instead, after putting Xiaoying in the vegetable market.

Alone, I almost ran to the place where the accident happened yesterday.

Just as Luo Hao thought, not long after the sky lit up, many people gathered around.

As I pointed and pointed, I was constantly discussing this woman, who had been killed for the first time this month.

But when he looked closely, Luo Hao found something different from last night.

The woman was obviously murdered, and the body was still there.

But the corpse of the monster was gone.

There was still a black patch on the ground, but the corpse was no longer visible.

"The body is gone, I remember last night that the monster must have been slaughtered..."

"Could it be that the ya inner in the town was taken away..."

Luo Hao looked at the pool of black blood on the ground and couldn't help thinking in his heart.

But the arrival of a group of people immediately interrupted his thoughts.

A group of people in official clothes pushed away from the crowd and walked in front of the murdered woman.

After seeing the woman's weird way of death, the faces of several catchers immediately wrinkled.

Disgustedly, she put the woman's body on the stretcher, and then covered it with a white cloth. *

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