Chapter 29 AMD, YES~!

The perspective turned to the direction of Calvin. At this time, he was still struggling hard with the vast amount of endless memories.

But for him, this is not just a burden: every memory is equivalent to a rebirth for him, and every Calvin's life is also a fill-in for his spiritual shortcomings.

Before he officially transformed from a mortal into a demigod of this race, before he gave up himself forever and entrusted his destiny to this empire.

To him, this was more like a carnival on the eve of an expedition or a bachelor party on the eve of a wedding.

This is a kind of compensation from fate to him, compensating him for something that he will never be able to obtain in the destined and eternal war when he faces the most cruel and cunning enemy in the universe in the future.

Ordinary, yes, it is ordinary.

Ordinariness is a luxury that seems ordinary in this empire but is elusive in the eyes of those who can really decide the fate of the empire.

They have no shortage of materials, because they are born nobles, so the empire is willing to use the output of the entire galaxy to support these people;

They do not lack honor, because since they are born noble, the responsibilities that come with it will eventually be turned into fate, driving them to win the glory of battles;

They have no lack of recognition, for the brutal upbringing they receive from birth only makes their already remarkable talents shine brighter in their ability to materialize in adulthood;

They do not lack a mission, because since their bloodline has been bound to the empire and they have shared weal and woe, they and their descendants have no way out and are destined to shed their last drop of blood for the empire.

So, what do they lack? What is it, when they have been receiving anti-human training since they were babbling, when they are taught a set of complicated etiquette after they become wise, when they are young but have to rush to battle after battle, when they are old but still stick to their posts, every midnight What about the things you don’t even dare to ask for in your dreams?

It is an ordinary and leisurely life. It is a relaxed life without worries, without knowing or worrying about the impending end.

It’s the figure of a laughing horse on a pleasant pasture under the setting sun; it’s the comfortable figure on a deck chair under the grape trellis in a farm where the summer breeze blows; it’s the all-night singing in a gorgeous castle at midnight; it’s the unrestrained figure in a lively market gypsy dance.

This is destined not to belong to these "nobles" who are born to bear the fate of the empire, and it is something that even their most loving parents have never tried to give them.

This is too luxurious, so that they don't deserve it; this is too happy, so that they dare not have it.

After all, how many people can stand up again from such a gentle life and face those cruel truths? It’s no wonder that human nature is like this.

Since you don't deserve it, you shouldn't have the chance to have it. The parenting philosophy of the upper echelons of the empire is so simple with a little bit of cruelty, but it fits so well in this absurd universe.

The so-called local customs are nothing more than this.

And our protagonist Calvin is now worried and happily accepting these "gifts" from many of himself.

Different lives interpret different joys and sorrows, and different encounters ultimately lead to different selves, thus fully showing the possibility of every fork in life to Calvin.

Let him understand what kind of himself stands behind these choices.

Family ties, friendships, and even love, as well as various work experiences, all allow Calvin to think about everything about the world from more perspectives when needed in the future.

Rather than being like those decision-makers who were born as "nobles", they have never really lived at the bottom of the empire for a day, an hour, or even a quarter of an hour.

He just wandered happily and hard in these memories, enjoying these precious memories painfully and happily.

Calvin was well aware of the need for this work, but what worried him even more was that time did not seem to be on his side.

If he cannot regain consciousness during a normal operation, how much grace time can those who have placed "big bets" on him on the sidelines give him? He doesn't know.

Just when Calvin was worried about the schedule that had been stuck at 1% from the beginning, his off-court support arrived.

The mysterious blood that was injected first was not noticed by Calvin because of the stasis field.

The Mary's Gland, which comes in later, provides a reliable physical guarantee for the soul's huge information flow processing needs and reflects an immediate improvement in the soul's information processing capabilities.

What should you do when your CPU frequency is not enough? Overclock! What do you do when your core count is too low? Add core! This is what the Ave Maria means to Calvin now.

Not only does this gland help Calvin sort information, but the literal increase in core frequency and number of cores seems to make overclocking and multi-threaded operations possible. (AMD, YES!)

In this way, the originally slow information processing speed before the brain was upgraded to the protagonist of "Threadripper Calvin" has made a qualitative leap. (Long live Mama Su! Bah! Long live Doracall!)

His originally stagnant progress bar also began to change from slow to high speed, and finally headed towards the end of complete renunciation.

"Getting usually means giving." This is one of the unbreakable truths of any universe. So, what is the cost of enhanced information processing capabilities?

The price is an exponential increase in the "power consumption" of his entire person in the reality that Calvin cannot see. (Look, I’m really not an A gunner)

Calvin's brain suddenly began to operate at a high speed. In a short period of time, Calvin's metabolic rate soared, and all the organs in his body were working overclocked to cope with the "energy crisis" in the core part of the brain.

The value of the active ingredients of the nutrient solution in the cabin also dropped sharply, and the brass-colored physical sign monitor alarm outside the cabin was sounded.

Outside the life-sustaining cabin, the pharmacist brother who was responsible for 24-hour surveillance was also bored and finally waited for the "grey rhinoceros" that he expected to represent an accident.

However, emergency plans have been prepared in advance and supplies are fully prepared. For now, the problems displayed by Calvin's physical signs are far from the most dangerous ones in the plan.

Even in the eyes of the pharmacist, he simply and instinctively performed the task of changing and supplementing nutritional categories without even thinking effectively.

Calvin's body regained effective nutrition supply in a short period of time, and his absorption efficiency was even improved due to the improvement in the type of nutrient solution.

The high-frequency operation of the brain no longer alarms after receiving stable support, and the corresponding alarm of the life-support cabin also quiets down. The brief crisis seems to be over.

Calvin in the spiritual world had just breathed a sigh of relief, and then a new wave of more deadly challenges came:

The mysterious blood that had been deliberately frozen to achieve the inactivation effect finally began to activate three hours after entering Calvin's body.

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