Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes

Chapter 11 Sword and Soul

"I do have some questions to ask, if you'd like."

Calvin simply stopped thinking about lunch, it was just a meal.

He turned and walked towards the desk in front of the old man, and sat down face to face with the old man on the other side of the desk filled with books.

When Calvin sat firmly, he looked up at the old man. Only when he was close enough did he have the opportunity to notice that the bones and muscles of the person in front of him were at least three dimensions larger than his own.

And he has many subtle characteristics, such as the long breath that is almost inaudible at the end and the chest cavity that defies common sense and expands forward instead of to the sides when inhaling;

Another example is that his small muscle groups are extremely abnormally developed. In many places, Calvin seems to find it difficult to maintain efficient growth even if he exercises deliberately.

Only then did Calvin realize that the person sitting across from the table in front of him might not be an ordinary person.

"Tell me what your doubts are."

The old man was unfazed by Calvin's observation, even approving of it. He still spoke gently.

"Can a person be considered humane if he doesn't love himself?" Calvin asked.

"If he loves his relatives and friends, then he does." The old man seemed to have anticipated Calvin's question and replied with a slight smile.

"What if he loves others more than himself?" Calvin asked.

"That's not human nature." At this point, the old man couldn't help but sit up.

"What's that?" Calvin asked.

"In our view, that's a form of divinity."

"So the Emperor is also called the God Emperor?" Calvin asked again.

"Yes, but the children who inherit his genes are unwilling to do so. But this does not affect us, calling him sacred."

"Not God? But divine?" Calvin didn't understand.

"When a person spends his whole life fulfilling his righteousness and never changes his original intention. When he turns a false promise that should never be fulfilled by a mortal into reality with a lifetime of practice, he is holy." The old man also became serious when he said this.

"That's it..." At this point, Calvin understood.

In the hometown where he once lived, there were some people who betrayed their privileged lives and chose to embrace the ordinary; they restrained their desires and chose to stick to their promises; they put the iron-clad discipline they talked about into their mortal bodies with a lifetime of struggle. practice.

When they finally pass away over time, the lies they lived their lives become truth. Therefore, in the eyes of later generations, they are sacred.

"Thank you for your advice." Calvin no longer had any doubts in his mind, so he stood up and prepared to leave.

"So, do you know what to do?" the old man asked.

"You should act accordingly, and don't dare to be a queen." Calvin said.

"Very good, you should praise his name and do his righteousness. He will also watch, and I will watch." The old man was obviously in a good mood.

"If there is a chance." Calvin was a little disapproving, but still answered out of politeness.

"There will be." At this point, the old man smiled. Then he lowered his head and started reading again without speaking.

In the days that followed, Calvin still used his free time to browse books in the library during intense training, but he spent less and less time in the literature and history area.

As he learned more about the history of the empire, he slowly found his place. No matter what the reason is for him to live in this world again. But out of recognition of his own human identity, he is also willing to fight for the fate of this race when necessary.

In October, Terra time, the cold wind of winter began to howl. Along with the cold wind of winter comes the final exam of the college. There is no way, purely in terms of training cycle and "production capacity", the political commissar training class is probably the most efficient major in the entire psychic scholastic academy, bar none.

Every year, countless young people undergo training here for a few months or up to half a year, and then are sent to the army stationed in various places in the empire.

Then more young people were collected by the empire and entered this place, but they still could not fill the infinite desire of the imperial army for political commissars.

There is no other reason. Even if you look at the entire empire's mortal armed forces, the trainee political commissar has the highest death rate among all positions.

After three years of internship as a political commissar, if the young man has neither died in battle nor been shot due to military regulations, then a graduation certificate from his alma mater will be sent from Terra, usually along with the rank and title of the official political commissar. Promotion notification.

But the real situation is that Terra usually doesn't have the energy to check the service performance of each trainee political commissar one by one. The bureaucracy that permeates the entire Ministry of Interior has given civil servants enough enthusiasm to develop various processes that may allow them to be a little more lazy.

The specific methods are as follows:

1. When the trainee political commissar is sent to the army, his promotion order has been printed out and sent to the corps-level headquarters of his army.

2. If the time is not up, the clerk of the legion will issue the promotion order and related supporting materials received three years ago.

3. The corps clerk then sends the list of dead personnel and unused promotion orders back to the Ministry of Interior.

4. The Ministry of Interior will directly start issuing death notices based on the returned list.

After summarizing the above four points, it is not difficult to find that the unknown reason why the trainee political commissar's death notice was always late in the evening for two or three years has finally been explained clearly.

Home Office officials who "invented this process" are proud of it, and they triumphantly declare it to be "creative laziness."

Calvin didn't know or care about all the above. He was calmly waiting for the assignment order to arrive after the exam.

From the perspective of him and his classmates, wherever they go is an order from the Empire. In the eyes of Calvin, who recognized his own identity, soldiers should obey orders as their bounden duty.

He is eager to take over his own army, and he is even more eager to use the knowledge he learned in his previous military career to re-forge an army from the inside out, from bottom to top, similar to the one in his previous life that became indestructible because of his faith.

To borrow the words of a certain boss, "Army construction is like forging swords. It takes three years to mine, three years to wash the ore, three more years to refine the ore, and three more years to cast the ore."

"It takes 12 years to forge a sword. Once the sword is completed, its cold light will shine for a hundred years."

The transformation of the human mind is complicated, but once a group consensus is reached, it can be preserved for a long time. Unless this unit experiences a total number of deaths at the level of reconstruction, this consensus will be passed on silently in the form of military honor and mission.

It might be hard, but Calvin was patient. This is a systematic project and a long-term cause that builds people's hearts.

In Calvin's previous life, troops with such a glorious tradition were called "heroic troops", and this glorious tradition was also called "military soul."

The old rule is, start first and change later. It is recommended that friends watch it after half an hour. . .

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