Warhammer 40k: Shattered Steel Soul

Chapter 92 Magnus and the Devouring Bee

Magnus didn't know what kind of evil god the Holy Tzeentch was. Prospero's old beliefs had long been lost in the annals of history and could not be verified, but he could confirm one thing, that is, the current situation had changed for Prospero. Perot was extremely disadvantaged.

His judgment on the role of the sextant was correct. What he had misjudged back then was the terrifying power that nine identical instruments would produce when they resonated.

The wave of ether is spreading to the entire planet at a high speed with the Tizka Golden Tower as the center. The nine-color energy will pass through the nine ruins on the surface or the temples dedicated to evil gods hidden in the city. The bird will break through the stone statue's shell and fly high.

And Magnus knew that if the truth behind the curtain was fully revealed, no one on this planet would survive for more than a ninth of a second.

The only thing that can give him some comfort now is that most of the ruins of the nine temples of Tzeentch are located in another deserted hemisphere of the planet. Therefore, the damaged corners of the curtain of the Supreme Sky have not yet been unveiled over Tizka, the City of Light. The truth of the ethereal ocean.

A powerful shock wave forced Magnus to formulate a more powerful psychic shield to resist the crisis. Before the sky was completely lifted, the first person to be hit by the ether was Magnus himself inside the Tizca Great Library.

The entire pyramid was already a furnace of chaos. He gritted his teeth and silently recited what Perturabo had told him not to think too much about giving up distracting thoughts and focus on tracing back to the core of this temple in the chaotic space and energy flow. location.

After pushing aside countless crystal blades and twisted branches piercing the surroundings, and rotating several times in the ever-changing space, he found the remains of what was once Almazbek.

Its spiritual energy has been sucked dry by the sextant, and its soul is irreparably broken. The weird and twisted half-bird, half-human body curls up powerlessly in the altar-like observatory, with hot blue flames burning every part of it. A dead bird feather.

Magnus immediately recalled that when he and the scholars were reorganizing the pyramid a few years ago, it was Almazbek himself who proposed the design of this observatory.

He had no time to shudder at this, and even the missing shoes no longer bothered him, because the energy flow that suppressed the altar had consumed all his energy.

Magnus used what he had learned throughout his life, from the simplest tearing of telekinesis to the art of time and space that he had only slightly touched upon - he occasionally made the flow of time nearly stagnant on a small scale to assist in some research, to try to break through this mass of time and space. The outer layer of protection of the sacrificial ritual is constantly changing every moment, and the ether vortex formed each time gradually strengthens.

Endless mixed frantic tones were trying to penetrate Magnus's ears at all times, dragging him into the fate of the Lord of Usurpers. Thousands of irresistible pains disrupted his mind. It wasn't enough to make Magnus fall, but it was enough to make it difficult for him to escape.

Everything around him hid countless images of death and distortion, but this only made Magnus angrier. Unknowingly, he got rid of the mental requirements required to cast spells. He drove the etheric surrender with cold commands instead of love and addiction.

The analysis of the altar rituals quickly yielded results. An unknown twisting force made the protective rituals that naturally exclude foreign objects here only be peeled off layer by layer through careful and lengthy dismantling.

Using a large amount of psychic energy to forcibly break it will instantly destroy the precarious balance within the ritual, causing an explosion large enough to tear Tizca apart. By then, only Magnus may be able to survive in the city.

As for using a large number of physical attacks such as ammunition and artillery in the real universe to try to solve the ritual, the outcome will indeed be different, because Magnus himself is likely to fall into the sub-system torn apart by energy turbulence after the artillery disrupts the psychic operation. In the space crack.

Not only that, this cosmic scar is very likely to expand to the Prosperoa sector, pulling everything within billions of kilometers into the bottom of the vast ocean.

After calculation, Magnus was completely frightened by the dangers caused by attacks at the physical level.

Magnus struggled to cover the periphery of the pyramid with his spiritual energy, trying to control the outflow of energy in the core area of ​​the Nine-Golden Tower Ceremony, and delay the complete start of the ritual in the temples in other areas on the planet's surface.

The power of the so-called evil god of Tzeentch is still limited in the real universe. This attempt effectively left more time for Magnus to dismantle the ritual. His tense spirit relaxed slightly and he devoted more patience to the meticulous dismantling work.

Soon, Magnus confirmed that the key difficulty in dealing with this unknown ritual was not the ritual itself, but the supporters behind it. Every time he erases a layer of psychic structure, another mysterious energy will immediately add a new spell, increasing Magnus' workload.

If someone can deal with the evil god himself hiding behind the scenes - although this sounds like a complete delusion, then his efficiency in dismantling the ritual will immediately increase several times.

In any case, Magnus tried not to think about the dead scholars and Perturabo who had died once. He temporarily forgot about the intense pain in his heart, and did not think about the torn cloth robes and ashes on the ground. , without recalling Perturabo's voice or face.

He slowly advanced his work, until something huge suddenly hit the protective layer of the outer wall of the pyramid, attracting Magnus' attention.

Limited by the need to maintain the stability of the psychic energy here, Magnus cannot leave and can only temporarily observe as best he can through a variety of psychic and non-psionic means.

The noisy buzzing like a wasp penetrated his ears, and the increasingly harsh flapping of wings and the screams of the Tizka people outside the pyramid began to sting his nerves.

Magnus looked outside the tower, and saw a large number of terrifying insect-like monsters covering the sky like black clouds. They rushed towards Tizca from every ruin, carrying crazy violence and sleeping for many years. of hunger.

The Devouring Bees, which covered the sky like waves, easily shattered the Tizka psychic shield that was currently unmaintained due to the deaths of many scholars, and rushed into the city to kill.

Thousands of hooked legs and sharp beaks that can easily crush human heads, as well as countless slender limbs and swollen heads, bring back Tizka's long-forgotten fear. Countless polygonal compound eyes beyond human imagination are accumulated in the stinky environment. The frightened faces and desperate roars of the Tizka people were reflected on both sides of Nausea's head.

Other psykers who were not involved in this theft used aether to tear some of the Devouring Bees into pieces from time to time. Pillars of fire ignited all over Tizca, but the time it took to kill one of the Devouring Bees was enough for ten Devouring Bees to pounce on it. Spellcasters, not to mention many mortals in the city who are not good at fighting.

Magnus burst into an angry roar, but deep inside the roar was despair. He couldn't suppress the activation of the Sacred Rite of Tzeentch while sweeping away hundreds of millions of Devouring Bees - which was not a difficult task.

Quickly, he came up with a stupid idea, but now it was hard for him to say what other options he had.

For a Primarch with absolute psychic talent, it is not impossible to delay or even stop the flow of time on a small scale. In fact, some outstanding psykers can do this.

And in infinite time, he should accomplish infinite things.

The difficulty of this spell for Magnus is just the huge consumption of spiritual energy. Magnus has to believe that he can do it.

The flow of all things slowed down greatly before Magnus' eyes, and the excessive use of psychic energy caused his soul to burn. An uncontrollable scream came from his mouth, but everything Perturabo experienced gave Magnus enough psychological support.

He divided more spiritual energy at once, condensed it into a golden ball of light like the sun, and suspended it in the sky above the Great Pyramid of Tizka, maintaining the fierce game with the dark ritual below.

Later, in the still time, Magnus left the pyramid and rushed to the city of Tizca, where he slaughtered the invading Devouring Bees and rescued more mortals from countless chitin claws. When dealing with the Devouring Bees, he tends to use spiritual energy to strengthen his physical strength. This is not only more efficient, but also helps Magnus release some of his suppressed emotions.

Whenever the ether in the light ball is about to be exhausted, and darkness is about to erupt, swallowing everything like night, Magnus pauses his fight with the evil beast, rushes back to the top of the pyramid, and refills the light ball with more golden spirit. Yes, let the light of the sun continue to shine.

He believed that there was an end to the number of evil beasts, he had to believe it.

Magnus didn't know how long he could hold on. He could only wait for a turning point with the hope in his heart.

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